Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 405: Xing Tianwu's relatives, the 6-winged golden cicada died in the nether worl

Journey to the Heavens from Jiangye Chapter 405 Xing Tianwu's Relatives

Three hundred thousand miles to the north of Feilai Mountain, the Golden Cicada, which had escaped such a distance in one breath, watched, and the mist-shrouded peaks stopped.

The fairy family counts a step of shrinking the ground into an inch, and three thousand miles of ordinary people count as one step, and a thousand steps are one mile.

And 300,000 li is full of ordinary customs, and 900,000 li is a full distance. Under the same realm of many Hunyuan immortal families and the realm of gods suppressed by Hongjun ancestor, it is so easy to escape. Apart from the three-legged Golden Crow clan in the past, there is only the six-winged Golden Cicada in Kuai Xian's family.

"It's really dangerous just now, this Su Xuan really doesn't talk about the virtues of immortals, and uses the Taiji diagram as soon as he comes up.

He also soaked this seat in the soup, and when this seat enters the Daluo Jinxian realm, he must give Su Xuan a retribution. "

"God Comes"

The six-winged golden cicada, which had already re-formed into a human body, looked in the direction of Feilai Mountain, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after not sensing that there was a fairy family traveling.

At this moment, the Six-winged Golden Cicada was inexplicably grateful to the old boy Zhunti, but then the Six-winged Golden Cicada gave up this idea.

The Xiantian Lingbao was born before the heaven and the earth, which represented a certain avenue, and he who had not yet reached the realm of the Daluo Jinxian, would be worthy of that Zhunti old boy to exchange for an Xiantian Lingbao?

This is enough to show that the old boy must be mentioned, and if he is asked to do things in the future, if he fails, he will have to pay for his own life.

"No, I will take a step first, and I won't go back to Mount Sumeru in the west."

The six-winged golden cicada, having made up its mind, changed direction and continued to flee like a crazily rainbow. While fleeing, it kept changing directions.

But in the eyes of those who are interested, all of this is just a cover-up. As long as you don't leave this world, in the hands of the Hunyuan Xianjia, there is nowhere to hide the whereabouts of the Six-winged Golden Cicada.

Several hours passed.

Panting, the Six-winged Golden Cicada stopped on an unknown mountain.

At this moment, the six-winged golden cicada said vigorously: "I laugh at Su Xuan for being courageless, and laugh at Zhunti for being ignorant. From now on, the mountains are as high as the birds, and the seas as wide as the fishes."

The six-winged golden cicada, who thought he had escaped twice, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the miasma surrounding him. In such a desolate place, probably no immortals would come!

"Six-winged Golden Cicada, today is your memorial day next year!"


At this time, a ray of ax pierced the silence, and slashed at the six-winged golden cicada standing on the top of the mountain, who was already ecstasy.

Looking at the attacking giant axe, the Six-winged Golden Cicada reacted in almost half an hour, and the golden rule directly replaced the rule of the road in front of him.

Up and down the four directions, past and present!

They are still guarded tightly, even if Da Luo Jinxian came, it would take a while to sand him down.

And what he wants is this moment of effort, this moment of effort is enough to be ready for that old boy to save him.

"It's ridiculous, Six-winged Golden Cicada, do you think you can stop me with this little trick?"

A burly man with a height of three feet took the huge ax that flew upside down, and said: "Six-winged golden cicada, during the catastrophe of the Lich, you devoured the body of my son of the Wuzu clan. Ghost."

The six-winged golden cicada hiding in the barrier of the Dao law, looked at the burly man in front of him, and said, "Xing Tian, ​​do you think you can kill me? I'm not afraid to tell you that I am now the second leader of the Western Church, Zhunti Zhenren Disciple under the sect, when that old brat Zhunti arrives, I will make you look good."

When the Lich was in calamity, he had indeed devoured the corpses of many witch clans. If not for this, he would not have been able to step into the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal so quickly.

But it's all swallowed up, can he spit it out again?

"Hmph, Zhunti can't come anymore. Back then, you not only devoured the corpses of my son of the Wu clan, but also the corpses of the Yao clan."

Xing Tian said indifferently.

Although there is a deep blood feud between the witch clan and the monster clan, when facing this six-winged golden head, no matter whether it is their queen mother of the witch clan or the ancestor Kunpeng, the demon master of the monster clan, they all have only one attitude.

That is one word "cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!"

Xing Tian swung the ax again, mixed with the laws of the Dao of Strength, and directly split the laws of the Dao of Gold that protected the six-winged golden cicada.

The law has taken root, and in the entire nameless mountain range, I don't know how many veins have been born, and I don't know how many creatures will benefit in the future, all of which are for later.

The Six-winged Golden Cicada didn't know how many axes were struck by Xing Tian before he staggered to his feet, looked in the direction of Mount Sumeru, and shed tears of regret. If he had listened to that old boy Zhunti, he might not have to die today .

"Can you spare my life, I am willing to take refuge in Empress Houtu."

On the occasion of life and death, the Golden Cicada sincerely surrendered.

Xing Tian held up the Godly Ax and said, "No, the decree I received is to let you enter the underworld to receive the punishment you deserve."

Then Xing Tian raised his ax and dropped the six-winged golden cicada's true spirit temporarily, and put the six-winged golden cicada behind the gourd filled with Mengpo soup, and then left contentedly.


Three million miles away from Mount Sumeru.

Zhunti stared coldly at Kunpeng who stood not far away, and said viciously, "Mr. Kunpeng, I will definitely make you pay with blood."

He couldn't sense the movement of the Six-Winged Cicada anymore. It was obvious that this idiot had already been taken down by the Witch Clan and sent to the Forgotten Underworld.

He is not his senior brother Yuanshi who can climb up with relatives, so the Six-winged Golden Cicada entered the nether world, which is equivalent to directly exposing his plan to Ping Xin's eyes.

And the most annoying thing is this demon master of the demon clan.

Ancestor Kunpeng sneered: "Zhun mentions that you are shameless. You were also a guest of Zixiao Palace back then, but you shamelessly snatched the seat of the poor. If it weren't for this , if you spit out the primordial purple I won’t stop you today.”

In Zixiao Palace back then, he also had a seat. If it wasn't for Hongyun Laoer and Zhunti Xiaoer, he should be the one who is now called Hunyuanxian's family.

Zhunti sneered and said: "Then let's see the real chapter under my hands!"

Asking him to spit out the Primordial Purple Qi, I'm afraid it's just a joke?

Even if he could spit out the Primordial Purple Qi, he would not give it.

"Zhunti, you can't even beat Nuwa, and you dare to speak out."

"Zhou Tian Xing Dou array, get up!"

Following the order of the demon master Kunpeng, dozens of demon gods from the realm of Da Luo Jinxian joined hands to form the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation.

The brilliance of the stars in the heavens and the world has become extremely bright at this moment. The sky is not born with a circle of stars, and the formation is like a long night through the ages.

"Fellow Taoist Kunpeng, Pindao is here to help you."

The sea of ​​blood pierced through the space and entered the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation.

Another quaint scroll descended from the sky and entered the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array.

That book is called "Book from the Ground!"

Then some practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm who had been trapped by Zhunti on weekdays also joined the battle one after another.

There is no such opportunity in ordinary times, but now the demon master Kunpeng, the leader of Styx, and the ancestor of the earth immortal Zhen Yuanzi, the three veterans have almost completed the way of Hunyuan, and they are only one step away from proving the way of Hunyuan The three immortal families of Da Luo Jinxian provided a platform for the Da Luo Xian family in the heavens and myriad worlds.

A platform that can temporarily trap Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

This day is destined to be turbulent!


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