Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 415: Queen Mother's Choice

On the West Kunlun Mountains!

Lu Wu, the God of West Kunlun Mountain who guards the mountain, after seeing that the two sects of interpretation and interception, and the immortal family of Daluo Jinxian realm came hand in hand, he quickly opened the mountain guard array and let Yunxiao and Cihang enter the mountain.

Not long after entering the West Kunlun Mountains. The two met the blue bird who came to greet them. It is the blue bird that is often used by the Queen Mother of the West to deliver messages.

Therefore, this is probably the most unique point of this senior Queen Mother of the West. Most immortals like to use flying swords to pass on books, or other talisman seals, but this senior Queen Mother of the West prefers this kind of blue bird to go to the palace. Signaling.

Qingniao looked at Cihang who was often seen before, and said: "Senior Sister Cihang, you came at a very bad time. Your Majesty is in a very bad mood recently. When your Majesty was playing in the world, she was angered by a rabbit."

As for what Qingniao said, both Cihang and Yunxiao were clear about it, presumably apart from the parties concerned, they were the only ones who knew the cause and effect of this matter best.

Cihang said solemnly: "Qingniao, Yunxiao and I came here next door to solve this matter, please hurry up and take us to see your mother."

"Okay!" Qingniao nodded, and said, "Your Majesty has been staying on the top of West Kunlun Mountain recently. When you go, don't make your Majesty and her old man anxious."

She still still remembers the angry appearance of the empress after being angered by the rabbit. If the rabbit hadn't reported in time that he was the direct disciple of Master Tongtian, the rabbit would have become an innate spiritual treasure long ago.

"Take it naturally."

Under the leadership of the blue bird. The group turned into rainbow lights, and after walking for about half an hour, they finally arrived at the top of West Kunlun Mountain.

"Explaining and teaching Yuxu Palace Yuanshi Tianzun's sect. His direct disciple Cihang has met the senior Queen Mother of the West."

"Under the sect of Master Tongtian of Jiejiao Biyou Palace, Yun Xiao, an outer disciple, has met Senior Theo's mother."

Yun Xiao and Ci Hang looked at the magnificent Queen Mother of the West in light black clothes, and bowed in salute.


The Queen Mother of the West turned her back to Yunxiao and Cihang, and said: "Nephew Cihang, Nephew Yunxiao, you should not come to my West Kunlun Mountain at this time, because even if you come, I will not go to Chaoge.

In many cases, right or wrong is not important to Xianjia. But when you really stand on the top of Daluo, the realm of Hunyuan is also within reach, right is right, and wrong is wrong, but this right and wrong only concerns me. "

She was indeed playing in Chaoge City before, and she did see Chang Er Ding Guangxian, a direct disciple of her senior brother Tong Tian, ​​and the lifeless Chang Er Ding Guangxian did humiliate her.

So she was very angry, but what did Chang Er Ding Guangxian have to do with him writing the real names of six practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm on the Liuhun banner?

Cihang said: "Senior Queen Mother Xi, my teacher has a letter for you."

While talking, Cihang took out the letter written by her teacher Yuanshi Tianzun to the Queen Mother of the West.

But Queen Mother Xi, who got the letter, just glanced at it and said with a sneer: "Nephew Cihang, your teacher is still as good at suppressing people with a brilliant momentum after so many years, so why is Heavenly Venerable like this? Why don't you go to Chaoge yourself?"

No matter which rabbit from the Tongtian family was the little abacus of the Hunyuan immortal family, but now that things are getting serious, and it seems that it is about to get out of hand, they still want to let her, the bitter master, come forward. There is no such reason in this world.

The top of West Kunlun Mountain fell into silence.

At this time, holding the jade box, Yun Xiao, who had been silent for a long time, said: "Uncle Xi Wangmu, a direct disciple of Renjiao, there is Su Xuan, the master of the Taoist temple flying to the mountain, and there is a jade box for the uncle. Su Guanzhu once said, After Xiwangmu and Uncle Xi opened the jade box to have a look, they will go to Chaoge to have a narration."

The Queen Mother of the West sneered and said: "Then I have to take a good look at this palace. What kind of tricks can a small practitioner of the golden fairy realm play in this catastrophe of conferring gods."

Queen Mother Xi knew very well about her senior brother's disciple who was the best at handling things. If she hadn't been free recently, she would have gone to Xiqi to meet that nephew Su.

The Queen Mother of the West took a step forward. Although she still stayed where she was, she had arrived at the West Kunlun countless billions of years ago.

At this moment, the Queen Mother of the West carefully opened the jade box, only to see that there was nothing else in the jade box, but at the bottom of the jade box, there were a few large characters carved with insect seals.

The Queen Mother of the West smiled calmly and said: "You are ordered by the Tao to rule the heavens? It's a pity that many Daluo immortals helped each other back then, but they never won the emperor. Nephew Su, what can you change?"

In the heavens and worlds, there are always some mavericks who like to add other reputations to their rule, such as the saying that if you are ordered by the sky, you will live forever!

"God Comes"

But the inhumane way of heaven regards all things as straw dogs. Since they are all straw dogs, what is the difference?

"Forget it, what can I do if I go to Chaoge?"

The top of West Kunlun Mountain.

Queen Mother Xi came back to the present, looked at Cihang and Yunxiao, and said, "I like Guanzhu Su's gift very much, but if you tie the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, this gift is not enough."

The implication is that you have to add money.

Ci Hang, who knew the meaning of Queen Mother Xi, said: "After the matter is I would like to follow my uncle's orders."

She also knew very well that if she wanted to invite the Queen Mother of the West, she would have to pay a high price, but no matter how much she paid, she would have to return the Liuhun Banner to the Biyou Palace on Golden Turtle Island in the East China Sea.

Then three rainbow lights shot up from the top of West Kunlun Mountain and headed straight for Chaoge, the capital of the human race.


On the way to Chaoge City.

Above the billowing sea of ​​clouds, the flying boat split open the sea of ​​clouds, on the deck of the flying boat.

Su Xuan looked at a pile of jade boxes that were nowhere to be placed, and couldn't help laughing: "The teacher once opened the furnace and practiced so many jade boxes that can isolate the practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian Realm from being probed. Now I have sent out one, and the next one should be given away." To which fairy family?"

"Ah Choo!"

"Ah Choo!"


Su Xuan couldn't stop sneezing, which frightened Shen Gongbao, for fear that Senior Brother Su had fallen into some unknown spell.

The conscience of heaven and earth!

This time, he didn't say anything to his Senior Brother Su.

Fellow Daoists, please stop!

After sneezing a thousand times in a row, Su Xuan said with a sad face: "You don't need to worry about Junior Brother Shen, just don't worry about being caught by a practitioner in the realm of Daluo Jinxian."

And he can probably guess that the one who misses him is the Queen Mother of the West, the lord of the West Kunlun Mountains.

Ordered by the Tao, command the heavens.

For the Queen Mother of the West, who once ascended to that position, getting down from that position was the greatest pain.

Using the position of the Lord of Heaven as a bait to lure the Queen Mother of the West to come to Chaoge to alarm the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, the Queen Mother of the West can indeed continue to be that seat, but it is only for a short time, but she will still be that seat after all.

After all, Xing Tianwu is a relative, Meng Zhigu is always there!



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