Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 424: Ziya forcibly sealed the gods, and the world was shocked.


The bell on the Conferred God Stage was melodious.

The three sacrifices of pigs, cows, and sheep have been placed properly, and Jiang Ziya is also dressed. Since coming to Xiqi, he seldom wears the Taoist clothes of the direct disciples of Yuxu Palace.

The breeze blows behind the Conferred God Stage. Jiang Ziya, who was dressed in Taoist clothes, had a bit of fluttering sleeves, and he looked like a real immortal.

Jiang Ziya ignited the immortal incense which was ten feet high, and the blue smoke of birds and birds filled the entire Fengshentai in just a moment.

In the most central position of the Conferred God Platform, on the list of hundreds of feet long and three or two feet wide, there are countless worms and birds written in seal script.

Each of the real names of the fairy family above represents a fairy. Jiang Ziya also served as a doctor in the big business, and he knows exactly where the big business is bad.

The war in the world should no longer be controlled by the Xian family.

"According to the Taishang Yuanshi Tongtian teachings, today is the ninth canonization of the gods. If any fairy family who receives the gods and seals dares to stay in the world and does not go to the thirty-three heavens to worship the emperor of heaven, they will be punished as resisting the gods. .”

With the help of the Conferred Gods List and the Conferred Gods Platform, Jiang Ziya's voice appeared in the ears of the two sects of interpretation and interpretation, as well as Sanxiu Xianjia.

On the Conferred God Stage.

Jiang Ziya wrote vigorously, one by one real name, was written by Jiang Ziya on the list of gods, and one after another the seal of the gods was found according to the real name of the immortal family.

In an instant, on the stage of conferring gods, Huaguang made a masterpiece, and the last batch of gods, which should be 3,625 gods, were forcibly conferred as gods with Jiang Ziya's vigorous writing.

Realizing that something was wrong, Yang Jian hurried to the Conferred God Terrace, looked at the uncle who had already finished writing, and said bitterly, "Uncle Jiang, what have you done?"

Yang Jian's gaze turned to the God-conferring talisman seal that had gone away. Under his uncle's forcible conferring of the gods, the situation between Dashang and Xiqi was brought back to the same starting line.

"Uncle, but is it really worth it for you to do this?"

This is not what is written in the story book. According to his Uncle Su's plan, as long as he follows the process of conferring gods, his Uncle Jiang can naturally confer a god, but now he is forced to confer a god. It can be called treason.

At this time, Jiang Ziya had long lost the energy and spirit of just now. After forcibly enshrining the last batch of immortals, Jiang Ziya's figure began to become awkward. Zhang Si

The breath of the five declines of heaven and man also began to permeate Jiang Ziya.

Seeing this, Yang Jian used his own cultivation to protect Jiang Ziya, and Jiang Ziya's spirit improved a bit.

Standing on the edge of the tens of thousands of feet high Conferred God Platform, Jiang Ziya said: "Nephew Yang, we are all members of the Yuxu Sect, and we are all very clear about certain things. Practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian rely on their own abilities The realm of cultivation has made an unknown number of deduction in the heavens and worlds.

But no matter how it is deduced, the future of practitioners is still gloomy. That's why there is a reason for practitioners not to respect the order of the emperor, not because the practitioners do not respect the order of the emperor. . "

He is the disciple of his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun, the practitioner with the lowest level of cultivation, he has walked a long way, and he can climb to the realm of Yuanshen.

His younger brother thought that their teacher was eccentric, but in fact, no matter which Daluo immortal family, he has been to the deduction in the heavens and worlds!

Practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian can freely travel through the timeline with the permission of the Hunyuan sage, and pull out the timeline to create countless worlds alone.

Used to avoid the future, the gloomy future of practitioners.

Yang Jian also said helplessly when he heard the words: "I have never heard of what Jiang Shishu said, but Jiang Shishu, your **** position is gone at this moment."

I saw that the closed list of gods turned into a rainbow and went straight to Zixiao Palace.

On the Conferred God Stage!

Jiang Ziya looked at this extremely withered God Conferred Altar with a calm expression, and said, "But Master, the old man, gave me a **** after all!"

Yang Jian couldn't help asking: "Dare to ask Uncle Jiang, what kind of **** is it?"

Jiang Ziya smiled without saying a word. strong reading

I saw that the magic whip that Jiang Ziya used as a crutch turned into a long pole at this moment and Jiang Ziya held it tightly in his hand.

Jiang Ziya laughed loudly and said, "Jiang Taigong once again, the gods retreat!"

Following Jiang Ziya's voice, Jiang Taigong once again retreated from the gods, and Yang Jian was sent out of the Conferred God Stage in an instant.

I saw the scene of the goddess scattering flowers and the golden lotus gushing from the ground, covering the entire Conferred God Platform. Jiang Ziya stood on the Conferred God Platform, rushing to the thirty-third heaven realm like a bright lamp.

Then he rushed out of the realm of the gods, out of the heavens and worlds, out of the vast void, and finally Jiang Ziya, who was only in the realm of the primordial spirit, actually drove into the river of time and space on the platform of the gods.

In the next moment, in the heavens and worlds, the countless figures Jiang Ziya left behind in the past followed closely behind Jiang Ziya.

No fairy family knows the heavens and myriad worlds, how many square worlds, how many square worlds, how many small worlds, and how many square worlds.

Every time Jiang Ziya reincarnated, he merged with it at this moment, illuminating the entire river of time and space, and some immortal families who planned to smuggle in were even driven by Jiang Ziya to the Conferred God Stage, engulfing the practitioner who was prophesying towards the Taoist ancestor. The gloomy future escapes.

This trip may take countless But once Jiang Ziya arrives, the fairy family from all heavens and myriad worlds will also arrive.

At this moment, many immortals who knew the inside story also bowed in the direction of Jiang Ziya's departure.


Flying to the mountain, there is a Taoist temple.

Su Xuan looked at the flying sword letter in his hand, couldn't calm down for a long time, he turned to his family, and said: "I didn't expect that there is such a person in all the heavens and worlds."

What made him even more unexpected was that Jiang Ziya knew everything that Yun Zhongzi didn't know.

Wherever the Conferred God Stage is, there will be the immortals.

He doesn't know where the gloomy future of the practitioner is, but he knows that as long as he becomes a Daluo Jinxian, at worst, he can go upstream from the long river of time and space.

And Mo Shanshan, who has listened to Empress Nuwa's preaching for nearly a hundred years, said: "Uncle Nuwa also said about this matter, but we are still going down the long river of time and space. Just pick the Da Luo Jin Immortal Dao Fruit."

She and her family, Su Xuan, knew very well that all kinds of schemes were only for practitioners under Da Luo, and among the heavens and worlds, practitioners of Da Luo's Golden Immortal realm were also extremely rare.

Su Xuan said calmly: "No matter what, we have to pull our hometown out."

Practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm are not omnipotent. It is easy to make one world, but the difficulty is to let one world give birth to life.

The second is to open a large canal and build a closed loop of time and space on the long river of time and space. This is all based on the practitioners of the Da Luo Jinxian realm and themselves. control big owls



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