The next day, the practitioners in the coalition army gradually dispersed, some went to various units of the coalition army to practice, and some went to the wasteland alone, looking for illusory opportunities.

Outside the Mochiyuan camp, Mo Shanshan, who was about to bid farewell to the disciples of Mochiyuan, looked at the disciple of Mochiyuan who suddenly fell to the ground, and looked at the old monk in the distance with a pale face.

Holding his sword, Mo Shanshan asked, "Senior, did you come here to seek revenge?"

The death of the disciple of the White Pagoda, although Xiling made the final conclusion by covering the coffin, but after she returned to Mochi Garden, she would still face the wall and think about her mistakes, and would not give anyone any excuses, but she did not expect that the White Pagoda would use a great practitioner who knew the realm of fate Come kill her.

The head of the Discipline Academy proclaimed the Buddha's name, and said: "Master Moshan's disciples in Mochiyuan have not been harmed in the slightest, but the future national teacher Daoshi of Moonlun Kingdom has died in Huangquan, the old monk just wants to hear the truth from Master Moshan, but If Lord Mo Shan doesn't say anything, then don't blame the old monk for not caring about Wang Shusheng's face."

A cow killed the future national teacher of the Moonland Kingdom. Although Xiling had already made a conclusion and the head of the Discipline Academy strictly ordered him not to go out, but his son died tragically. How could he sit in front of the Buddha and recite the Dharma quietly?

Mo Shanshan listened to the questioning from the head of the Discipline Academy, and said: "Senior, the death of brother Daoshi is indeed as Xiling said, how dare this junior lie."

Although it is bad to lie, the relationship between her and the White Pagoda has long been on fire, even if she told the truth, she would not get the slightest understanding from the monk.


The head of the Discipline Academy said: "Since Master Mo Shan is so obsessed with obsession, then I have no choice but to send you home."

The Zen rod buzzed, and the thought power accumulated for decades mobilized the huge vitality of heaven and earth, and it crushed towards Mo Shanshan.

Mo Shanshan used an infinitive to draw the Brahma talisman to counterbalance, and stood in front of the disciples of the Mochi Garden. Although the head of the Discipline Academy did not kill the disciple of the Mochi Garden, if she couldn't stop the destructive one from the head of the Discipline Academy... The blow, the disciples of Mochiyuan must have suffered heavy casualties, and even her teacher Wang Shusheng would have nothing to say.

The burning sky talisman belongs to fire, when this half-way talisman appeared, the surrounding temperature also rose, and a dense layer of sweat appeared on Mo Shanshan's cheeks.

Seeing this, the head of the Discipline Academy sneered, "You are really good, bookworm girl, but why do you have to be so stubborn? Even if you draw a half-way talisman, it still can't stop my Buddhist sect's supernatural powers."

If Wang Shusheng was here, he might still be afraid of it, but how could he care about a bookworm in the Dongxuan realm? What means.

Ning Que, who rode a **** horse from the Mochiyuan camp in the distance, jumped off the **** horse after realizing that Mo Shanshan was in danger.

Hiding behind a big tree, he observed carefully. After learning the talisman with Master Yan Se for a while, he naturally recognized the Taoist talisman hanging in front of Mo Shanshan.

Ning Que took down the Yuan Thirteen Arrows carried by the **** horse. The head of the Discipline Academy is very powerful, and he is not an opponent, so he has to wait for an excellent opportunity to make a move.


At the same time, Su Xuan, who was standing on the rugged boulder by the Daming Lake, looked in the direction of the Mochiyuan camp, and said, "Evil heretics, you should be killed!"

Ye Hongyu at the side didn't know why Su Xuan said such words, but when she saw Su Xuan who was full of anger, she also swallowed back the words she wanted to ridicule. She had been in Zhishouguan for many years and had never seen Su Xuan before. Hyun had such an angry expression before.

Su Xuan glanced at the long sword at Ye Hongyu's waist, and said, "Senior Sister Ye, borrow the sword."

It was said that he borrowed the sword to use it, but before Ye Hongyu could say anything, the long sword hanging from Ye Hongyu's waist had already been unsheathed and flew out. After drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it was steady. fell into the hands of Su Xuan.

Su Xuan cut Daming Lake with his sword, and the sword energy fell into the water vertically and horizontally, causing several big waves, "Although it has not surpassed the five realms, this is not the reason why you came to deceive me. Today Su took advantage of the full water of Daming Lake, and The first battle of your precepts academy."

He was very angry and naturally wanted to vent his anger. What other way to vent his anger was faster than beheading a person with a flying sword?

The waves in Daming Lake were churning, and countless water waves were shot into the air. Su Xuan looked at the water waves and said, "But how do you know that I can't achieve the same force of heaven and earth?"

After throwing the long sword in his hand into the air, he took out the scroll of heavenly scriptures that had been hidden in his bosom for a long time, and waved lightly at the lake full of water that had risen seven feet above the surface of the lake. It turned into a water sword, and after a breath, thousands of water swords flew into the air and disappeared under the sky.

Ye Hongyu looked at the dried up Daming Lake and said, "Using the Heavenly Book as a tool, how could you do this?"

It's not that she hasn't read the heavenly book, but Ye Hongyu never thought that using the heavenly book as a weapon to bless her body to such an extent, but acting like Su Xuan is tantamount to treason.

Not far from the Mochiyuan camp, seeing Ning Que, who was about to dissipate the half-burning sky talisman on Mo Shanshan, bent his bow and set his arrows at the monk whose head was a little dazzling in the sun.

However, at the next moment, Ning Que put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and looked at the sky under the sky in a daze. The countless water swords that suddenly appeared, it was hard to imagine what kind of realm it was to achieve such a means.

Sensing the danger under the, the first seat of the Discipline Academy withdrew its majestic thoughts. He looked up at the countless water swords in the sky, and then at the iron sword made in Xiling. A lot of grief and indignation, it turns out that he shouldn't have appeared on the wasteland from beginning to end.

"The head of the Discipline Academy, may I ask you, have you ever seen Wan Jian piercing the heart?"

Among the countless water swords, Su Xuan's voice resounded. Su Xuanfang was able to achieve such a level with the help of the scrolls from the heavenly scriptures.

Mo Shanshan's heart warmed, and the Burning Heaven Talisman dissipated into nothingness. She said respectfully, "Thank you, Mr. Su, for saving me."

She thought that she would go back today, but who would have thought that Mr. Su, who had been gone for many days, would use such a means to come to rescue him, so she was very happy in her heart.

The head of the Discipline Academy said in a deep voice: "I am the head of the Buddhist Discipline Academy, Su Xuan, if you kill me, aren't you afraid of the Buddha's censure?"

At the juncture of life and death, the head of the Discipline Academy remembered his identity. With such an identity, Mr. Su would have taken care of it.

Among the countless water swords, a voice sounded again, "The one who killed you was the full water of Daming Lake, what has it to do with me?"

After hearing the news, the head of the Precept Academy recited the Buddhist scriptures, and the Buddha's light emerged from his body. Since the day of practicing, the immeasurable power of thoughts accumulated has turned into a barrier to protect the whole body at this moment.

The next moment, countless water swords fell rapidly.

Every water sword is comparable to a blow of a Dongxuan realm, so countless water swords are irresistible means in the world. If it is mysterious, Su Xuan can't compare to the sword of Liu Bai, the sword sage of the Southern Jin Dynasty. , nor can it compare to the supernatural powers of the Guanzhu, let alone the master's lack of discipline.

But the heaven and the earth have the same force, and the means that are not in harmony with Xuantong, how can a heretic be able to stop it?



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