Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 456: The sky thundered, Su Zhenren watched the battle

After getting the will.

Hundreds of heavenly boats and thunderstorms stretched across the blue sky, smashing towards the twelve golden men.

The thunderbolt, the cardinal of heaven and earth, the creator of life and death.

In an instant.

Under the blue sky, billowing thunder, like hailstones, turned into thunder curtains and went straight to the twelve golden men.

Tianlei already has the ability to dispel evil spirits, and in the eyes of the rolling and falling Tianlei, the Twelve Golden Man full of evil spirits is the best target.

Then the thunder curtain arrived, and the twelve golden men bathed in the sky thunder, and countless sky thunders fell in the blink of an eye.

Thunder came rolling in without a break.

for a while.

Within a million miles of the entire world, there is thunder rolling in. I don't know how many monsters who wanted to cross the catastrophe died under the thunder.

In the city of Xianyang.

There is a wine shop outside.

Su Xuan, who was drinking the fairy wine and looking at the newly released scriptures after who knows how many years, threw away the scriptures in his hand, looked at the thunder curtain extremely far away under the blue sky, and said with a smile: "Except for my The junior uncle's direct line, this time the thirty-three heavens are fully mobilized, could it be that you are really just for the sake of the Great Qin Emperor?"

In his opinion, the war between the Great Qin Emperor and those practitioners who escaped from the Great Wall was essentially a battle between his little uncle who had experienced many calamities in the world and the Great Qin Emperor for luck.

Therefore, it is not that simple to mobilize people from the thirty-three heavens.

Mo Shanshan came out from the house, she looked at her family Su Xuan, and said: "The war has started, many practitioners have died, and several immortal families were strangled to death by the Twelve Golden Men, I don't know that our little uncle When will you show up?"

Su Xuan laughed dumbly and said: "Soldiers are against soldiers, generals are against generals, and the Emperor of Heaven will naturally be against the Emperor. If the Emperor of Qin does not come out, our little uncle may not come out. If Wen Zhong was not afraid that he would not be able to clean up the mess, he would It may not be possible to eliminate the evil spirit with the thunder."

Speaking of the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals, he had only heard about it, and had never seen it at all. In his previous life, he had read many books describing the Great Formation of the Gods and Demons of the Twelve Capitals.

At this time, Mo Shanshan looked at the figure in the distance and said, "Longji is here, probably because of our little uncle."

Su Xuan nodded and said: "No accident, Long Ji has obtained the decree of our master, Patriarch Hongjun."

After all, there is still a deep relationship between master and apprentice. The Queen Mother of the West can sit in the seat of the Emperor of Heaven for a period of time, and the three thousand disciples in Zixiao Palace can sit in one if they want to sit and cry, but only outsiders can't sit in it.

Their little uncle, after all, is their ancestor who chooses the emperor of heaven, and the uncle Xi Wangmu can only sit for a while after all. As for how much compensation their master will give to Xi Wangmu and uncle, it depends on their Xiwangmu and uncle. How thick is the skin.

Not long after, Long Ji, who was wearing a spirit armor, had already arrived outside a wine shop.

Long Ji bowed and saluted: "Disciple Long Ji, I have met my teacher and my wife."

Seeing this, Su Xuan nodded slightly, and said: "Longjiwu apprentice, you came to Xianyang at this critical time, and came to find you as a teacher. I think Patriarch Hongjun has already given you the edict."

Facing his own apprentice, Su Xuan did not beat around the bush, nor did he pretend to be profound, but pointed out the problem directly.

Long Ji nodded and said: "The teacher is really clever. Ancestor Hongjun has given the decree to the apprentice, but the disciple has not read it. The ancestor said that the teacher should watch it in person and not spread it outside."

Then a crystal clear jade sword fell into Su Xuan's hands.

After Su Xuan arranged according to the Taoist supernatural powers, he could see clearly what their master wanted him to do, but in this way, his uncle Xiwangmu couldn't beat him into a piece of innate spirit. precious.

After a long silence, Su Xuan just said: "Let's not talk about other things, go to watch the battle first, and wait for the situation of this war to change before talking about other things."

The meaning of ancestor Hongjun is very simple. It is nothing more than that their ancestor didn't want to come out to be that villain, drive his Queen Mother of the West away, and then couldn't find other immortals to do this, so this difficult matter The matter fell on Su's head.

Not long after, a flying boat flew across the sky from Xianyang, directly ignoring the witch array in Xianyang City, and went straight to the front line.


Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

When Su Xuan rushed to the front line where Daqin was fighting with practitioners by flying boat.

The situation on the front line was already critical. As time went by, the practitioners' offensive gradually weakened. On the other hand, the Twelve Golden Men refined by the Great Qin Dynasty became more and more courageous as they fought, without any signs of decline.

"Under the whole world, is it the land of the king.

On the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers. "

The twelve golden men shouted in unison.

Under the impact of the evil spirit, countless practitioners in the realm of the primordial spirit died on the spot, and their cultivation for thousands of years was turned into fly ash in an instant.

The Guizhou chiefs were still holding crude magic weapons, and with a resolute and almost desperate attitude, they went forward one after another to die.


The Emperor of Heaven, who had experienced tens of thousands of years of calamity, couldn't help but feel a little lost when he saw the battle situation in front of him. This kind of intense war was a bit more gold-armed and iron-horse than the war he had seen in his calamity.

"One will succeed, ten thousand bones will die!"

"Since everyone is waiting for this emperor to make a, how can this emperor just sit here?"

"Haotian Mirror!"

He shouted loudly.

On the Nantian Gate, the mirror is solemn.

Dao Dao Shen Guang fell to the world from the Nantian Gate, and went straight to the Baihui above the twelve golden men.


There was only a loud bang, and the twelve golden men retreated more than a thousand feet under the sudden attack of divine light.

"Today, this emperor, who has returned from calamity, did not expect to be treated so warmly by the emperor in this unknown place. Since this is the case, let this emperor come and try the power of the Twelve Capitals Gods and Demons formation!"

Wearing the Heavenly Emperor's Crown Clothes, Zhang Bairen rushed towards the formation of the Twelve Capitals with the Heavenly Emperor's Sword in his hand.


Thirty-three layers of heaven.

Inside the West Palace.

The Celestial Emperor's Crown Clothes worn by Queen Mother Xi has long since disappeared, replaced by an antique celestial robe.

"Martial nephew Su, you are really good at calculating! It has been so many years, yet someone dares to lie to me again."

"But you have Zhang Liang's plan. I have kicked over the wall. I want to see how you clean up the mess and how to convey the decree of my teacher who cheated his apprentice."

Many immortals and gods in the heavens saw that the Western Emperor was crying and heading towards Zixiao Palace.

The Immortal Family of the Three Religions, who had experienced the catastrophe of conferring gods, already understood what His Majesty was going to do.

So many immortals hurriedly acted like the emperor of heaven, and chased the Queen Mother of the West to Zixiao Palace.

But after chasing and chasing, the Queen Mother of the West went straight to the human world. In desperation, the Heavenly Emperor went out to fight, and followed to the human world.



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