Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 464: The conspiracy of the five-color human race?

On the Chidao outside Chang'an City.

Su Xuan looked at the territory of the Great Han Immortal Dynasty, which was full of flames of war, and said, "Then why did Fellow Daoist Nanhua come here? Your apprentice, the current situation is not very good."

It seems that Zhang Jiao, who called himself General Tiangong, Zhang Bao, who called himself General Digong, and Zhang Liang, who called himself General Rengong, used some means of borrowing luck.

At the very beginning, it was indeed a one-stop effort, sweeping the entire Great Han Immortal Dynasty's hundreds of millions of territories.

But even the centipede is dead but not stiff, let alone the Great Han Dynasty that has been in peace for an unknown number of years.

Borrowed luck will eventually have to be repaid.

What's more, it is still paying off the principal with interest, and the fate of those who don't make it will inevitably be miserable for several people.

Hearing Su Xuan mentioning his apprentice, Nanhua's brows finally relaxed, and he said: "Su Daoist doesn't know something, I am in Chang'an and watching the five-color human race who came here is the greatest help to my apprentice. The descendants of the Red Emperor of the human race have arrived in Chang'an."

Looking at the Daluo Jinxian practitioner who was born in the five-color human race is equivalent to watching the basics of his apprentice.

"Interesting, really interesting." Su Xuan said: "Although I don't know what happened to the five-color human race in the past, I have also seen a few words in the Book Collection Pavilion of the Bajing Palace. I don’t know how many times the tyrannical person has been tyrannical, and since I don’t know how many times tyrannical, I will definitely not be willing to be lonely.”

Many times, the existence buried in the long river of time and space is always unwilling to be lonely. This is the case with the majesty Emperor Jun of the Heavenly Court of the demon clan in the past, and the same is true for the five-color human race that was annihilated in the long river of time and space in the past.

Nan Hua nodded and said: "The five-color human race is indeed unwilling to be lonely. After all, they still occupy the position of the five emperors, which is enough to ascend to the position of the five emperors in the thirty-third heaven."

No one can refuse such a temptation, not even practitioners in the Golden Immortal Realm of Daluo, but can the five-color human race do it?

"Really Su, farewell."

Then Nanhua Huahong left, returned to Chang'an City, and continued to look at the Daluo Jinxian of the five-color human race.

After Nanhua left.

Mo Shanshan was full of worry and said: "Why did the five-color human race withdraw from the long river of history, and why they were pulled out to make a comeback, but is the son of the Red Emperor really the great ancestor of the Great Han Dynasty? If so , how could the five-color human race be so cautious."

She was very puzzled by the sudden appearance of the five-color human race, or such doubts came from her ignorance of the five-color human race, and all doubts came from the unknown.

Su Xuan's eyes fell on the majestic Chang'an City, and he explained: "It is also possible that someone used the name of the Red Emperor, and the Han Emperor Liu Bang's uprising against the White Emperor could not be faked, but they were all swept away. Will the five-color human race in the depths of time and space really fight so fiercely?"

If this is the case, then the five-color human race may not be able to escape from such a dangerous situation, and they can come out and wander around again.

"It is true that someone has replaced the name of the Red Emperor, but those **** of the five-color human race are planning to return to the heavens and worlds.

However, among the heavens and worlds, it is estimated that no fairy family would welcome the five-color human race back to the heavens and worlds. "

I don't know when.

Empress Nuwa, dressed in luxurious clothes, appeared at the end of the road.

As Empress Nuwa approached, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan bowed to salute.

Su Xuan asked: "Dare to ask Uncle, why the five-color human race was wiped out back then, and why they chose to come out to stir up the situation at this time."

There is no doubt that this is a very critical time. As the opening of the next catastrophe, Nanhua's disciple Zhang Jiao said, "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky will stand; the year is Jiazi, and the world will be blessed."

It has already been regarded as the prelude to this catastrophe, and the return of the five-color human race has really made this catastrophe uncertain.

Nuwa looked at Su Xuan and his wife, and explained with a smile: "Back then, I was just a practitioner who had just entered the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and at that time, Xuanmen was just living between the five-color human race and the ancient gods. The small sect, at that time the Human Emperor Jiutou Clan of the Five-Color Human Race intended to recreate the foundation of the Five-color Human Race for eternity, but it was a pity that the Human Emperor Jiutou Clan failed later.

Afterwards, the five-color human race and the ancient gods fought countless battles over the long years. Jinxian was not even considered cannon fodder in a battle of that level. The five-color human race was defeated, and the five emperors of the five-color human race led the remaining five-color human race far away in time and space. Xuanmen took the opportunity to rise up, and used a battle of gods and mysteries to make the ancient gods retreat. "

This is the truth back then, maybe it has been beautified a bit, but this is the truth, she knows very well that once she speaks out some things, it will inevitably make many immortals or practitioners collapse.

After listening to the narration of Empress Nuwa.

After Su Xuan pondered for a long time, he said: "This should be regarded as the dark history of our Taoism, but since he has already left, why do he come back? Is it just for the sake of breathing?"

This sentence is not But for the immortal family, this sentence is a bit far-fetched, especially when it is used on the five-color human race that was able to resist the ancient gods back then. It looked extraordinarily pale.

It is a matter of time not to steam steamed buns to fight for breath.

The plan of the five-color human race is a plan of hundreds of millions of years. Could it be that the practitioners of the five-color human race are all idiots?

Could it be that because of a temporary incident, the plan of hundreds of millions of years will be abolished?

Nuwa explained: "Of course not. The motivation of the five-color human race is unknown this time, but what is certain is that this time the five-color human race will return to the heavens and the world must have an inexplicable relationship with the stone monkey."

The Sky-Mending Stone can only be an ordinary Sky-Mending Stone, but because of the birth of the stone monkey, the Sky-Mending Stone is no longer ordinary.

So it wasn't the Sky-Mending Stone that made the Stone Monkey, but the stone monkey that made the Sky-Mending Stone.

Su Xuan sighed and said: "It's an eventful autumn! The human world is also in turmoil now. I don't know how much the paradise that exists in the human world has been destroyed. The territory of the human race has long been torn apart. I am afraid that in the future, even the emperor will not be able to sit securely." gone."

In the past, the emperor of the human race could still be said to be in command of the entire human life, and later he could also command the entire human life in name, but in fact he commanded the entire territory of the human race.

Even the former Zhou Tianzi could shout out that there is no king in the whole world;

But if the Great Han Dynasty really collapsed again, it would inevitably lead to an unmanageable situation.

Nuwa's eyes fell on the entire territory of the human race. She looked at the human race who were constantly fighting and said, "What can I do?"

Su Xuan said melancholy: "Yes! What can I do?"

Mo Shanshan even sighed several times.



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