Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 49: Encounter with a Bookworm

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan, who was approaching the lake and had already led the horse, and asked with concern: "Master Mo Shan, let's meet again."

Reuniting with Mo Shanshan is naturally an excellent thing, but when he thinks about what will happen next, he feels a little unhappy.

Mo Shanshan slightly bent down and cast a Daheguo. After the extremely grand etiquette, he said solemnly: "Thank you Mr. Su for saving me. If Mr. Su didn't save me, I am afraid that the disciples of Mochiyuan would have been decapitated."

Su Xuan nodded and hummed, and said: "The head of the Discipline Academy of Xuankong Temple intends to kill the disciples of Mochiyuan. Since I saw it, how could I just sit idly by?"

He saw that it was natural to save, and the appearance of the head of the Discipline Academy itself was an accident. Since the matter started because of him, it will naturally end because of him.

Mo Shanshan continued: "No matter what, Mr. Su saved the disciples of Mochiyuan. Besides, this incident was also caused by the disciples of Mochiyuan. If the Buddhist sect blames Mr. Su, Mo Shanshan will help him with all his strength."

Since Su Xuan saved the Mochiyuan disciples, if she was blamed by the Buddhist sect for this, then she would definitely help with all her strength.

Ye Hongyu on the side, listening to Mo Shanshan's words, sneered and said: "Bookworm, you still underestimate Su Xuan, you can borrow the water from Daming Lake to kill the head of the Buddha Sect Discipline Academy, how can you be afraid of the censure later on?" , but Master Mo Shan, you have a pure mind, and you still need to beware of me, my junior, so don't be fooled by him."

When she was in the contemplation, she knew clearly that her junior brother was not a good man. She was also one of the three idiots in the world, so she naturally didn't want the book idiot to be fooled by Su Xuan. Among the three idiots in the world, Although there is also Lu Chenjia, who is not worthy of the name, but she still appreciates bookworms very much.

Hearing this, Su Xuan's face was a little ugly, he looked at Ye Hongyu with a cold face, and said: "Senior Sister Ye, I am also a great practitioner at the pinnacle of fate, your joke is not funny, besides, how could I deceive Mo Shan?" host."

From the first meeting in the wilderness to the meeting in front of the Mozong Mountain, he has never deceived the Moshan Master of the Mochi Garden in front of him. He is a principled practitioner, so naturally he is not good at deception and lies.

Ye Hongyu was still thinking about what to say, but when he saw Long Qing, who was attacking Ning Que in the distance, he was furious. A sneak attack is something that others are not ashamed of, let alone a practitioner who is entering the realm of knowing his fate , but also to sneak attack a practitioner who has just entered the realm of Dongxuan, this really makes people feel angry.

Looking at Long Qing's sneak attack, Mo Shanshan frowned, and she asked: "Mr. Su, Long Qing, who is known as the son of light, is actually such a person who sneaks up on an academy student, Mr. Su, won't you stop him?" ?”

Although she had already accepted a lot during the trip to the wasteland, some truths that Haotian teachings did not tolerate, but in her heart, the righteous way of Haotian was still a truth recognized by the world, but when she saw Long Qing attacking the disciples of the academy, such truths appeared There are countless cracks.

Su Xuan sighed, and said: "Lord Mo Shan, Long Qing is the second chief of the Judgment Department, and Ye Hongyu, the chief judge of the Judgment Department, is here now, if I try to dissuade him, I'm afraid Dao Chi will be very unhappy, besides that academy disciple , may not be defeated by Long Qing."

He naturally wouldn't believe that Ning Que, who had the Yuan Thirteen Arrows, would lose to Long Qing. Although Long Qing was already at the realm of knowing his fate, it was not impossible for Yuan Thirteen Arrows to kill him.

Mo Shanshan was surprised: "The back mountain of the Academy really deserves to be the most powerful unknowable place in the world, and there is a treasure that can allow the Dongxuan Realm to cross the border and kill the Fate Realm?"

In the Mochi Garden, she also read in the books left by her predecessors that those practitioners from unknown places were able to overcome their opponents across realms. She did not expect to see such a scene in person today.

"Dongxuan crosses the realm to kill Zhiming! Such a scene is really rare," Su Xuan changed his voice, and after a lament, he said meaningfully: "But Daoist is here, how can such a thing happen?"

Daoist is here, Long Qing will naturally not be killed by Ning Queyuan's thirteen arrows, but Long Qing's qi sea and snow mountain will be abolished, and a great practitioner who has just entered the fate will become a mortal who cannot perceive the vitality of heaven and earth. How is this different from killing Long Qing?

It's just that one is dying, and the other is really dying, but who stipulates that people who are dying can't get some rather mysterious opportunities?


In the distance, Ning Que stared at Long Qing. Yuan Shisan was pulled into a full moon shape by him, and Long Qing's every move was sensed by the power of the Cave Profound Realm.

It was hard for him to survive, so he couldn't die, so he had to ask Prince Longqing to die.

"Killers, people will always kill them! Long Qing, you deserve to die."

After saying this, Ning Que let go of the bowstring, and the arrow flew towards Long Qing at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see clearly, pulling out a white turbulence in the sky.

The talisman carved on the body of the arrow radiated light, making it impossible for Long Qing's mind to perceive it. Since it cannot be perceived, no matter how powerful it is, it is useless.

Long Qing looked at the arrow with unbelievable eyes, and said: "This is impossible, you are just a practitioner who has just entered the realm of Dongxuan, how can you shoot such a tyrannical arrow."

But it's a pity that Ning Que's arrow didn't give the proud Prince Longqing a chance. The arrow pierced through Longqing's sea of ​​Qi and Snow Mountain with the posture of an antelope hanging

Ye Hongyu looked at Long Qing who was being led towards those rugged rocks by a powerful force, made a sword finger with his right hand, and after swaying a few sword qi, said indifferently: "You are the Thirteenth Mr. Ning Que of the academy. , do you know what crime you committed?"

Even if she hated Long Qing as a waste, it was not the reason why Ning Que could abolish Long Qing. As a Taoist who broke into the realm of knowing fate, she had her own dignity, but now Ning Que let this dignity go to the ground.

Seeing Ye Hongyu who was going to kill Ning Que, Su Xuan stepped in front of Ning Que and said, "Senior Sister Ye, what do you want to do?"

Ye Hongyu snorted coldly: "Junior Brother Su, I advise you not to worry about it, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

Su Xuan went on to say: "This Mr. Ning, is not as easy to kill as the head of the Buddhist Precepts Academy. Besides, Senior Sister Ye, why do you think that Master is not watching here?"

He looked in the direction of Atami, saluted respectfully, and continued: "Longqing was attacked by Mr. Ning, and an arrow pierced through the Qihai Snow Mountain. It is clear at a glance who is right and who is wrong in this matter. If you want to judge the great priest, you can't do it." He will offend the master for a ruined son of light."

Regarding Long Qing's sneak attack on Ning Que, this was within his expectation, but he did not expect that Long Qing was so impatient, and without such an audience, it would be a little bit less interesting.

Ye Hongyu, who fed Long Qing an elixir, looked at the vigilant Ning Que, and said, "The gate of the Demon Sect is right in front of us, let's settle this matter later."

Ning Que didn't take Ye Hongyu's threat seriously. Could it be that there are practitioners in this world who dare to kill the master's disciples?



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