Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 523: Grand Water and Land Ceremony (2)

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With the support of the Great Tang Dynasty, the Water and Land Dharma Association of 800 sects of the western religion is very impressive. Some monks in remote areas also led their disciples and rushed towards Chang'an.


The time for the Water and Land Ceremony will inevitably be delayed by many days, and the monks who came from all over the world will be entertained in the future.

It can be said that the Honglu Temple in the Tang Dynasty was very busy, and the many sects of the Taoist sect seemed to be forgotten.

No one came to thank the sects that protected an unknown number of squares, and even several sects whose disciples suffered heavy casualties were even expelled from Chang'an City.

This also made the sects subordinate to the many dharma lines of the Taoist sect that still remained in Chang'an City inevitably feel a little bit sad.

And above Youjian Lingfeng.

Su Xuan was also quite angry. These days, the head teachers of many sects subordinate to the Taoist sect who still stayed in Chang'an.

Every few hours, a few flying swords were sent to him, and now there were as many as eight thousand if not ten thousand flying swords on his desk.

"It seems that His Majesty the Human Emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty received the strong support of some Buddhas from the 800 sects of the Western religion. Otherwise, how could this Great Tang Human Emperor, who has undergone the Xuanwu Sect change, be so unwise?"

"But His Majesty the Emperor, does he really regard Kongtong Yin as his own home?"

Now the Great Tang, the reason why he can have such power is nothing more than the Kongtong seal. Without the Kongtong seal, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, can His Majesty still be able to suppress the luck of the Emperor?

It's all a plan, it's all the plan of those old seniors, Huoyun Cave will not let practitioners touch His Majesty the Great Tang Emperor, because this Huoyun Cave needs His Majesty the Great Tang Renhuang to suppress and eliminate the evil thoughts of humanity Some.

With this premise, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty must be His Majesty, so he can rest easy, but a rabbit will jump over the wall when it is in a hurry.

A gust of breeze blew by, and the peach blossoms rustled down. Su Xuan waved the flying swords and sent them all back to where they came from.

Mo Shanshan watched the rain of swords entering Chang'an, and said, "But that majesty in Chang'an may not be able to see the rain of swords all over the sky."

She is very clear that her family Su Xuan's move is to support the sects that belong to the many dharma lines of the Taoist sect.

But desire always makes people selectively ignore certain things they see.

Su Xuan calmly looked at the mountains of her family, and said: "But we are the direct successors of the Renjiao after all, so the flying swords that are all over the sky must be sent back."

at the same time.

In the main hall on the top of Youjian Ling Peak, the ancient moral sword was unsheathed and hung in front of Su Xuan. Su Xuan looked at the ancient moral sword and said: "The sword rises from Chang'an, the sword rises from Chang'an."

Then the ancient moral sword turned into a stream of light, following behind the rain of swords all over the sky.

Seeing this, Mo Shanshan said helplessly, "I hope that those people can be alerted!"

A talisman flew out from Mo Shanshan's sleeve and flew straight to the sky, and then the talisman dissipated.

At this moment, the large formation of the sky screen laid down by the thirty-three layers of heaven was also broken open without a sound.

For the first time, Zhou Tian Xingdou appeared in front of the current Chang'an people, which is why in the early stages of cultivation, casual practitioners without connections were always unable to practice correctly.

Haven't seen it before, how to visualize it.

"Is this enough?" Mo Shanshan asked.

Su Xuan replied: "It should be enough! After all, we can't break some rules, we are a fairy family who abide by the rules."

They do obey the rules, follow the rules taught by them, and the rules taught by them are, do everything!

Mo Shanshan set his sights on the water and land puja venue that was being arranged next to the Sanqing Temple in Chang'an City, and said, "The eight hundred sects of the Western Sect are easy to calculate. I guess the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect have used the Journey to the West to win them over regularly. It’s just a pity that His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty cooperated with the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, which is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.”

The catastrophe of Journey to the West itself is extraordinary, and under the constant actions of the monster clan, it is even more unclear what to do.

If it were His Majesty the Human Emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty, he would indeed have the ability to participate, but the current His Majesty of the Great Tang Dynasty would not be able to participate in the catastrophe of Journey to the West.

There is only one end to forcibly joining in, and that is to fetch water from the bamboo basket in vain.

Su Xuan smiled calmly and said: "It's okay, there are indeed many ways to deceive people's hearts from the eight hundred sects of the Western religion, but with our display of supernatural powers just now, I think we can let many people see the truth clearly, and in front of the absolute realm of cultivation, bewitch Even if the human heart is strong, it is useless.”

It's demagogic.

It's very high-end, who wouldn't use it? You must know that in the battle between the Taoist sect and the demon sect back then, the methods used by both sides to deceive people were much more varied than the current ones.

You must know that even the method of bewitching people taught by the western religion Babai Pangmo is not inherited from the demon ancestor back then?


at the same time.

In the city of Chang'an, the sun and the stars appeared in the daytime. I don't know how many practitioners who are new to the practice and are meditating. After meditating, they broke through.

I don't know how many practitioners who have half-stepped into the realm of the primordial spirit entered the mysterious and mysterious realm of the primordial spirit at the moment when the stars appeared above the blue sky.

Countless sword lights shone, almost covering the city of Chang'an. The sword lights spanned 30,000 miles, and after passing through the imperial city of the Great Tang Dynasty, they put down and flew towards their respective positions.

On the square next to the Temple of Sanqing, the eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect hidden here, looked at the sky full of sword lights, and said bitterly: "The practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian realm of the Xuanmen have all made their moves. It seems that Hierarch, you still underestimated the bottom line of Taoism."

But the eight hundred side disciples of the Western Sect who were hiding at the scene of the Water and Land Ceremony did not dare to stop the sky-filled sword light, and could not stop it, because at least one practitioner of the Daluo Jinxian realm of the Taoist sect was watching here.

Once he makes a move, then he may never go back to the western land again.

He is only a cultivation base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, and when he meets a Daluo Golden Immortal, it is an extravagant hope to lose his soul.

"Welcome to the little mage of morality, who has come to the realm of the world."

"Welcome to the little mage of morality, who has come to the realm of the world."

In the city of Chang'an, on top of the spiritual peaks of the sects subordinate to the many sects of the Taoist sect, there were bursts of shouts.

This is the most sincere cry from those sects who belong to the many dharma lines of the Taoist sect.

Because the little mage of morality came, the savior came.

Su Xuan, who had already descended from Youjian Lingfeng Peak, heard the loud shouts resounding in his ears, and said helplessly: "It's a bit loud."

Mo Shanshan smiled and said, "It's indeed a bit high-profile."

"However, that's fine. In this way, those people who are swinging from side to side should finally make up their minds. Only when they stand in line can they go to war!"



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