Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 63: Rune of War of Light

The sound of morning bells suddenly came through this place, as if to say goodbye to the wind and snow, echoing on the nameless hill in the northern suburb of Chang'an City. The mountain is an unnamed existence, a small hill that is not high, and there is no one else except some poor scholars who come here to play on weekdays, but how can anyone come here in such a snowstorm?

Although this mountain has always been precarious and nameless, under today's wind and snow, this nameless hill will bear the battle he shouldn't have to bear. Can it exist?

On the nameless hill!

Yan Se patted the snow on her body, looked at Wei Guangming who was several feet away from her, and said: "Brother, the morning bell and the evening drum, this is the morning bell of the palace, but unfortunately you can't hear it, today's evening drum."

Amidst the constantly reverberating morning bells, the wind and snow became stronger and stronger. In the wind and snow, Wei Guangming looked at the wind and snow that he hadn't seen for a long time, and said with a smile: "Junior brother, I have a very strong premonition that I want to come today. I can still hear the evening drum, and even tomorrow's morning bell."

The Apocalypse Realm above the Five Realms is a very mysterious realm. If he wants to go back today, he must be full of death, but even now, he has not sensed the death that Haotian arranged for him.

Yan Se laughed and said: "You are now in the realm of apocalypse, this is your self-confidence, but you have escaped from Youge and went to the wasteland to prove that Ning Que is not the son of Hades, so why do you still listen to Su Xuan's words?" Why do you have to come here to Chang'an? You have already revealed the apocalypse. If you want to hide, no one will find you. Why do you have to come here to die? Could it be that without you, Xiling would not be able to choose a priest of light? "

His senior brother is very stubborn, but Yan Se never thought that Wei Guangming would be so stubborn that he insisted on listening to Su Xuan's nonsense, even though Su Xuan helped Wei Guangming find a successor, but the appearance of this successor, But it pulled the world into an unpredictable chess game.

Wei Guangming raised his old eyes, with a wry smile on his face, he said: "I am the priest of Guangming, and it is my duty to find the successor of Guangming, even if this is an unknowable place in Xiling. Xuan's conspiracy, I will definitely jump into it without hesitation, there are always things that must be done in life."

Yan Se looked at Wei Guangming and said, "This is your choice, but it is also my choice, so today, brother, I will go back with you."

Wei Guangming shook his head, looked at the wind and snow, and said with a smile: "Maybe none of us need to go back. The world thinks that you have lost the chance to step into the five realms, but who knows that you walk on the talisman way?" It's really too far, farther than I have traveled on the road to the apocalypse."

Thinking about it now, some things that the world thinks are really too stupid. If one enters the talisman Tao with the oath of pure yang, one cannot cross the five realms, so what is this junior in front of him?

Yan Se laughed and said, "Brother, please!"

Then Yan Se didn't wait for Wei Guangming to reply, and began to draw talismans in the air, gently waving his sleeves, the silent vitality of heaven and earth swarmed towards this nameless hill, and the wind and snow all over the sky stopped abruptly at this moment, and it was about to fall The snowflakes on the ground can no longer fall to the ground.

At this moment, under the sky, two horizontal and two vertical lines quietly appeared. This is the most powerful talisman of the talisman master Yan Se.

Both horizontal and vertical are two wells, and two horizontal and two vertical are the simplest truth in the world. Well characters can trap people, and they can be converged into lines from dots. Two horizontal and two vertical that are parallel but not intersecting are existences that can cut the rules of heaven and earth. .

The tenaciously growing trees on the hill and those jagged rocks have been turned into dust under this well character, nourishing this nameless hill that is about to be destroyed.

Such a talisman is naturally extraordinary and refined, and ordinary practitioners in the realm of knowing fate, facing this talisman, can only end in fragmented depression.

Yan Se looked at the big Talisman she had drawn under the sky, and said with a smile: "Brother, you should go, this may be the best talisman I have ever drawn in my life."

Wei Guangming looked at the big talisman with a solemn expression, and said: "You are not the power of the five realms. I haven't noticed it before. Now it seems that your well character has the strength to cross the five realms, but this is after all. It’s still Haotian’s world, and I happen to be the Great Priest of Guangming, although I have already deviated from Haotian, but I don’t think I will complain when I come to Haotian, and I borrow a little from the pious believers.”

Wei Guangming under the hash sign looked up at the sky, raised his scarred right arm cut by the hash sign, and shouted excitedly: "The light is immortal, Haotian will last forever!"

Before the words fell, the clouds above the sky were full of light, a majestic beam of light that was difficult to look directly at, fell from an infinite height, and the beam of light contained extremely compressed light, which belonged to Haotian, but not Haotian. strength.

As Wei Guangming said, this is the power he borrowed, but even if it wasn’t for Haotian’s personal blessing, this majestic light would make the talisman can block the light The talisman, that is the existence that Haotian does not allow.

For the existence that is not allowed to appear, it is natural to eliminate them, this is the simplest truth in Haotian's consciousness, but for the world, such a simple truth is very cruel.


On the small road to Lanke Temple, Su Xuan, who was driving an ox cart, stopped the ox cart and jumped onto the roof, looking at the beam of light that fell from the sky. At that time, a beautiful beam of light was passing through When the clouds cover, a colorful brilliance blooms.

Such a strange scene, in the eyes of those pious believers in Xiling, is the miracle that Haotian showed to the world. Even this not-so-broad path, many people fell to their knees. A few believers kneel down piously.

Su Xuan looked at the sky-penetrating beam of light hanging down from the sky, and murmured to himself: "The apocalypse of Wei Guangming, the great priest of the light in the past, and the well characters of Yan Se, the magician master, are indeed rare supernatural powers in the world. It's really extraordinary, but after all, you still can't play anymore, otherwise, my nephew and I won't be able to play this game of chess."

Ning Que hadn't returned to Chang'an yet, and the meeting he had imagined hadn't happened yet, so Wei Guangming and Yan Se couldn't be there, and he was going back on that nameless hill, so he wanted to stop fighting.

He jumped off the roof of the car, took off the crimson gourd hanging from the horns of the green ox, and took out the scroll book from his bosom. To stop such a battle, naturally special means are needed. If he is now five If he has a cultivation base above the realm, he naturally doesn't need to continue tearing up the book, but now he still needs to tear up the scroll of heavenly scriptures.

It's not a false name that the scroll from the heavenly book shocked the world when it fell, and coupled with his Dao sword that he has kept for a long time, it is enough to stop the sword.



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