Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 78: Inverted Book of Heaven

Inside the wine shop, there was a long silence, because what Ye Hongyu said was too straightforward, this is not a child's play house game, this is a war that may cause the death of a million people, maybe when the war comes, Those ordinary people who are in the war may not know why they are fighting?

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan who was in a low mood, and said: "Shanshan, such a situation is not what you and I want to see, I believe Haotian is not willing to see such a situation, we are all ordinary people, How can it be possible to resist Taotao's general trend and decide the lives of all living beings?"

Mo Shanshan asked with firm eyes: "Could it be that we can't avoid this situation?"

Wars are always extremely cruel. In the face of a possible global war against Tang, she can always think of those ordinary citizens of Dahe Kingdom who died tragically at the hands of practitioners from Yuelun Kingdom, and how many innocent people will be killed in the upcoming war. What about people dying?


Ye Hongyu snorted coldly and said, "Bookworm, you are thinking too simply. It is inevitable that the world will destroy Tang. Even if it can be avoided, the head teacher who is high on the throne will not allow Tang to exist forever, just because The academy is still there, but the master will leave one day, and at that time, the situation of the world's destruction of Tang Dynasty will also appear."

Mo Shanshan couldn't help asking: "But why did Master leave?"

The world-defying Tang Dynasty may appear, but it will not succeed at all, because the master is still there. How could such a sacred existence as the Master leave? Perhaps it should be said, what kind of things in this world can make the Master leave.

Su Xuan sighed, and said: "Master is the most powerful practitioner in the world. If Master doesn't want to leave, no one can make Master leave. Therefore, the ruling made a wrong calculation this time. The final result of this matter will eventually be determined." Watch the duel between Ning Que and Xiahou."

If Ning Que couldn't get out of the cliff cave, naturally he wouldn't duel with Xiahou. If Ning Que and Xiahou didn't go to the duel, then the story would naturally be another story, but Su Xuan believed that Ning Que could get out of the cliff cave. It came from his intuition for fellow countrymen.

Although Ning Que has obsessions and is trapped by the love of Sangsang, but other than that, Ning Que is a practitioner who is not trapped in things, and is not afraid of eternal night. If such a person can't get out of the cliff cave , then who can get out of the cliff cave in the mountain behind the academy?

"Give you!"

Ye Hongyu took out the heavenly book with a little warmth from her bosom and put it on the table, she said: "The Lord asked me to hand over this book to you. I don't care about the plans between you and the Lord, but I still want you to live."

If there really is a Pluto, then her junior brother is now destroying the plan of the Pluto. When the Pluto comes, the life of her junior brother will definitely be very miserable.

Su Xuan looked at the scroll with a yellowed cover, and said: "The Heavenly Book is an upside-down scroll, and the temple master actually asked you to give me this Heavenly Book. This is a surprise."

There are seven volumes in the heavenly scriptures: sun, sunset, sand, light, sky, upside down, and opening; each volume of heavenly scriptures has different rules, among them, the upside-down volume of heavenly scriptures can reverse the rules of the world, water flows from high places to low places, But under the inverted scroll, water can flow from low to high.

The breeze blew past the wine shop and lifted the inverted scroll on the table. Su Xuan couldn't help but smile bleakly, because the priest made a choice, which means that the Taoist sect has already made that choice.

What has been done will be done again; what has been done will be done again later!

The Dao is impermanent, who can stipulate that the Daomen cannot start from scratch?

Ye Hongyu said: "Junior Brother Su, I met my elder brother when I went down to Taoshan Mountain. That page of the scripture scroll has disappeared, so you have to give me a few more pages. After all, I have wasted a lot of effort in escorting the scripture to Chang'an."

Using the heavenly book as a tool, although Yu Haotian is a bit disrespectful, but from the perspective of the enemy, it does have an unexpected effect. At the foot of Taoshan, if there is no page of the heavenly book, she can't stop Ye Su at all. the Dao sword,

Su Xuan hurriedly put the Heavenly Book into his arms, and he explained: "Senior Sister Ye pays too much attention to foreign things like the Heavenly Book, it is not a good thing. Although I use the Heavenly Book as a tool, but I am not attached to the Heavenly Book, this is the master of the temple. The reason why you gave the Heavenly Book to me instead of you."

It's not that he doesn't want to tear off a few pages of the heavenly book and hand it to Ye Hongyu, but that he will very likely rely on the heavenly book to escape from Chang'an City in the near future. If something goes wrong, he, Su, will be the first to suffer People, no matter how much he explained at that time, in addition to giving him a kick, the master would give him another kick. He is still young and does not want to die.

Ye Hongyu looked at Su Xuan who hid the heavenly book, and said, "Junior Brother Su, you have a lot to do. By then, how many practitioners in Chang'an will be able to walk out of Chang'an City in one piece? I'm not a bookworm, I stay with you all day, do you want to watch me die in Chang'an City?"

She never knew what Su Xuan was going to But Ye Hongyu's intuition has always been very accurate. At this time, Chang'an City is already full of wind and rain. When she came to the wine shop to look for Su Xuan, He has already received accurate information that Liu Bai, the sword sage of the Southern Jin Dynasty, has set out at the invitation of Xiling, so no matter how big Su Xuan's mission is, with Xiling behind him, Chang'an will only be more dangerous.

Listening to Ye Hongyu's sour words, Mo Shanshan didn't say anything, but the blush on Mo Shanshan's face was enough to show that Mo Shanshan's heart was not very peaceful at the moment.

Seeing this, Su Xuan was also helpless. After pondering for a long time, he looked towards the backyard and said, "I still have a few rooms here. If Senior Sister Ye doesn't mind, you can stay here with me."

Knowing that it was impossible for Ye Hongyu to stay with him, Su Xuan still wanted to compliment her. After all, Ye Hongyu was also his senior sister, so how could he push her away?

A hint of cunning flashed in Ye Hongyu's eyes, and she said playfully, "Junior Brother Su's kindness is hard to refuse, and as a senior sister, I have no reason to refuse."

Su Xuan didn't want her to stay here, so she wanted to stay here anyway. Ye Hongyu wanted to see if this handsome junior, in front of his future Taoist companion, made the decision to drive her away. .

Su Xuan was speechless for a while after hearing this, he lifted a rock by himself and smashed his own foot, he looked at Ye Hongyu who had made up his mind not to leave, and said, "Senior Sister Ye, are you sure you want to leave?"

Ye Hongyu said, "I really don't want to leave!"

At the side, Mo Shanshan got up and took away the table. She didn't dislike the dusty food at first, but now Mo Shanshan has a little dislike for the Taoist who refuses to leave, but he has a good education She doesn't drive people out directly.



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