"I'm already crying blind! I didn't expect to win?".

"Sprinkle flowers, sprinkle flowers, Inuyasha is really the best!".

"Sisters have worked hard!".

"This is our victory!".


In the forum, it has become a carnival festival for Inuyasha fans at the moment.

Of course, Dragon Ball fans aren't so easy to fool.

"We're not convinced!".

"@小糊涂仙, shopkeeper, come out, we want an explanation!".

"I misjudged you, shopkeeper, you actually favored Inuyasha and helped them cheat?".

"We have to be given an explanation!".


Mu You was originally going to wait and see how things would develop, but he didn't expect that the spearhead would be led to him coldly.

"I guarantee with my reputation that all the votes in this voting post are true and valid, and there is no cheating on both sides. As for the drop in the number of votes in the last moment of Dragon Ball, it was because someone temporarily changed the vote. "Poster: Little Fool Fairy.

In fact, there is no need for Mu You to post this explanation post, many Dragon Ball fans have already guessed the cause and effect of the incident.

But it's one thing to guess, it's another to accept it.

Seeing the duck that reached its beak, it flew out alive, even if it was a modern person, it would explode in its mentality, not to mention this group of ancients who came into contact with the Internet for the first time.

"The shopkeeper, you say, which comic do you prefer?" replied: The first transmitter of the Turtle School Qigong.

Coldly, such a reply popped up below.

There is no way, the number of votes can no longer be changed, and the unwilling Dragon Ball fans can only retreat to the next best thing and want to save some face elsewhere.

"That's right, shopkeeper, I have long wanted to ask, which is your author's favorite comic?"

"Yes, voting doesn't matter, the shopkeeper's first work is Dragon Ball, obviously a Dragon Ball fan!" Respondent: Weiyang.

"Don't be afraid, shopkeeper, say it boldly, I know you must be the most favorite Inuyasha, right?" Respondent: Born beautiful.

"You still need to ask, the shopkeeper must like Dragon Ball the most!" Respondent: The green shirt does not change.

"It's obviously Inuyasha!" "Replyer: Luo Yufeifei.


"This is a proposition!".

The corners of Mu You's mouth twitched, and he was about to scold Cheng Chumo to death in his heart, this thing is really good at making trouble, no matter what he answers, he is destined to offend the other party.

However, it would be naïve to stump him with this kind of question.

"Thank you for your love of the two comics, and I can understand your differences, after all, these are two completely different comics. As an author, I have the same feelings about these two works, and no one comic is necessarily better than the other, and I hope you can like these two comics together, and everyone can live together peacefully, and don't quarrel about it!"

A standard official response finally stopped the quarrel in the forum.

All the fans were speechless at this time.

Believe you, you ghost, look at the headline you voted for, and you almost wrote the words 'fight up' on your face, and now you tell us to live in peace? How is it possible?

After today, the fans on both sides are afraid that they will completely become feuds, and they will fight when they meet in the future.

Mu You naturally also considered this problem, and after a little hesitation, he posted a new post in the forum.

"I would like to inform all members that in view of the high popularity of Inuyasha and Dragon Ball, we have decided to open sub-sections for both works, and in the future, please move to their respective sections for discussions about the two-step works. At the same time, every new work will be released in the future, and a new page will be opened. "

After Mu You finished posting, he immediately opened the sub-pages for the two comics, and at the same time, he also used voting methods to set up the positions of one moderator and three administrators respectively, and will be responsible for managing and maintaining the order of their respective layouts in the future.

As expected, as soon as this post came out, it immediately diverted everyone's attention.

Fans on both sides of the flock to their respective layouts and began to compete for moderator and administrator qualifications.

The main board instantly became much more deserted.

The election of moderators and admins is quick, as the votes are basically one-sided.

On the Dragon Ball side, the 'King of the North Sea River' successfully served as the moderator with his unbeatable popularity.

In addition, the "first inheritor of the Turtle School Qigong", "the person who practices martial arts", and "the three young men of the Du family" have also become administrators because of their active performance in recent days.

And on Inuyasha's side, 'Natural Beauty' was also promoted to moderator by an overwhelming margin, leaving the 'Three Daughters of the Tokai Family', 'Luo Yufeifei', 'Butterfly Dance' and others, happy to mention the administrator.

Everyone is in their own place, and there is a happy scene in their respective pages.

Even if there are occasional people who don't have long eyes, if they have to provoke in the other party's layout, they will quickly be deleted by their respective management.

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