Chapter 0108 – Qin Jiuge Marries Xuanlu Niangniang, Houtu Niangniang Comes to Qin Mansion!!

Many little demons, it is still not clear who Qin Jiuge is marrying.

However, they knew that the valley of the Wu Clan had been linked to the Qin Land.

In the future, they will not be able to bully the people of the Wu Clan at will.

“The Bull Demon King has arrived!”

Not long after Xuanxian Niangniang sent him in, the Demon King hurriedly rushed over.

“Brother Qin, congratulations…”

The Bull Demon King’s eyes looking at Qin Jiuge were full of envy.

He didn’t understand at all why Qin Jiuge didn’t have anything to do with marrying so many beautiful women.

And he just married more than forty people, and these women made trouble at home every day: “Thank you Brother Niu!” ”

Qin Jiuge said as he invited the Bull Demon King in.

“Brother Qin, why did you marry someone from the Wu Clan!”

The Bull Demon King asked in a low voice.

“What happened to the people of the Wu Clan?”

Qin Jiuge asked curiously.

“You don’t know that Buddhist people have been chasing and killing the witch race?”

The Bull Demon King shook his head slightly after speaking.

Qin Jiuge did not pay attention to it.

Xuanlu Niangniang is the ancestor of the Wu clan, and her strength is very high.

Moreover, above his Qin Mansion, there are also twelve Heavenly God Burning Arrays.

As long as he did not receive and introduce saints, he would not be afraid.

And now Buddhism is preparing for the Great Tribulation of the West.

Wouldn’t care about him here at all.

Not long after the Bull Demon King entered, the King of Nanshan came here with Zhu Bajie.

“Qin Land, who did you marry this time?”

“Why the old pig doesn’t know!” is very curious.

In the past, Qin Jiuge married a daughter-in-law, and as long as he inquired casually, he would know who it was.

But today, Zhu Bajie asked many people, and they didn’t know who Qin Jiuge married, but they just knew that it was a woman from the Wu clan.

“Inside please…”

It was impossible for Qin Jiuge to tell Zhu Bajie any information about Xuanlu Niangniang

Xuanlu Niangniang is a beauty during the flood famine, and her cultivation and heels are very good.

The beauties he used to marry, Zhu Bajie was very jealous after he knew it.

If he knew that Qin Jiuge had married Xuanxian Niangniang, then Zhu Bajie’s eyes would be red, and night would fall soon after.

Qin Jiuge also sent all the guests away.

When the Bull Demon King left, he also specially instructed Qin Jiuge not to get too close to the Wu Clan.

After seeing off all the guests, Qin Jiuge walked towards the cave room.


Inside the cave room.

Xuanlu Niangniang was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing a red gown and a red hijab.

At this moment, Xuanlu Niangniang was still very confused.

She also did not expect that she would marry.

And she was married to someone outside the Wu tribe.

However, Xuan Xianniang did not regret it.

After all, Qin Jiuge helped her recover her physical body.

It also allowed her to regain her strength.

With strength, she will be able to shelter the people of the Wu Clan.

Although the Wu Clan cannot stand on the top of the Three Realms again.

“But she is very happy to have thousands of Wu Clan people left.”

It was at this time that the door of the cave opened. Qin Jiuge carried a wine jug and walked in from outside.

Until now, Qin Jiuge was very excited.

He also did not expect that he would marry Xuanlu Niangniang.

You must know that Xuanlu Niangniang is not only very beautiful.

And the cultivation is also very high.


Qin Jiuge said as he lifted the red hood on top.

Under the red hijab, is the blushing Xuanxiang Niangniang.

“Madam, it’s time for us to have a drink!”

Qin Jiuge said while pouring a glass of wine for Xuanxian Niangniang.

“Xianggong… Please! ”

Xuan Niangniang’s face turned red.

After the two had exchanged glasses of wine, the candles in the room went out.

Maybe the night was too wonderful.

Qin Jiuge stayed here for two days.

For more than two months, Qin Jiuge also stayed in Xuanxiangniang’s room.

Also on the day Qin Jiuge came out, he invited Lang Zhong to the house.

“Congratulations to the land master, Niangniang is happy.”

Lang Zhong’s face was full of joy.

As long as the land lord’s wife is pregnant, he can receive a large number of rewards.

“Good, good, go down and receive the reward!”

Qin Jiuge’s eyes were full of excitement.

Xuanlu Niangniang is an ancestral witch.

Her roots and feet are top within the three realms.

He believed that Xuan Niangniang would definitely be able to give him a special offspring, and Xuan Niangniang was also very shocked at the moment.

Nor did she expect that she would conceive a child.

However, she was also very happy to see Qin Jiuge so happy.

After all, Qin Jiuge is her father-in-law.

During the period when Qin Jiuge was waiting for the Xuanlu Niangniang and child to descend, the good news of the Qin family also came one by one.

First, Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit became pregnant.

Subsequently, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Caiyun Fairy, Kanzhixian and Bixiao Niangniang were also pregnant.

Hearing this news, Qin Jiuge was naturally very happy.

These people have very good roots.

In just a few months, he will be able to obtain many offspring of the product.

Also on the day that Bixiao Niangniang was pregnant, a special guest came from above the Qin Mansion.

This special guest is a stunning woman wearing white tulle.

This white light gauze woman has a graceful figure, and a pair of snow-white long legs loom under the white light tulle.

“Houtu Niangniang, why are you here?”

Seeing this stunning woman, the plum blossom fairy stood up in amazement.

“Houtu Niangniang!”

Qin Jiuge looked at the stunning woman not far away with a shocked expression.

He also did not expect that this special guest was actually a Houtu Niang who had incarnated into reincarnation.

“Sister Xuanlu, where is it?”

Houtu said lightly.

“In the room, I’ll take you!”

The plum blossom fairy hurriedly walked towards the room with Houtu.

However, Houtu did not follow the plum blossom fairy at the first time, but set his eyes on Qin Jiuge’s body.

When Houtu came out of reincarnation, she already knew that Xuanxian Niangniang had married Qin Jiuge.

She was very curious about who Qin Jiuge was.

He could actually let Sister Xuanlu marry him.

However, Houtu was more curious about how Xuan Xian was resurrected.

Back then, she had seen with her own eyes that Xuan Hao was killed by the Nine Infant Demon King.


Qin Mansion, inside the room.

Xuan Xianniang was sitting on the edge of the bed embroidered with flowers.

Originally, Xuanlu Niangniang did not like these needlework.

“But since Xuanxiangniang became pregnant, she suddenly liked needlework.”

It was also at this time that the door to the room suddenly opened.

“Xianggong, take a look… This dress…”

Xuan Xianniang’s words stopped as soon as she said this. Because she found that it was not Qin Jiuge who walked in at all.

It’s the plum blossom fairy and the Houtu niangniang.


The moment she saw Houtu Niangniang, Xuanlu Niangniang was also there.


Houtu Niangniang’s eyes turned red, and she ran directly to Xuanxian Niangniang.

Xuan Xianniang and Houtu Niangniang hugged each other for a long time before they let go.

“Sister, what happened back then?”

“Weren’t you killed by a sneak attack by the Nine Infant Demon King?”

Houtu Niangniang looked at Xuanlu Niangniang and asked.

“Sister, I was attacked by the Nine Infant Demon King back then, and my soul drilled into this ring!”

“More than two hundred years ago, this ring was recovered by the Plum Blossom Fairy! Xuan Niangniang said slowly. ”

“What’s going on with your physical body?”

“Why are you still married?”

Houtu Niang Niang is very curious.

Xuanlu Niangniang is very proud within the Wu clan. Even those strong people in the flood famine period couldn’t look at it.

Unexpectedly, today I married a small piece of land.

“Sister… I…”

Xuan Niangniang slowly told Houtu Niangniang how she obtained the flesh.

Then how did she marry Qin Jiuge.

“Hey, sister, I’ve really suffered you all these years!”

Houtu Niangniang sighed slightly.

She also didn’t expect that so many things actually appeared on Zuwu Xuanxi’s body.

At the same time, she is also very sympathetic to Xuanxi.

Actually married such a lecherous man.

But fortunately, Qin Jiuge is still very good to Xuanxi.

Houtu Niangniang and Xuanxian Niangniang talked for two days before hurriedly leaving.

When Houtu Niangniang left, she also invited Xuanlu Niangniang and Plum Blossom Fairy to her reincarnation hall as guests three years later.

Xuan Niangniang and Plum Blossom Fairy naturally answered in one mouthful.

Five months after the departure of the Houtu Niangniang.

Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao Niangniang all gave Qin Jiuge Niu a descendant of the Nine Pins Root Foot.

These descendants allowed Qin Jiuge to increase his cultivation by thousands of years.

However, Xuanxiangniang’s child was not born.

Qin Jiuge was not in a hurry at all.

He knew that the better the child’s roots, the more time it would take.

Finally, a year later, Xuanxiangniang’s child was finally born.

At the moment when Xuanxian Niangniang gave birth to the child, the entire Fuling Mountain was wrapped in a terrifying anger.

This anger carries terrifying coercion and law.

Those little demons on Fuling Mountain, as well as some demon kings who were not strong, were all suppressed to the ground by this terrifying coercion.

“What’s going on?”

“How can we Fuling Mountain have such a terrifying anger?”

“Where did this terrifying coercion come from?”

“Could it be that Zu Wu has come to our Fuling Mountain?”

“It’s impossible, Zu Wu has all died in battle long ago.”

Looking at the terrifying anger, many little demons and demon kings were very confused.

Because they all know this terrifying anger, only the ancestors of the Wu clan have it.

But Zuwu had all died as early as the Lich War.

Within the Qin Mansion.

“Congratulations sir, the mother gave birth…”

A servant handed over a child into Qin Jiuge’s hands.

[Ding, congratulations on the emergence of a special constitution among the offspring of the host, the body of the ancestor witch]

Also at the moment when Qin Jiuge took the child, a system prompt sound came over.

“Ancestral Witch Body!”

Hearing the system’s prompt, Qin Jiuge was very excited.

He also did not expect that Xuanlu Niangniang actually gave birth to a descendant of the ancestral witch body to him.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ancestral witch body…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining two thousand years of cultivation]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ancestral witch emperor Jiang essence blood…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Pangu Axe fragment…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining five thousand merit points…]

[Pangu Axe Fragments: The fragments of the Heaven-Opening Treasure Pangu Axe are infinitely powerful, and if enough fragments are collected, they can synthesize the Heaven-Opening to Treasure Pangu Axe]

[Dijiang Essence Blood: The essence blood of Zuwu Dijiang, after taking it, it can greatly increase the strength of Zuwu’s flesh body]

Look at the rewards in your head.

Qin Jiuge was very excited.

First of all, the blessing of two thousand years of cultivation.

Let Qin Jiuge directly enter the middle stage of the Daluo Golden Immortal Ninefold Stage directly from the early stage of the Daluo Golden Immortal Ninefold.

“Zuwu flesh!”

Qin Jiuge set his gaze on the next reward.

The ancestral witch body is the most powerful physical body within the three realms.

Even if it is an ordinary innate spirit treasure, it can’t hurt the ancestral witch’s flesh in the slightest.

“Accept the ancestral witch body!”

Qin Jiuge said lightly.

As Qin Jiuge’s words fell, Qin Jiuge felt that his physical body became stronger.

The blood in the body also began to boil.

A force that destroyed the heavens and the earth emerged from Qin Jiuge’s flesh.

At this moment, behind Qin Jiuge.

Suddenly, one after another terrifying phantoms appeared.

There are twelve of these phantoms.

Each of them is hundreds of thousands of feet tall.

In the next instant, all these phantoms disappeared into Qin Jiuge’s body.

It was also at this moment that Qin Jiuge’s flesh became the strongest ancestral witch body in the flood wilderness.

After receiving the ancestral witch’s body, Qin Jiuge set his eyes on the next treasure.

Pangu Axe Fragments!

This is the fragment of the Heaven-Opening God Axe used when Pangu opened the heavens and the earth.

As soon as the Qin Jiu singer moved, a golden fragment appeared in the Qin Jiu singer.

Terrifying coercion erupted from above the debris and swept out in all directions.

Fortunately, there were prohibitions laid by Qin Jiuge around, otherwise this huge coercion would definitely turn the entire Qin Mansion into ruins.

After Qin Jiuge looked at the Pangu Axe fragment, he put the fragment away

Then Qin Jiuge set his sights on the next reward.

Merit five thousand!

This reward is not a one-time reward.

It is Qin Jiuge every additional descendant.

His merit will increase by five thousand.

Although the merit that a descendant receives is not very much.

But ten is fifty thousand.

A hundred is half a million.

A thousand is five million merits.

After checking the merit reward, Qin Jiuge set his sights on the last reward.

Emperor Jiang Essence Blood!

Taking the Emperor Jiang Essence Blood can greatly increase the level of the ancestral witch’s physical body.

And Qin Jiuge had just obtained the ancestral witch body.

Just use the Emperor River Essence Blood to improve.

Qin Jiuge flipped his right hand.

Take out the essence blood of Dijiang, this is the essence blood of Dijiang after becoming an ancestor.

The golden blood, exuding a majestic and rich law aura and terrifying coercion, was as big as a bucket.

Qin Jiuge looked at the Dijiang Essence Blood and swallowed it directly.

Time passed slowly, and three days passed in a flash.

Qin Jiuge also completely refined the Emperor Jiang Essence Blood.

His ancestral witch body was once again enhanced.


Qin Mansion.

After giving birth to the child, Xuanlu Niangniang recuperated at home.

The plum blossom fairy also came to accompany Xuanlu Niangniang from time to time.

The Plum Blossom Fairy and Xuan Niangniang have always remembered the agreement of Houtu Niangniang. The two of them waited for half a year, and then went to the land of reincarnation to see the Houtu Niangniang.

It’s just that Xuanlu Niangniang’s plan is very good.

But just over three months later, Xuanlu Niangniang found out that she was pregnant.

Even the plum blossom fairy, who often came to see Xuanlu Niangniang, found out a few days later that she was also pregnant.

The two of them had to cultivate within the Qin Mansion.

After all, they are pregnant and cannot go to the land of reincarnation at all.

Soon a year passed, and Xuanlu Niangniang gave birth to a descendant of the five-pin root.

The plum blossom fairy also gave birth to an offspring of the eight-pint root.

Not long after the plum blossom fairy gave birth to the child, a huge fireball suddenly appeared in the sky.

The fireball carried a terrifying coercion towards Thunder Mountain.

“What’s going on?”

“How can there be such a big fireball in the sky?”

“It seems to be the direction to Jilei Mountain?”

The many little demons on Fuling Mountain all looked at the fireball above the Nine Heavens with a puzzled expression.

They didn’t understand at all how there would be a huge fireball coming from above the nine heavens.

Qin Jiuge also saw the huge fireball above the Nine Heavens.

He just glanced at it and knew that it was Sun Wukong kicking over the gossip furnace.

This flame flew out of the Bagua Furnace.

That is to say, Sun Wukong is also about to make a big fuss in the sky.

“Qin Land… Qin land! ”

It was at this time that Taibai Yuxing’s figure appeared in Qin Jiuge’s mansion.

“Taibai Daoyou, why did you run over?”

Qin Jiuge looked at Mo Liqing who ran over with a smile.

“Qin Land, that demon monkey is crazy, not only knock down the gossip furnace of Taishang Laojun” Use!

“It’s even more wounded, killing countless heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals!”

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