Chapter 0131 – Qin Jiuge Marries Miss Gao, Zhu Bajie is Drunk!!

“Brother Qin!”

Seeing Qin Jiuge’s arrival, Mo Liqing quickly ran to Qin Jiuge.

Mo Liqing’s eyes looking at Qin Jiuge were full of envy.

More than a thousand years ago, when Qin Jiuge had just joined the Heavenly Court, it was still Demon Liqing who arranged for Qin Jiuge to guard the South Heavenly Gate.

At that time, Qin Jiuge was still just a small heavenly soldier, and he could command arbitrarily.

But he didn’t expect that a thousand years later, Qin Jiuge would become a quasi-saint powerhouse and marry a saint’s apprentice.

Now, even he has to make up for Jiu Ge.

“Brother Devil, long time no see!”

Qin Jiuge nodded slightly.

“Brother Qin… Your strength! ”

Mo Liqing looked at Qin Jiuge with a confused expression.

Because he found that the coercion on Qin Jiuge’s body seemed to have increased a lot.

At a glance, you can see that the strength has increased again.

“Good, a little boost!”

Qin Jiuge nodded slightly, and then walked towards the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

“Brother Qin, how could you improve so quickly…?”

Mo Liqing’s eyes were full of incomprehension.

His cultivation has not improved for tens of thousands of years.

And Qin Jiuge had already reached the quasi-saint.

But his cultivation improved every year.

Could it be that concubinage could really increase the speed of cultivation?

“Do I want to take a concubine too?”

The Demon Rite fell into deep thought.


Inside the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

At this moment, the Lingxiao Treasure Hall was already full of people.

Not only Taishang Laojun, but also the Nine Heavenly Daughters are here.

Even the Buddhist Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri is here.

As soon as Qin Jiuge entered the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, a maid led Qin Jiuge below the Nine Heavens Fairy.

“I’ve seen Qin Daoyou!”

The Nine Heavenly Xuan Maiden nodded slightly at Qin Jiuge.

“Nine Heavenly Xuannu Dao is friendly!”

Qin Jiuge also said hello with a smile.

“Qin Daoyou, I don’t know Nine, how many Heavenly Rests are there now?”

Lady Jiutian Xuan asked.

“It’s still a few pieces away, it’s only ten pieces!”

Qin Jiuge said lightly.

“Qin Daoyou, Niangniang let you hurry up and get the Nine Heavens Rest!”

“She’s still waiting for nine days to rest!”

Jiutian Xuan Niangniang said the meaning of Nuwa Niang.

Hearing the words of the Nine Heavenly Xuan Maiden, Qin Jiuge’s eyes were full of smiles.

Nuwa Niangniang had already promised that if Qin Jiuge collected ten pieces of Nine Heavenly Resting Soil.

Nuwa Niangniang married Jiutianxuan Niangniang to Qin Jiuge.

If the Nine Heavenly Xuan Lady knew the news, would she still come to urge Qin Jiuge.

“Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother has arrived!”

It was at this time that a voice came from outside.

Immediately afterwards, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother appeared at the top.

“I’ll wait to see Your Majesty, Niangniang!”

Many high-ranking Heavenly Court leaders stood up and said.

“Dear Aiqing, excuse me!”

The Jade Emperor’s face was full of smiles.

“On the peach!”

The queen mother said softly.

When the voice of the queen mother fell, five fairies and many maids walked in from outside.

These five fairies are the daughters of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

Originally, there were seven of them.

But they were married away by Qin Jiuge.

Only five people were still in the Heavenly Court.

When these five fairies passed in front of Qin Jiuge, they all glared at Qin Jiuge fiercely.

Originally, their seven fairies could live in the heavenly court without worry.

It was all because Qin Jiuge married the eldest princess and the second princess that they separated

Now the seven of them want to party together and have to make an appointment.

“Please Chang’e fairy!”

The queen mother spoke.

The voice of the queen mother fell, and a burst of fairy music sounded in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, and soon a group of fairies in pink clothes flew into the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

In the middle of these fairies, a stunning woman in a red cheongsam is dancing in the wind.

Not only was everyone in the Heavenly Court mesmerized, but even the Nine Heavenly Xuan Niang Niang was very engaged.

At the end of the song, Chang’e retreated.

The moment Chang’e withdrew, he glared at Qin Jiuge fiercely.

“Your Majesty!”

At the moment when Chang’e pushed down, Guanyin Bodhisattva stood up.

“Guanyin Daishi, what’s wrong with you?”

The Jade Emperor looked at the Guanyin Bodhisattva below.

“The Jinghe Dragon King has committed the Heavenly Rule!”

“Your Majesty, why don’t you cut off the Jinghe Dragon!”

Guanyin Bodhisattva said lightly.

“How about asking Guanyin Daishi and Manjushri Bodhisattva to behead the Jinghe Dragon King?”

The Jade Emperor looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and said.


Manjushri nodded slightly, and then walked towards the Dragon Slashing Platform.

Soon after, Manjushri came out with a look of excitement.

As he passed in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva, he nodded slightly.

Obviously, on the dragon slashing platform just now, Manjushri Bodhisattva has already beheaded the Jinghe Dragon King.

Seeing Manjushri nodding, Guanyin’s face was full of smiles.

Now they have cut off the Jinghe Dragon King.

Their Buddhist journey to the west is also about to begin.

As long as the journey to the west can be successful, their Buddhism will flourish.

“Your Majesty, the poor monk has something to ask for!”

Guanyin stood up.

“What’s going on with you?”

The Jade Emperor looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva again.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked around and did not speak.

“Wait and go down first!”

The Jade Emperor waved his hand.


Many high-ranking members of the Heavenly Court went down one after another.

Qin Jiuge also followed.

Guanyin Bodhisattva must have discussed the great event of traveling to the west with the Jade Emperor.

Qin Jiuge didn’t want to get involved in this matter.

As soon as Qin Jiuge walked out of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, he saw Chang’e Fairy waiting there.

“Qin Land!”

Chang’e Fairy looked at Qin Jiuge with a frosty face.

“I’ve seen Chang’e Fairy!”

Qin Jiuge greeted with a smile.

“I don’t know how Qin Land can give that inheritance to the concubine!”

Chang’e Fairy asked with a look of anticipation.

“I have always admired Chang’e fairy in Xia, and if the fairy can marry, he will give the inheritance hands in Xia!”

Qin Jiuge said with a smile.


Chang’e Fairy’s face suddenly changed greatly.

Although she very much wants the inheritance of Chang Xi and Xihe.

But it was absolutely impossible for her to marry Qin Jiuge.

After all, Qin Jiuge was a womanizer.

Over the years, either Nadu or on Nadu’s way.

Now married more than a thousand concubines, it seems that he is not satisfied.

“I don’t know what the fairy wants?”

Qin Jiuge asked with a smile.


Chang’e Fairy snorted coldly and went directly towards Guanghan Palace.

Qin Jiuge smiled and headed towards Fuling Mountain.

For taking down the Chang’e fairy, Qin Jiuge was very confident.

After all, the inheritance of Chang Xi and Xihe is very attractive to Chang’e fairy.


Qin Mansion.

As soon as Qin Jiuge returned home, Qin Cheng hurriedly ran over.


Qin Cheng saluted Qin Jiuge.

“What’s going on?”

Qin Jiuge asked lightly.

“Father, Mrs. Gao asks for a meeting!”

Qin Cheng replied.

“Old Lady Gao?”

Qin Jiuge was slightly stunned, and then remembered that this old lady Gao was the owner of Gao Laozhuang.

“Let him in!”

Qin Jiuge said lightly.

Soon after, Qin Cheng took an old man into the living room.

“Old Immortal meet Qin Land!”

Old Lady Gao saluted Qin Jiuge.

“You’re welcome!”

Qin Jiuge helped Old Lady Gao up.

“Qin Land, Xiao Laoer wants to marry his daughter Cuilan to you!”

After Old Lady Gao stood up, he said what he meant this time.

“Gao Cuilan?”

Qin Jiuge looked at Old Lady Gao with a puzzled expression.

Old Lady Gao nodded slightly before telling the truth. It turned out that in the first two years, a strong guy came to their house.

This guy works very hard.

Old Lady Gao likes this guy very much.

He wanted to give his third daughter, Gao Cuilan, to this strong young man.

But who knew that this strong guy turned into a pig demon in a drunken time.

Old Lady Gao and Old Lady Gao were very afraid.

As soon as the two deliberated, they decided to marry their daughter Gao Cuilan to Qin Land.

In this way, this pig demon definitely did not dare to embarrass them Gao Laozhuang.

Hearing Old Lady Gao’s words, Qin Jiuge immediately understood what was going on.

That strong guy must be Zhu Bajie.


Qin Jiuge knew the reason and nodded directly.

Although Gao Cuilan is just an ordinary person.

But Qin Jiuge knew that Gao Cuilan had roots.

After marrying Gao Cuilan, she will definitely help Qin Jiuge give birth to several offspring who are in the pin.

“Thank you, Lord Land!”

Old Lady Gao was very happy.

Gao Cuilan was able to marry Qin Land.

Then they are in this area, and there must be no demon king who dares to provoke them.

The pig demon heard that Gao Cuilan was marrying Qin Land.

Definitely don’t dare to harass Gao Cuilan.

Not long after Old Lady Gao left, the Qin family was filled with red lanterns.

Some of the main buildings are also plastered with red letters.

Fuling Mountain, Gao Laozhuang, and Heifeng Mountain also put up flowing water mats.

“The Qin family has another happy event?”

“No need to guess, it must be Qin Land taking a concubine again!”

I really envy the land of Qin, and I have to take a concubine every year!

“I don’t know who these women are!”

I saw red lanterns hanging outside the Qin Mansion.

All the little demons and demon kings on Fuling Mountain knew that Qin Jiuge was going to take a concubine again, and for Qin Jiuge taking a concubine, they had long been surprised.

On the contrary, if Qin Jiuge does not take concubines, they will be strange.

Moreover, Qin Jiuge and concubines will put a lot of flowing water seats.

These little demons and demon kings can eat beautifully.

In the midst of these little demons’ discussions, a red palanquin flew out from within the Qin Mansion.

Behind this red palanquin, there was also a large group of greeting relatives.

After leaving the Qin Mansion, the welcoming team went directly towards Gao Laozhuang, who was not far away.

“Isn’t this going to Gao Laozhuang?”

“Gao Laozhuang, only Miss Gao Cuilan is not married!”

“Could it be that Qin Land is marrying Gao Cuilan this time?”

“Can someone in the Gao family marry into the Qin Mansion?”

“The Gao family has an interest!”

“No demon king nearby dares to bully them anymore!”

“I really envy the Gao family!”

Watch the red palanquin walking towards Gao Laozhuang.

Many little demons and demon kings all know that Qin Land is married to Gao Cuilan this time

At the same time, these little demons are also very envious of the Gao family.

After all, Qin Jiuge was a quasi-saint powerhouse.

Can climb the relationship with Qin Jiuge.

In the area of Fuling Mountain, absolutely no one dares to touch the Gao family.

More than ten minutes later, the red palanquin left Gao Laozhuang and came towards Fuling Mountain.

The red palanquin was empty when I went.

When he returned, Gao Cuilan, the third young lady of Gao Laozhuang, sat in the palanquin.

“Congratulations to Mr. Gao!”

“Master Gao, I have offended a lot before, and I hope to forgive my sins!”

“Master Gao, this is a congratulatory gift from my family!”

As soon as Gao Cuilan entered the Qin Mansion, many demon kings sent congratulatory gifts to Old Lady Gao.

The demon kings who had offended Gao Laozhuang in the past also stopped pleading with Old Master Gao.

Looking at these demon kings who came to ask for sin, Old Master Gao’s face was full of excitement, these demon kings in the past did not put them Gao Laozhuang in their eyes at all.

Even come to Gao Laozhuang from time to time to fight the autumn breeze.

Now Gao Cuilan has just married into the Qin Mansion.

These demon kings were all filled to make amends.

This made Old Lady Gao how not to be excited.

At the same time, he was also very glad that he married Gao Cuilan to Qin Jiuge.

If you marry that pig demon.

They are Gao Laozhuang, and they will definitely be bullied by other demon kings.

Qin Mansion!

The red palanquin was sent to the Qin family not long ago.

Many demon kings sent congratulatory gifts.

“Qin Land, congratulations, congratulations!”

The first to arrive were the Tiger Power Great Immortal, Yang Li Great Immortal and Lu Li Great Immortal of Che Chi Country.

Tiger Power Great Immortal, Yang Power Great Immortal and Lu Li Great Immortal were very admiring to Qin Jiuge.

Because Qin Jiuge not only has many daughters-in-law, but also has a very strong cultivation.

And it’s very good for the three of them.

Their strength has improved so rapidly over the years, and it is Qin Jiuge who often rewards the three of them with elixirs.

“Inside please…”

Qin Jiuge immediately asked the servants to bring the Tiger Power Great Immortal, the Yang Power Great Immortal, and the Lu Li Great Immortal to the banquet.

“Zhu Bajie has arrived!”

Also not long after Hu Li Daxian, Yang Li Daxian and Lu Li Daxian entered, Zhu Bajie hurriedly came here.

Zhu Bajie’s face was very ugly.

Originally, he was brought to Gao Laozhuang by a Buddhist bodhisattva, and he was very unhappy.

Finally, Zhu Bajie fell in love with Gao Cuilan of Gao Laozhuang.

Just as he was about to propose to Gao Cuilan, Old Lady Gao married Gao Cuilan to Qin Jiuge.

If it were someone else, Zhu Bajie would definitely have robbed his relatives a long time ago.

But Qin Jiuge was a quasi-saint powerhouse.

He is not an opponent at all.

I could only watch Gao Cuilan marry into the Qin Mansion.

“Damn the land!”

“There are so many women, and they have to rob Cuilan with the old pig!”

Zhu Bajie scolded fiercely for two before walking to the banquet.

Zhu Bajie is ready to eat on top of this banquet and make up for all his grievances.

“The Bull Demon King has arrived!”

Not long after Zhu Bajie entered, the Bull Demon King came here.

At this time, the face of the Bull Demon King was not very good.

Because this morning, several concubines in his family fought again.

There was even a concubine who died in this fight.

“Hey, why doesn’t the Qin Land family quarrel at all 3.6?”

The Bull Demon King sighed slightly.

He didn’t understand at all why Qin Jiuge’s family was so harmonious.

There was no quarrel at all.

You must know that Qin Jiuge has more than a thousand concubines in his family.

And his family has only about forty names.

Soon night fell.

Qin Jiuge also sent off all the guests.

When sending away the Tiger Power Great Immortal, Yang Power Great Immortal, and Lu Li Great Immortal, Qin Jiuge once again rewarded them with a little elixir.

This made Hu Li Daxian, Yang Li Daxian and Lu Li Daxian very grateful.

With these elixir tiger power immortals, sheep power immortals and deer power immortals can break through in a short time.

Zhu Bajie had already drunk like mud.

It was still the king of Nanshan who left with Zhu Bajie on his back.

After seeing off all the guests, Qin Jiuge took a jug of wine and two cups and walked towards the cave room.

Inside the cave room.

Gao Cuilan, dressed in a red robe and wearing a red hood, was sitting on the edge of the bed.

At this moment, Gao Cuilan’s face was already flushed.

Although Gao Cuilan and Qin Jiuge had never met at all.

But for marrying Qin Jiuge, she didn’t regret it at all.

Gao Cuilan grew up listening to Qin Jiuge’s story since she was a child.

The reason why their Gao Laozhuang is so prosperous is also under the protection of Qin Jiuge.

And if Gao Cuilan does not marry Qin Jiuge, she must marry a pig demon, and more importantly, Gao Cuilan also knows that Qin Qiuge is very handsome.

After she marries Qin Jiuge, their Gao family will also be sheltered by Qin Jiuge.

The nearby demon kings did not dare to make a move against their Gao family.


It was at this time that the door of the cave opened.

Qin Jiuge was carrying a jug of wine, and two cups walked in from outside.

Soon Qin Jiuge came to Gao Cuilan’s side and lifted Gao Cuilan’s red hood.

Under the red hood is Gao Cuilan, who has a shy face.

“Madam, it’s time for us to have a drink!”

Qin Jiuge said as he handed the wine to Gao Cuilan.


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