My name is Liantai Nero. My friends call me Nero. You know what that means, right? I'm telling you, I'm not a tyrant. Nero from a sad fairy tale in Belgium.

Right now, a wanderer freshman at prep school. I'm tired of my daily studies and am now admirably skipping for a walk. My parents are separated from each other, and they don't know much about me. He's giving me money, so I don't really care.

On the bridge in the middle of my usual walking course, I found it.

The object I found is being flushed around the middle of the river with the kitten in the box. Who did that? What a terrible thing to do. You can't forgive me. Normal.

I'm not proud of myself, but I'm allergic to cats. I like cats but I can't get close. Yet I don't know why I was driven by such an impulse myself, but when I realized it, I was jumping in from above the bridge, which was more than five meters to the surface of the water.

I can't swim the way my clothes suck water and get heavy. The box with the kitten on it is flushed away, and only the kitten squeals are clearly heard as meemies.

Shit. If I stay like this, I'm gonna die... and I'm gonna lose! You're gonna die, because I'm gonna help the kitten live! It will be too soon to die!

He was flushed for dozens of meters but managed to catch a box of kittens and followed them to the watergate on the riverbank.

My breath also constantly manages to crawl up. It's bisho...... Squeeze clothes with a pair of pants. The place you are now is under the water gate, so no one should have seen you. Except for kittens. These kittens have been looking at me with beautiful sapphire blue eyes since just now. So strange that it was ringing so much until just now. You're a strange kitten.

I put on my clothes patiently as I was wet. This is on the edge of something too, let's take this kitten. I saved you because of this, but if you break up here and die, you don't sleep well. Let's find him a foster home. She's a pretty white cat, so I think she'll find it soon.

When I held up the kitten, I finally rang "Mi". Looks fine. As I was going up the stairs going up the water gate, a kitten climbed up to the edge of my shoulder and started licking my face peppery. I wonder if I'm conveying my gratitude. He's cute.

I thought the arrow tip, I slipped my foot down the stairs to a clap with a sneeze......

My vision is on one side of the sky, my body is impacted, and I have severe pain. I managed to shelter the kitten, but I might suck.

Speaking of which, I was allergic to cats, and I lost consciousness.

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