Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

27 God Cat Me, no matter what, I'm asleep.

Thanks to his throwing skills, a transparent board appeared when he defeated several goblins.

I can afford it now, so if I was lucky enough to choose, I had an atmosphere among the skills I could choose. What am I gonna do? If I'm not mistaken, this should be a great skill. Yeah, well, that's pompous. I was choosing.

Let's just test it out a little bit. I don't have a goblin in front of me.

When I imagined oxygen gathering in the fire, which was a little far away, the fire burned up. After all, the fire went out for a moment when I imagined that the air around the fire would now be in a thin vacuum, but it burned quickly.

This is very difficult to maintain. It may be surprisingly easy for a moment, but it feels like something is falling out of your body when you try to maintain it. The only thing I have done now is make my body heavy and sweat on my forehead.

I take mineral water out of my bag and drink it and try to recover, but I don't recover as much as I thought. It seems different from strength and strength, so maybe it consumes the same thing as a cat supply summons. Is that the magic point you say in the game? It's an item that doesn't appear in the appraisal, right? Does the system of saying that become more proficient and come out?

What a thought, the shadow of a giant came up. It's a goblin leader. It also appeared from left to right. Even though the whole thing is troublesome, neither one of them... and I won't let them pull the goblin. I think these guys are going to be pretty smart if they've really fixed the way they fought the Goblin Leader's mistakes last night.

The situation has become unsavory. The shield and the spear hunters began to be pushed. The sword the goblin leader has still seems poisoned, and even if it was just plundered, it collapses and is carried into the barricade.

Because of this, I'm going to try to use the atmospheric skills I acquired. I don't know until I see if it works. Go beside the sister of the glowing Fireman of the Holy Sword and ask for help. If you're lucky, you should be able to inflict a lot of damage on your goblin leader. He says my instincts work.

"If you signal, should we just fly a flame at his face?

"Yes, if it works out, it's that tickle."

"Okay. Anyway, I can only do it once more, so I'll give you a ride to your operation."

All right, if that's what you decide, I'll do it. I remember, but if you raise the concentration of hydrogen in the air and light a fire, there should be an explosion. You learned that in high school class... how much concentration was it? Well, maybe fifty percent... Let's get some oxygen too. Gu, the force falls out of your body......

Raise your hand and signal to your sister.


A fireball flies from a nearby fire to the face of the goblin leader. The Goblin leader paid off the fireballs with his shield and the moment he tried to leave......

A flaming explosion of mushrooms around his face accompanied by an explosion that said Dawn!

Regardless of the enemy allies, I see the sight and solidify it. I am also hardened. And of course your sister who unleashed the fireballs......

The lost body of the Goblin leader collapsed and the hunters returned to me to resume the attack. Goblin on the fallen side of the goblin leader is escaping. The rest are the goblin leaders on the other side.

"Hey, hey! Oh, my God! What the hell happened to you!"

"Hey, just calm down! Oh, I'm near my limit…………………"

It's hard standing up, too, sitting on a carriage. But it's more than I expected, it feels a little too much though. It turns out he's an Aurai. Hahahaha.............

With one goblin leader gone, all the hunters are able to deal with the rest of the goblin leaders, and the goblin leaders are on tap.

You'll be fine now. I'm tired.

So much so that the rest of the goblin leaders fall into the ground as well. If you think it's over, it looks like you're going into a sweep. I can't. I'm sorry......

When I got out of the carriage and went to the girl holding Me, Me slept in the girl's arms. Unlike last night, she's calm around, so I guess Mee was relieved. But you sleep well in all this noise... you're too big, Mee.

I stroked the girl's head and took Me asleep.

The men of the village are beginning to prepare themselves to repair the gates. The merchants seem to return to their tents with their carriages intact.

"I'm leaving tomorrow as planned. I know it's hard, but please."

Mr. Zeff was speaking to everyone.

Then I guess I'll go to bed, too. It's tight on boulders.

"Wait a minute! What happened to your earlier explanation?"

"We're leaving early in the morning, so why don't we do it again?

"No! I can't sleep because I'm worried!"

Ha... there's no other way.

"I have the same atmospheric skills as your hunter's sister."

"What? Me?

"But atmospheric skills aren't very useful skills, are they?

Really? Not only is there a fire skilled sister to an atmospheric skilled sister, but the rest of the hunters around her are snorting.

"Is that good, take a good look"

Focus on the fires that were nearby and burn the fire hard. Now cut off the air a little and weaken the fire.

"Hey, what did you do!"

Well, how do I explain it? It's a science level in elementary and secondary schools, but it's hard to explain invisible objects in this underdeveloped world of science.

"Think of it as an invisible substance that has the properties of burning things in the atmosphere around here. It's important that you don't say you don't know because you can't see it, and that's what I think you have to say. Be aware to gather it around the fire."

An atmospheric skilled sister is turning her hands on the fire and focusing her consciousness. Slightly, but the fire seems to have gained momentum.

"Lying, I can do it…………"

"Now be aware to eliminate objects that have the opposite nature of burning fire from around the fire"

Your sister also reaches out and concentrates. The burning fire weakens.

"Su, I can't believe I could do this…………………………."

"But, what are you talking about?"

"The thinking is the same. Instead of burning the fire, you just have to collect the explosives. It's dangerous, so don't do it now. Me too."

"But if I'm alone, it won't be anything..."

"Really? I think there are many ways to do this… for example, by using fire arrows? I think that would be an effective means of attacking one person."

"I'll start bow training!"

Good luck. I'm going to bed...

I envy your sleeping well.


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