Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

52 Me, the Divine Cat, meets the merchant squad of the Alter Chamber of Commerce.

Ask the boulder if it's urgent, and the guild staff will take care of it. They will show you to the back room.

"Welcome to Settimo's Hunter Guild. I'm Glenda, the chief executive."

"It's Nero. This is Mee."

"Adorable, you're an official"

"Mi ~"

Give Mr. Glenda a staff certificate, an emergency bill, and a letter.

Mr. Renda finished reading the letter and returned the staff certificate and the emergency bill.

"I understand the circumstances. Send a hunter as soon as possible. Also, the letter is supposed to arrive tomorrow..."

"I came on board, I got there early with something Smiley was doing well"

"Really? It's a night in this city, isn't it? Is the inn set?

"Do you have a recommended accommodation? I'd like a horse somewhere I can stay."

"Considering tomorrow's departure, the North Gate Inn will be good. I'll write you a map."

Mr. Glenda dropped me off and it's noisy outside trying to leave the Hunter Guild. When I go outside, a man is sticking his smile out, and he doesn't like the smile.

"Hey! You must hate Smiley!"

"Mi ~!"

"What is it? - Oh, my God. Owner of this one. Thank you. I'll get this one."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Such a gullible horse, I just want to thank you for it! I'll feed you and sell you high!"

"Don't be ridiculous!"

"Mi ~!"

"What is it? Yan's basket!"

This man pulled out his sword. What do you want me to do? Hey, Mr. Glenda? Mr. Glenda is shaking his head with his hands up to his shoulders. You mean solve it yourself……….

The other guy pulled the sword out, and this is self-defense, huh? I let go of the air cannon. At close range... you blew it away.

"Now, is that good?

"Yeah, it was brilliant. Get him and put him in jail! Hunter, you will be tried on disqualification."

The hunters around me are surprised by the boulders.

"The man had just pulled his sword out on an Alliance official or tried to take the horse from an urgent preaching order. This deserves a capital offense."

Looks like the hunters are convinced of Mr. Glenda's words, roping up the fainting man.

"I'm sorry. No way, it's shameful to know that so many fools are in our guild. Looks like we need to review it. Still, is that an anomaly earlier?

"Atmospheric skills."

"Atmospheric skills……………"

"In time, I'll give the Alliance a report. About Skill Review"

"I see. I'm looking forward to it."

I headed to the farewell inn with Mr. Glenda. Smiley is grumpy all the way down the road. I think he's angry that you're going to rude the lady's body.

After I arrived at the inn and took the room, I was punskating until I cleaned Smiley's body. Looks like we finally got some water and leaves in the bucket to fit in. Nice to see you again tomorrow.

When I get back to my room with Me for dinner at the inn, Me is soaking and ringing at me. That's where you got the bathroom, isn't it? Me. Now I'm pumping angry and teshing the table. What is it?

Finally, Mei went out to exercise her strength and served a plate with filling seeds.

"You want some?

"Mi ~"

"I just had dinner."

"Mi ~"

The sweets are different - where did you learn to do that? I don't have a choice...

"A little bit."

"Mi ~"

Mee eats the filling seemingly delicious. I wonder where in the filling touched Mee's harp line? Do you eat sweets? Maybe I'll make some pudding next time, honey pudding though. I ate too.

I also wake up and leave the next day before dawn. Smiley is still in great shape today, it's fast ~.

Along the way, I found a merchant squad I had seen, so I asked Smiley to slow down. Alter Chamber of Commerce. I spoke to Zeph, the head of the merchant corps.


"Oh, isn't that Mr. Nero? What's wrong, sir?

Once the merchants stopped and took a break.

"Nero, you're this horse battle hose, aren't you? What's wrong?

Fallen, the eight-eye fang leader of the escort, seems concerned about Smyre.

Briefly, when we talk about what happened after we broke up, we tell every flaming sister.

"You're living a turbulent life..."

I'm not sure if you're being praised or denigrated. The merchants seem to be on their way back to Quarto and confused by the story of the goblins. In a way, it will pass through the middle of the enemy formation.

"Now, Mr. Nero is going to King's Capital."

"Yes, because smileys are fast"

"You're skinny, but you're a smart horse."

Mr. Farren is stroking Smyre's head, but Smyre doesn't dislike it. A man like yesterday must be the exception.

"Well, take care of yourselves."

"Be careful, Mr. Nero."

Break up with the Alter Chamber of Commerce merchants and head to your next destination. On the way, we had a slow lunch, but we got to the city of Sesto a long way ahead of schedule before evening. If you go in this minute, you will likely reach Wang Capital the day after tomorrow.

First, bazaar fishing. Something made bazaar fishing fun these days. Looks like I'm looking for a grain of gem from the sand, and my interaction with the store owner is pretty tense.

Me too, you like this vibe.

"Mi ~"

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