The Chancellor came with the lady.

"Call me as soon as you can... what did you do?

The prime minister was standing and he was sitting. When he stood, the queen stopped him by hand.

"Nero, you may sit down. Because he's a friend of mine."

The Chancellor sees me with a guillotine from the side of his glasses. I'm scared.

"Ardelberto, look at this."

The queen gave the Prime Minister the documents I had brought.

"Wow. This is... You can use it. How did Master Annelise do this?

Also, the Chancellor says as he looks at Guillaume and me.

"That, you don't need to know. Use it to move your hands immediately."

"Understood. Are you sure you want to just move the shadow?

"Nobility written there, crush everything"

"Hmm. It's not that hard."

"So it moves the shadows. They will not be summoned. Shake it instead."

"Conspiracy……? You're going to move the army, okay?

"We can move the Knights in a positive motion."

"Is it Yang Dynamic............ but won't it be the sword of the blades?

"If we don't move the army, they won't move. Don't worry, I'll borrow a soldier from your father for less."

"Are you going to move the Dragon Cavalry?

"Is there a problem?

"... what about the messenger to the Grand Duke? I can't use the Orthodox..."

"You can't use me or your hands any more than you can keep it confidential. So I'm going to ask a friend of mine."

Why, do you two see me there? You tell me to go...

"… Sincerely accept"

"Boulder, I (I) am a prospective friend"

My queen, Annelise's home is south of the Kingdom of Lumiere, Grand Duchy of Hildenburg. I wonder if it will mean the kingdom of relatives in the country where the king's brother, a dozen years before the kingdom of Lumiere, left the demon king and founded his country.

A kingdom of intimate relations that has two demonic kings adjacent to each other with the sea, and that, as the kingdom of Lumiere, leaves all the defenses of the south to each other, so to speak. Except for the Grand Duke (the King), it seems a rare country with no hereditary nobility, one in which military personnel have power.

That's why I went to see the current Grand Duke, Lutz Herzok von Hildenburg...

"Nero, you arrived in four days from Quint to the king's capital, didn't you? Maybe it's the battle hose you're riding in right now?

"Yes. I say smile. He's a very fast legged kid."

"Even Battle Hose in the Royal Palace can't quint in four days..."

"I thought if I let him run without sleep, he'd get there."

"No one on board, no battle hose, can die unless they're ready."

"If you are from the First or Second Knights, we are all prepared to do so."

"You won't have to do that. Because there are people here who can afford it."


"Seven days? Were you sleeping properly at night?

"I stayed at the inn and slept in Settimo, Sesto and Terzo"

"... If this isn't you, Nero, it's an incredible story. I wonder if Smiley has a disease?

"Yes, and I also have an incompetence to say rigid legs."

"You're a very good boy."

After your illness has healed, you feel like you can't help but have fun running. What happens when I gain weight and gain strength after that? Smiley, horrible child......

"The departure is for lunch tomorrow. I'll have everything ready by then."

"What should I do with the guild?

"I'll take care of that one. Let's just say I made a personal request and it won't be a problem."

Ha...... then I'll come back before noon tomorrow. Mee, Pelo, I'm going home.

"Mi ~"

"Princess, Luca. See you tomorrow."


"Pepper, see you soon!"

Mee is licking Luca. I wonder if I missed you after all.

The next morning, Pelo kicked me in the face and woke up...... Why is Pelo here? So far, you've come with a bad sleeping minister? All I can say is, "Amazing." From today on, it's Amazing Pelo.

Breakfast, prepare the smile and leave the inn. With that said, I need to go get the AF I sent out to fix it.

"Uhm. We can do it."

The glowing sheath exudes evil. I didn't feel it then, but isn't this just a demon knife?

"The more you polish it, the more famous it will be. Take care of it."

It looks like a famous knife, not a demon knife. I'll go outside and then give it to Pero.

"Are you sure you want it?

"Take care of yourself."

"Mi ~"

"Princess, Nero, thank you. You look great. You can name Pelo's love knife!"

By the way, they say the sword I've been using is matatabi. What a naming sense......

"Nero, what's a well-dressed name?

There's like a name for an invisible nail in that sword, hmm.

"Tiger, how about you say it thoroughly?

"Tiger Cher. Oh, you look strong. What's the point?

"One day a master of bows found a tiger in the grass, and before he was attacked, he shot the tiger with a bow and the arrow hit him brilliantly. But when I actually went up close and looked at it, it wasn't a tiger, it was a rock. But I was so devoured that I couldn't see the arrow butt in the rock. … it means that if you work diligently, you will be able to thoroughly complete the stones."

"Um, it's too hard to tell. Tiger Toru, I like it!"

"Mi no..."

Mee, I know...... I dare not say anything. It's pero.

Let Pero do his part.

"Mi ~"

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