CH.5 "Because that guy is so vegetable, he actually covered his face with a newspaper and kicked over the trash can, with an obvious purpose. "

Then it was the day of orienteering.

"Only... As long as you behave normally, you should be fine, right?" "

Ever since Mitsuhiko and Mitsumi reminded me, I don't know how to get along better with Ashbara.

Today with Mitsuhiko, so....

"Oh, Conan-kun. "

Mr. Kobayashi ran over as soon as he saw me, is there anything wrong?"

So, Haraya-kun suddenly fell ill, so there were only me and you left.

"Oh, okay. "

Hopefully he's just a common cold... I'm worried. "


"Are you listening? Mr. Detective.

"Well, listen. "

... What to do.

I think it's okay with Mitsuhiko here, but now it's just the two of us. I feel a little excited. This has happened before, but since I became aware of the gray plains, the number of occurrences has decreased significantly.

And, I just heard that some of the students in the class now seem to be a little disgusted with Gray Yuan...

At first I thought what I said might be misinterpreted as ridicule and would make her sad. But, no, it won't.

Because, if she is really hated by some of her classmates, I think she will definitely feel bad. Feeling worried.

This emotion is at work, probably because of the fear of Gray Yuan, I don't know how to treat her properly.

"So, looking at the map, there are a lot of routes, how should we take them?"

"Well, yes.

"What's the matter with you keeping responding like that? "

Well, nothing... Nothing, well, just, nothing, let's try to head to the Rice Flower Library first. "

... It's kind of weird.

His attitude. It's a little awkward.

I wouldn't say he was dodging, but it felt like he was farther away from me than usual.

... It's kind of weird.

"Oops, Ashplain. "

What's wrong?"

It seems to be true.

Conan's attitude. Anyway, it was bothered by what happened the other day.

I've been keeping an eye on Conan's state these days, and I'm a little worried...

Although it was a hasty decision, I thought the two of them should be left alone and see how it went. And now it's just the two of us.

"I'm sorry for the beauty, but... "


! Oops! Hide in the shadows. I just muttered a word, but Conan reacted.

If only he could use this keen intuition in relationships....

However, my perfect tail line should not be discovered! In the past two days, I have also privately consulted the Maori detective on the skills of the tail line!

"Hey, Gray Plains. "

What's the matter?"


Conan's attitude. Apparently he was worried about what happened last time.

Although it may seem strange, judging by Conan's attitude, I kind of like the feeling.

"... Worry about me, doesn't look like your style. I

replied to him, trying to stay calm, as I normally would.

"... Worry about me, it's not like your style.

Although Ashbara's tone was as cold as ever, she smiled.

I couldn't help but be captivated by her smile.

The gray plain, who was always indifferent, actually showed such a gentle expression.

"It's not about worrying, it's...

"No doubt someone has instilled some information in you. There were some people in the class who didn't seem to like me very much. "

Well, that's...

"And the kind detective, who cared about the poor girl who was a little isolated in the class, and who had no qualms about saying things like, "Any partner would be welcome," turned out to be strange. "

Is it strange?

"I don't care. You've always been sluggish. "

It's always been ?... Hey.

"Your unconsiderate words didn't hurt me, and you can rest assured. "

It's not just that.... I mean, it's not just that. But...

"Really, what the hell are you trying to say? If you're worried that the people in the class hate me, don't worry. Have you become the type that would be bothered by this

?" "Can you see it? Can't you see it?" "

Anyway, sometimes even if we do something, someone will hate it. But, luckily, I have friends now, with you, Mimi, Kojima-kun, and... Suddenly

, Gray Yuan walked up behind me and whispered.

"And Haraya-kun. "


"Did you find out... "

Oh my God! Mitsuhiko actually came out of the shadows! I just realized that it was Mitsuhiko...

"You've been acting strangely before, so you're deliberately sick and secretly following us, because you're worried that I'm going to be weird after you say that?"

"Really, there are so many such good friends. Then

, she became a little frustrated.

"I couldn't imagine it before... With

that, Gray Yuan suddenly walked in front of me, as if he was leaving. Mitsuhiko and I were about to keep up....

"Thank you.

She whispered in a barely audible voice.

"... Okay, let's go. Now that we're all here, let's get to the front. Haraya-kun, you're with you. "


"Yes. "

Oh, Ashbara, your bento is so big!"

Kojima-kun's eyes widened.

Indeed, I was originally going to make just one small bento, but because I was in too much of a hurry, I ended up doing a bit too much.

"Hey, can you give me some? I won't eat that much anyway, will you?"

Well, it should be.

"Absolutely. What a waste if you don't finish eating. "

Oh, thank you!"

Kojima-kun said and quickly began to eat.

"Wow, Ashbara, you're pretty good at cooking, it's delicious. "

I was startled by the sound of Kudo-kun eating my omelet.

"... You're eating other people's food indiscriminately, really. "

What? Yuan Tai is fine with his food, so I

can't do it?" "It's not that it can't work, it's just that you can notify me in advance." "

... had to stick to their point of view. But if he says it's delicious....

However, he actually said that it was delicious....

"...。 Gray Plains, I'm a little embarrassed, but my feelings for you haven't changed.

Mitsuhiko suddenly whispered.

"What? What's wrong with you all of a sudden?"

"No, nothing, hahahaha... "

I said that Ashbara should be an adult, not like you and Conan.

But, how?

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