Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 730: Turn the unknown into initiative

"Tomorrow night, I invite you to an untimely Halloween."

Hattori Heiji held the invitation letter with the words 'Kudou Shinichi' and said helplessly: "The it just an invitation similar to a reasoning show?"

"No, I think my true identity may have been exposed. The guy who sent the letter probably already knows that I am Kudo Shinichi after eating APTX-4869 and getting smaller..."

Conan held the letter with a solemn expression, and handed it to Hattori Heiji and Dr. Agasa without waiting for them to ask.

The two of them stared at each other and saw the first sentence of the letter: "Dear Mr. Conan Edogawa..."

A letter, an invitation, the recipient has written two names.

"It's more like a murder notice than this letter...",

Hattori Heiji analyzed: "And, isn't it very strange? If that organization has already discovered your identity, why bother to ask you to participate in some 'inappropriate Halloween' event? According to their character, shouldn't they be silent? Are you here to kill?"

"I have some eyebrows, but I'm not completely sure, Doctor," Conan turned to look at an inventor and asked, "Are you sure you can't find any other information about Chris Wynyard? Don't ignore even the rumors..."

"It's really impossible to investigate," Dr. Li shook his head: "Speaking of not only Chrissy Wynyard, but even the news of her mother Sharon Wynyard, I can only find some information on the blogs of some old fans. With just a few words, it felt like they disappeared from social media."

That's good, my guess should be correct... Conan turned his head and said to Hattori Heiji seriously:

"Do me a favor, Hattori, it may be dangerous, so you must do exactly what I say!"


Just as the two were discussing strategies, Dr. A Li was listening in.

the other side.

After learning that Judy Starling has decided to resign as a teacher.

After shopping, the trio of teachers and students, at the suggestion of Sonoko Suzuki, decided to go to a nearby convenience store to buy some snacks and juices, and throw a simple farewell party for Judy Sterling.

Well, just take it as a relaxation before closing the net.

She thought about it and didn't refuse.

As a result, they successfully encountered a case of theft of goods in that convenience store.


"Because there is a case in Osaka that I need to handle, I will go back first."

The basement of No. 22, 2-chome.

Taking advantage of the time when Hattori Heiji came to look for Ye Gengichi to say goodbye, Dr. Akasa slipped in half-squatting, and took the tie-type amplifier and portable satellite phone from the rack very covertly.

(?_?)...... Doctor, this is your home. Could it be that if you come in to get things in an open and honest manner, will I still stop you?

Hmm... well, maybe I'm worried that I'll keep him for research.

Forget it, let's pretend I didn't see it... Ye Gengichi sighed silently, and tried his best to bid farewell to Hattori Heiji without looking sideways.

At the same time, in order to avoid being frightened to the point where Dr. A Li, who silently recited "can't see me, can't see me", he didn't even get up to send him off.

In fact, most of the time, it's not the indifference he wants to show, it's just that when these people are doing so-called 'secret' actions, they don't think they don't treat him like an outsider.

His gaze fell back to the console.

Ye Gengyi dragged his chin with his left hand, and placed his right hand on the table in a relaxed posture, tapping lightly and regularly.

Instead of doing research, he listened to Conan's plan for Hattori Heiji in a non-speaking role through the bug that was left under the dining table when making coffee.

As for what the little detective planned to do, he didn't say, and Ye Gengyi didn't plan to guess for the time being.

So, Belmode has already thought of a strategy and is ready to clean up the organization's traitors?

It's a little strange, she's not going to let me go?

Hmm... It is also possible that the time is too early. The time to invite Kudo Shinichi to participate in the Halloween event is tomorrow night. In other words, Belmod's actual hands-on time period is from the evening of tomorrow to the early morning of the next day.

Worried about doing some research that might interfere with her plans after letting me know the content ahead of time.

So don't give me reaction time, and the person who can directly mobilize me... BOSS?

For what reason?

Back to the organization to develop software?

It seems unlikely... The organization doesn't seem to have recruited many program experts recently.

Hmm... I have to guard against it, it's better to be proactive.

In other words, Gin went out on a mission and left the vodka to cooperate with the Belmod operation, but the mission failed.

Counting the tequila time, the organization doesn't seem to be doing well in this regard.

With a vodka brain, if I were gin, I would subconsciously blame Belmode.

Hmm... Let's have a look at the enemy and see if we can find out anything from him. In other words, I don't know if this guy and the CIA have come back from the fight.

Call and ask... Ye Geng finished thinking and took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.


The phone rang three times and was picked up.

"What's up?"

Gin's very recognizable voice came.

If I say that I need funds, he will definitely hang up directly. Forget it, let's make a joke next time... Ye Geng adjusted his mood and said in a dissatisfied tone:

"What the **** is Belmod doing lately?"

"...What happened?" Jin Jiu seemed to hesitate for a moment.

Oh? This tone is a bit tricky, let's try it again... Ye Gengyi was keenly aware of the strangeness of the other party's emotions when he mentioned 'Belmode', and said coldly:

"Oh... I just remember that you told me that she was leaving soon."

Troubled again in the task of trading Takuya Itakura's software?

Why didn't the vodka tell me... well, he probably didn't hear it at all.

Or maybe it was earlier in Massachusetts, forget it... Gin didn't get into it, because Belmod's recent actions made him a little dissatisfied.

"Icewine, don't mess around, I've asked Vodka to follow that woman tomorrow Maybe I can investigate something, and maybe some information she has been hiding..."

(?_?)... Could it be that when you were in the United States, you accidentally hit your head?

What can vodka investigate?

Ye Gengyi was silent for a moment, "You... Seriously?"

"Don't worry, I'm also very disgusted with that mysterious woman now. If she dares to mess around, I won't be polite to her." Jin Jiu said.

Does protecting Kudo Shinichi count?

It's a pity that the little detective and Shibao are bound... Ye Gengyi said:

"No, I mean, you asked Vodka to investigate Belmod, is it worth it... oh, vodka isn't with you, right?"

The driver's seat of a Porsche 356A.

After learning that my eldest brother came back from the United States, he immediately ran over to be the driver of a bottle of pure wine, and he was silent.

Gin silently turned his head and lowered the car window to a gap, pretending to evacuate the smell of smoke inside the car, but in fact he was using the noise outside the car to slightly disturb the hearing of vodka:

"I was going to let you go..."

"Because of Taku Itakura's mission, vodka is also under pressure, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Jinjiu didn't deny it, "What's your plan?"

I'd better not reveal my intentions, let vodka participate in the party, and also give Belmode some pressure from "Kudo Shinichi"... Ye Gengyi said:

"If a problem is found, the credit goes to him."

"Hmph..." Jin Jiu smiled, then hung up the phone.

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