King of Special Effects

Chapter 282 , Welcome! (want to subscribe)


After a few days of preparation time, the wedding day will arrive.

According to the custom, the wedding takes three days in total, and today is the first day, which is the day when all kinds of vegetables are prepared at home.

There are many people in Yi Yang's family, killing pigs and chickens, and the young guys who came from all directions to help are extremely busy.

Jiang Xin, Zhang Yi, Duan Yihong, Zhang Daqiang and other actors who had worked with Yi Yang were all present. Bai Tang brought his girlfriend he met from the Internet with him. What surprised Yi Yang was Di Li and Zhao Yinger. Both of them also came, and they are staying with Ling Lan in the hotel at the moment.

According to what Ling Lan told Yi Yang on WeChat, the two of them are bridesmaids, which means that including Su Qi, there are only three bridesmaids.

On Yi Yang's side, there is a huge team of best men.

Ding Liwei arrived late in a BMW. He came by himself, and brought two reporters from Penguin.

Jiang Xin laughed at him: "Viagra, you are the first one to come to the wedding with a reporter."

Ding Liwei looked bored: "Director Yi Da got married, that's big news, this kind of thing is very annoying to reporters, just watch, unless these reporters can't find a place, otherwise tomorrow all the people in the village and outside the village It's a reporter from a major media website, believe it or not?"

"Then since the reporter will definitely come back, it is reasonable for our company to get the first-hand information, isn't it Brother Yi?"

Yi Yang is so busy with various things in and out of the courtyard now, how can he have time to be blind with them?

Yi Xin and a few girls in the village are busy helping Yi Yang decorate his new house.

"Xiaoxin, look at the one outside, is it Jiang Xin?"

Yi Xin nodded: "Yes, he came to our village for more than a month to film a few years ago, haven't you seen him?"

"I'm out here. I just came back during the Chinese New Year. How can I see it?" The little girl with a ponytail lowered her voice: "Xiaoxin, can you talk to him later, let's talk to him Take a picture together?"

"Can't you just go by yourself? Jiang Xin is a very easy person to get along with, and he doesn't have any music at all."

"Well then, there are also Zhang Yi, Duan Yihong, a lot of star actors?"

Yi Xin folded the red quilt and put it on the bedside: "I heard from my brother that there are Di Li and Zhao Yinger!"

"Really? Where are they? Why can't I see them?"

"They are bridesmaids, of course they are with my sister-in-law!"

"I'm so envious of a big star being a bridesmaid. It would be great if I married your brother!"

"Pull it down, you are not as pretty as my sister-in-law."

"I know, it's not enough to think about it!"


Early the next morning, the welcoming team set off from home to pick up the bride at a hotel in the city.

Counting the cars driven by Ding Liwei and others, there are more than 30 cars in the wedding team, of various models, but although there are many cars, there are not many expensive cars, even the most expensive ones. It was just a BMW driven by Ding Liwei.

Others, even the main wedding car, cost only a few hundred thousand.

There are quite a lot of well-known actors here today, so there is no need for Jiang Xin and other rough men to worry, but if something happens to beautiful stars like Di Li and Zhao Yinger, Yi Yang can't afford it.

So Yi Yang asked Huang Yang and a dozen brothers from the village to form a temporary security team to protect their safety.

When the convoy arrived in the city, Yi Yang originally thought that there would not be too many reporters coming today, but when he arrived downstairs at the hotel, he realized that he was really overthinking.

Journalists, journalists everywhere, journalists standing in piles.

"Fuck, if you have this time to learn about my marriage, why don't you spend more time to report some people's livelihood information."

The arrival of the wedding convoy made these reporters even more restless. They gathered around one after another, and some even stood directly in front of the car and refused to let the car go.

"Reporters are good and dedicated reporters, but these media are not good media." Jiang Xin, the best man, said next to Yi Yang.

The security team composed of Huang Yang and others is now working. Together with the hotel's security, they quickly cleared a road at the hotel entrance and put up a warning line not to cross.

The manager of the hotel may have seen that the momentum was wrong, so he hurriedly went to the surrounding area to find more than a dozen security guards to maintain order.

Fortunately, this hotel is in a newly developed suburb. If it were in the city, the situation would cause the whole city to be in chaos.

One word: chaos, two words: many people, three words: many shots!

The wedding car was parked downstairs in the hotel, and the drivers adjusted the front of the car first.

Yi Yang and Jiang Xin got out of the car, and Zhang Yi, Duan Yihong and others were right behind.

Everyone was dressed in suits and leather shoes, and the appearance of a few people immediately attracted the cameras of the surrounding reporters to take pictures.

Yi Yang held a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and Jiang Xin held a new straw mat tied with a red string.

"I don't understand, why do you need a mat for your marriage?"

Yi Yang was taken aback: "You will know later."

A group of people took the elevator upstairs and arrived at the door of the hotel room with the word happy.

Yi Yang gently knocked on the door: "Hello waiter, do you need to clean the room?"

Su Qi's voice came from inside: "Old Yi, don't think I can't hear your voice."

"It turns out that it's me, and you still don't open the door?"

"The bride has escaped from marriage, you go back."

Jiang Xin shouted: "Today we must take her back. If the bride escapes, your bridesmaids will have to pay for it. Which one of you will go with us, or will all of you go with us?"

The door of the room opened, revealing half of Dili's head from inside: "Where's the red envelope?"

"The door is open, what more red envelopes do you need, brothers, come on!" Ding Liwei gave an order, and several people pushed the door open in partnership.

Zhao Yinger kept laughing beside the bed: "I told you earlier that you can't open the door. You can't stop them."

Ling Lan was wearing her wedding dress, sitting on the bed.

Although Yi Yang knew that she had bought this dress, he had never seen her wear it. Looking at it now, she was really pretty as hell.

Yi Xin came in with a small bag on her back, and took out the wrapped red packets one by one to the people present.

Di Li took the red envelope and looked at Yi Xin: "Who is this little girl?"

"Sister, Yi Yang's sister!" Jiang Xin explained to her: "How about it, is she prettier than you?"

"Your sister is better, she is still pretty, what kind of professional?"

Yi Xin replied shyly, "A medical student!"

"Medical students are very good, helping the world and saving people."

"Sister Dilly, I really like watching your movies. Can I take a photo with you?"

The two chatted in a few words, and then took a group photo, talking and laughing.

Yi Yang looked at Ling Lan, although they had been together every day these years, but on such a big day like today, looking at them like this is really a different feeling.

"My daughter-in-law is beautiful, how about it, let's go?"

"Let's go!" Ling Lan replied without hesitation: "Let's get the certificate like this!"

Yi Yang put the embroidered shoes on for Ling Lan, and Yuan Zhengzhong got closer and closer with a hand-held gimbal and a camera, recording every detail. This will be a fond memory for the two of them in the future.

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