One can control lightning, the other can suck blood to recover, and can also help the holder recover his strength.

These are very good weapons.

Just right.

It has been more than a month since he awakened his memory, and Jin Shining has not found a weapon that suits him, and he can’t look at it ordinarily.

Thunder knife teeth and decapitation knives are actually not very in line with the aesthetic of golden flash.

But that’s okay.

He had already thought about it, and after getting these two knives, plus the long knife stitches he had picked up in Materday, he went to the country of craftsmen to find someone to recreate them.

It’s all good material.

Coupled with the good craftsmanship of the craftsmen of the Craftsman’s Country, he is not afraid that he will not be able to create a weapon that suits him.

“Put your stuffed dog smelly fart, smelly boy, I see you are living impatiently!”

Black hoe Thunder Tooth, who had a hot temper and did not want to delay time, raised the two thunder knives in his hand and launched an attack on Jin Flash.

Just listen to it.

Blue thunder and lightning streaked across the ground and went straight to the golden flash.

But playing with Golden Lightning, isn’t this Luban’s big axe in front of the door.

Motion can generate fields, and fields can generate forces.

Ghidorah was born to control gravity and form a special force field.

In this force field, it can unify the electromagnetic force and further manipulate it.

It’s just that Ghidorah doesn’t understand science.

Otherwise, if it can play super electromagnetic gun, what will happen to Godzilla.

Of course.

As a human being, Golden Flash does not have those restrictions, and can play more.

He just stretched out a hand and controlled the magnetic field.

The electric energy in the surrounding air, including the thunder and lightning emitted by the black hoe thunder tooth on the opposite side, were all absorbed into the palm.


Some small black dots rose on the ground, which were iron elements.

All of them converged on the golden flashing fingers and condensed into an iron pellet the size of a marble.

What the hell is this ninjutsu?

The cold sweat of both Black Hoe Thunder Tooth and Loquat Juzo came down.

It’s not that they know how strong this trick is.

Rather, as people who have been on the brink of death for many years, they also have a keen sense of danger.

I only think that if I take this trick on the other side, I am afraid that I will really die!


The thunder and lightning became more and more dazzling on the golden hand.

“Wait… Wait a minute!! ”

Loquat Juzo still couldn’t hold on.

He believed in his feelings, so he did not hesitate to drop the decapitation knife and chose to abandon the car to save his life!

“What about you.”

Golden Flash aimed the projectile at the Black Hoe, Thunder Fang again.

“Just kidding, how could Uncle Ben …”


After a bang.

Before Black Hoe’s Thunder Tooth finished speaking, a dazzling light swept past him, directly vaporizing half of his body.


It’s good that the golden flash can give him a chance to live, what kind of fart do you want to eat.

The electromagnetic cannon grazed the black hoe thunder tooth, taking half of his body and moving on, all the way into the woods, vaporizing all the trees along the way.

It ended up hitting a small hill.


Between the evaporation of the fire, the hills were pierced and exploded again.

Loquat Juzo turned his stiff neck and found that the forest behind him had been pierced through a kilometer-long ‘passage’.

Bare and straight, there are still scenes of carbonization and incineration.

What kind of ninjutsu is this!

It’s too terrifying and brutal!

Loquat Juzo’s liver trembled, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

But look at the appearance of the black hoe and thunder tooth next to him, half of his body is gone, and he doesn’t know how to die, and he is afraid that he is a little lucky.

This is thanks to his quick action and knowledge of trade-offs.

Otherwise, if you hesitate for a few more seconds, I am afraid that this end will not be much better than the black hoe thunder tooth.

With two bangs.

The decapitation knife and the two thunder knives were also sealed into the scroll by the golden flash.

As for how this scroll came about, and when he learned the sealing technique.

Of course, I snatched it from the Konoha camp and learned it.

“That… What is your name? ”

See the golden flash to go.

Loquat Juzo couldn’t help but ask again.


After reporting his name, Jin Shanshan thought for a moment and said: “If there is no place to go, you can come to work for me, and you will not be dissatisfied in terms of remuneration, because by following me, you will not only get the money, but also have stronger power.” ”

“Think about it, I’ll wait for your reply.”

Threw a small scroll to Loquat Juzo, which was the contact information of Golden Flash, and then without waiting for Loquat Juzo to say anything, he walked away.

Do you want to say yes?

Holding the scroll in his hand, in fact, Loquat Juzo already had the answer in his heart.

It’s not just because Golden Flash is strong enough, slaughtering their elite is the same as killing chickens.

To know.

The Misty Hidden Seven are really not weak.

Don’t look at them, they were first slaughtered by Mater Dai, and then killed one by Golden Flash, as if they were rookies.

That’s all because they’ve met better people.

The Ninja Sword Seven.

The strength of each of them is much stronger than that of ordinary Shangnin, and they belong to elite-level existences.

If you take the life of Zhongnin to fill it, I am afraid that if hundreds of them besiege one of them, it will not have any effect, but will be slaughtered by these seven people.

But even so.

The black hoe thunder tooth also failed to make a move in Jin Shining’s hand, which shows what level Jin Sparkle’s strength has reached.

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