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“Yes, although it is not bad to slaughter humans as fragile as tofu, but it is really more interesting to fight this kind of more resistant object!”

The red eyes gave such an expectant look, and Shatia showed a vicious smile to the other party.

“The other party could be a vampire! Only silver weapons or magic weapons are effective, don’t look her in the eye! ”

Seeing Shatia’s appearance, a look of astonishment appeared on the face of the woman at the head, but it only appeared for a moment, and then immediately raised her face and launched magic:

“Capture the whole race group!”

Undoubtedly, after discovering that Shatia was a vampire who could be harmed by ordinary methods, the woman “One Five Zero” immediately took the opportunity to directly use the power of world-class props.

“Oh? This decisiveness, I have to praise you… But no matter how powerful the world-class props are, it depends on the strength of the user itself, and you can’t hurt me yet. ”

Shatia naturally knows that the other party has world-class props, and since she knows that she dares to appear, she undoubtedly has a strong confidence that she will not be affected by world-class props.

In fact, this is exactly the case – although the woman at the head launched magic, she couldn’t capture Shatia’s figure at all!

Yes, just as the woman at the head was about to launch the magic, Shatia’s figure instantly disappeared in place. To be precise, she began to move at high speed, and she couldn’t capture where she was at all!

Because this is a single mind control type of magic, no matter how powerful the effect of this magic is, as long as it cannot lock Shatia, even world-class props are no different from garbage!

“Can’t catch! All staff, combat readiness! ”

The failure to strike a blow made the members of the Pitch Black Saint Book frown.

Shatia’s reaction exceeded the expectations of the members of the Pitch Black Holy Scripture – they naturally knew about the weakness of the city, but why did Shatia also know?

A hint of foreboding arose in their hearts, no matter how they looked at Shatia, they came prepared, and since they came prepared, they must have the confidence to defeat them, which made them a little scruple.

“The other party should come at us, don’t consume righteously, and prepare to retreat by coating the weapon with alchemy silver!”

The first woman’s order immediately made everyone react quickly. The warrior took up a large shield on his back to block the front and entered a defensive posture. During this time, a female warrior picked up the weapon handed by the warrior in front and began to paint something.

Then, an unpleasant slap entered Xia Yuya’s nose – it was chain gold and silver.

This is a special coating concocted by a chain alchemist. On top of the weapon, a special magic potion with the same effect as silver will be wrapped around the blade like a film.

Because weapons made of silver are not only expensive, but the blade body is also softer than iron weapons, which is not suitable for long-term use. Therefore, most people will buy this paint and apply weapons if necessary, so that the weapon temporarily has a silver effect.

Wielding a weapon that temporarily emitted a silver glow, the group began to retreat while pinning down Shatia.

The retreat movement is also well trained, and the whole team retreats neatly and uniformly like a single individual.

Although I don’t know why Shatia came at them, but everyone knows that Shatia will definitely not let go of herself and others, the members of the pitch-black holy book are not fools, the powerful momentum and murderous aura from Shatia’s body let them know that they and others will definitely not be Shatia’s opponents, the weakness of the only world-class props that can be fought against is also known by Shatia, and only retreat is the most correct choice at the moment… 0

Of course, this does not mean that the members of the Pitch Black Saint Book are afraid of Shatia, because their mission this time is to find the legendary man, and they must avoid meaningless sacrifices before finding him, otherwise even if they defeat Shatia and wait to find that man, there is only one way to die.

Besides, who said that Shatia must be alone? The members of the Pitch Black Holy Scripture were most afraid that Shatia and other companions were secretly waiting for an opportunity to ambush them, so it was better to retreat temporarily based on the known situation.

“Anti-evil defense!”

“High-level spiritual defense!”

“Negative attribute defense!”

The three Magic Chanters retreated while sequentially casting defensive magic on the warriors in front. Although it is not very powerful, it is quite appropriate magic to face the enemy in front of him, Shatia, a vampire.

But this is all in vain, no matter how much you struggle or in vain. In the face of an enemy with such a stark gap in strength, even if 3.0 tries so hard, it still makes no sense.

Such lovely resistance was like the last straw that crushed Shatia’s shaky self-control.

“Already… No more… I can’t stand it——!! ”

Looking at the other party’s series of actions, Shatia, who had never been seen, suddenly stopped moving at high speed, and then made a sound of throwing away her restraints and rushed towards the members of the pitch-black holy scriptures.

Unable to suppress the bloody urge to kill, Shatia took a step forward, quite light, as light as dancing, but to those who saw it, the speed almost exceeded the wind. _

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