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Moreover, since the other party dares to show his face unscrupulously, saying that it is absolutely impossible to be defenseless, there are not many troops in the city, but it can no longer be meaningless consumption.

“Looking at the appearance of the other party, they should be preparing to attack at the same time as the sun sets, and now the siege probably doesn’t want us to escape anyone.”

There was tension all around.

The hot sun slowly climbs into the sky like a turtle, and the cloudless blue sky can be seen at a glance. The wind did not make the slightest sound, and the whole world was enveloped in a silence that could be heard almost when a needle was dropped – some swallowed, others were short of breath.

The attacking side has five hundred and fifty zombies, five hundred and fifty skeletons, seventy-five beast zombies, thirty skeleton archers, thirty skeleton cavalry, a total of twelve hundred and thirty-five undead, plus the guys who are suspected to be behind Enfilea.187

As for the defense, it was made up of adventurers—one hundred and forty-three warriors, nine healing magicians, forty-five magic chanters, one hundred and thirty shield warriors, and one hundred and twenty archers. A total of four hundred and forty-seven soldiers, plus several Mithril level adventurers summoned by the Adventurers’ Guild.

A war with more than three times the difference in combat power is about to begin!


Just waiting for a long time can feel long, but when you make some kind of deadline preparation, you feel that time flies quite quickly.

It has been more than ten hours since facing the siege of the undead, and the time for the sun to go down has come.

There was no other way but to fight to the death, and the adventurers tried to arm themselves as much as possible in this short period of more than ten hours, in an attempt to improve their survival rate.

There are many bonfires on both sides of the city wall, and unlike the undead, it is impossible to defeat the undead in the dark without light to gain vision.

On the platform stood the leaders of the Sorcerers’ Guild and the Adventurers’ Guild, while Chief Shi stood at the front, followed by Mithril adventurers such as White Feather.

In the square in front, many adventurers who were ready to fight were gathered, and the noise of these adventurers rose and fell like a wave. Anxiety, anxiety and fear – they try to hide these emotions, but they still can’t suppress the vacillation in their hearts, which is why there are so many discussions.

After all, what starts next is a battle, the friends next to them may turn into corpses in the next moment, and the person who fell to the ground may even be himself – the place where you will go later is the cool battlefield!

Ya Rantil’s shi chief Lei Tian took a step forward and interrupted such a clamour.

“Adventurers, listen!”

The long voice of the shi sounded, and the square stood up, making Lei Tian Maia’s voice appear particularly loud.

“I admit, there are a lot of enemies.”

There was no noise, but it was obvious to everyone that there was an atmosphere called dabh in the square.

Lei Tian Maia paused for a moment, and then opened his voice again.

“But! No need to be afraid! You won’t be fighting alone! Behind you stand your relatives, friends and family! In order to protect our home, we will definitely return in triumph! Witness, adventurers! Tonight – we will attract miracles! ”

As Shi spoke, the nine Healing Magic Chanters below began to use large-scale group state magic to bless them on their upcoming battle.

“Listen to me, all the adventurers—we are indeed outnumbered by the enemy, but will we lose?”


The resolute looking adventurers echoed Lei Tian Maia’s words in unison, and the air was violently shaken.

“That’s right! Because we have things we want to protect, we will never lose and we must not lose! Everyone…… Defeat the enemy and bring victory back to Je Rantil! ”


The morale of the crowd was extremely high. There are no more uneasy people at the scene, only adventurers who face the battle in front of them and turn into warriors!

They are not deluded by magic. Even if so many healing magic chanters were assembled, it would not be possible to have the spare time to cast magic on everyone present before the start of the battle.

Everyone was touched by the words of Chief Shi – if they fell, then their families, friends, and everything they wanted to protect behind them would be trampled on, so even if they fought for their lives, they must completely defeat the army of the undead!

Seeing the reaction of the adventurers, everyone on the platform nodded in satisfaction, then drew their swords or staffs, and then pointed to the gate-

“The whole army … Sortie!! ”


Countless roars curbed the surroundings.


The entire wetland resounded with deafening cries, along with countless sounds of water, splashing water and flying dirt.

At the same time, seeing the adventurers attacking, the undead legion also began to march at the same time! – The Undead Legion is roughly divided into two teams and deployed in the marsh. _

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