King Who Will Cross

Chapter 230: Soul Gem Scepter

Through the analysis of the movie's plot, Li Daniu knew that there were only three elements for Loki to attract the Qiruita army.

First, powerful energy.

Second, the stable substance of the space passage—the bowl.

Third, the scepter inlaid with the soul gem.

These three can be said to be indispensable, but if we want to rank these three elements in order of importance, the most important is undoubtedly the scepter.

There are many places on the earth that can provide energy, and although the mysterious material bowl is relatively rare on the earth, it is not really difficult to find.

And the scepter inlaid with the soul stone, let alone the earth, is the only one in the whole universe.

When Li Daniu seized the opportunity to grab the scepter in Luo Ji's hand, he suddenly exploded with all his internal strength. At this moment, he no longer cared whether such an output would cause any harm to the innocent onlookers around him.

There was a loud bang, Li Daniu's purple internal force, when it touched the scepter, had a wonderful reaction with the scepter, a burst of blue energy erupted from the mind stone, but it was different from before, This blue energy did not cause any damage to Li Daniu. Instead, Loki, the holder of the scepter, was sent flying by this blue energy.

what's going on?

Li Daniu, who was holding the scepter, and Loki, who was blown away by the energy, uttered this question at the same time.

Li Daniu could clearly feel that the internal force in his body and the blue energy flow emanating from the soul gem were entangled together like dry wood meeting a raging fire, like a fool meeting a resentful woman.

He tried to recover the internal force he had released, but found that not only the released internal force was out of control, but also the remaining internal force in his body was out of control, like a cat smelling fishy. Following the meridians in his body, he rushed out from his hand holding the scepter, and entered the soul gem on the scepter.

This is not the saddest thing, besides the internal force in the body is completely out of control, Li Daniu's body is also completely out of control, even if he moves his fingers or even blinks his eyes, he can't do it at all. Like a sculpture.

The Rocky who was knocked into the air crashed into the stairs inside the hall, directly knocked a hole in the stairs, and even smashed through the back wall, and flew from the lobby of the hotel to the street behind the hotel.

If it was a normal person, these few strokes would definitely be death or disability, but I have to admire the physique of the people of God's Domain. After getting up from the ground, Loki shook his head, only to realize that he was completely defeated in front of Li Daniu. . Even the scepter given to him by Thanos was snatched away by Li Daniu.

Although Loki's plan this time is to take the initiative to be arrested, and then let SHIELD **** his scepter, so that he can use the power of the mind stone on the scepter to disintegrate the Avengers from the inside.

However, it is one thing for me to take the initiative, but another for you to abuse me.

Lao Tzu is the future king of God's Domain, the ruler of the earth, you mortal, how dare you hit me flying twice in a row, and even use my weapon to hit me flying?

Loki has lost his composure at this time, no matter what his plan is, at worst, after killing Li Daniu, he can pretend to be caught by others, anyway, there are many people in the Avengers Alliance.

When Loki rushed back to the hall, he found that Li Daniu was holding his scepter very coquettishly, standing in the middle of the hall, and even from the scepter held by Li Daniu, there was a mixture of purple and blue light.

At this moment, it seems that Li Daniu is more like a **** than Rocky.

Is this okay?

Rocky didn't know at all that Li Daniu was really not pretending to be -B at this time, but that he couldn't move.

Li Daniu, who was trying to control his body, saw Loki rushing in and took out a very strange dagger from his body, he was scared to pee. He clearly remembered this dagger. In the movie, Thor, who was physically stronger than Loki, was directly pierced by this dagger.

Thor, who was bombarded by lightsabers or energy cannons without any damage, looked like an ordinary person in front of such a dagger. Then, Li Daniu, whose body is only the limit strength of ordinary people, is even more unsightly in front of this dagger.

My grass.

After scolding in his heart, Li Daniu gritted his teeth and began to think of ways to withdraw his internal strength. In fact, it was said that he was clenching his teeth, but in fact, Li Daniu couldn't even do this action.

The empty dantian had just produced a trace of internal energy, just like its predecessors, it rushed towards the scepter in Li Daniu's hand uncontrollably, and then it was like water that had been set aside, and there was no way to get it back.

Li Daniu no longer expressed any hope for the internal force that had already entered the scepter. He pinned all his hopes on the new internal force in his body.

It's a lot to say, but in fact, it only took a few blinks. Li Daniu's body has already produced more than a dozen internal forces. None of these internal forces can be controlled by Li Daniu, and they are all fed to the scepter.

At this time, Rocky had rushed to Li Daniu's side, and even waved the hand holding the dagger.

It is often said that when a person is about to die, his time will become very slow. It may be the last blink of an eye before death, and he can review his entire life.

Li Daniu also experienced this feeling now. For some reason, he felt that everything around him became very slow. The figure of Loki rushing over seemed to be in slow motion in a movie, and even the cruel smile on Loki's face seemed to be slowed down by more than ten times before it really showed.

"Could it be that I'm going to die here?" After thinking about it, Li Daniu was unwilling to put his spirit on the new internal force in his dantian, and rushed to the scepter along with this internal force in the Mind Gem.

In the past, when Li Daniu had achieved success in internal energy, he could easily achieve internal vision, attach his spirit to the internal force in his body, and then observe the subtleties of his body when the internal force was operating.

However, Li Daniu has never tried to attach the spirit to the internal force, and then let this internal force leave the body.

In other words, Li Daniu has tried it before, but whenever the internal force is separated from the body, the spirit attached to it is like bumping into an invisible net and is directly blocked, while the internal force is unimpeded. out.

But this time, with the mentality of dying and struggling, Li Daniu succeeded when he attached his internal force to a newborn internal force.

Because of the practice during this period, the internal strength has improved again? Or is it because this internal force was sucked away by the soul gem?

No matter what the reason is, when Li Daniu's spirit enters the soul gem, he can no longer feel anything around him. The only thing that can be felt is the endless ocean of yellow energy.

yellow? Why is it yellow? The previous performance, isn't it blue?

And the purple internal force in Li Daniu's body, which seemed huge before, is now like a drop of water of a different color that has dropped into the vast ocean. It is inconspicuous in the yellow energy ocean.

Li Daniu could clearly feel that his inner strength, perhaps soon, would be assimilated by this yellow ocean. And he possessed the internal force of the spirit, and he would not escape this end.

Is a drop of paint dissolving faster in the ocean, or the speed of thought?

Li Daniu didn't know the answer, but he knew that if he couldn't get his body out of the power range of the mind gem when his internal force was completely dissolved in the yellow ocean, he might be sucked dry by the mind gem.

Because in his body, in addition to internal force, there is also a trace of purple energy in the blood and muscles that cannot be detected by professional instruments. This is what he accidentally discovered when he was looking inside.

The ocean of yellow energy in the Mind The most interesting thing is definitely not Li Daniu's internal power, but the purple color of his internal power that belongs to the energy of the Power Gem. And when all the internal force has been absorbed, and Li Daniu's body can't produce new internal force, will the yellow energy ocean start to absorb the purple in his flesh and blood?

Not daring to take this risk at all, Li Daniu controlled his internal force attached to the spirit, and merged with the purple internal force that was sucked into the soul gem before, perhaps because it was already inside the soul gem, so Li Daniu couldn't feel it. After reaching the previous suction, he was able to control his internal force, and began to operate according to the countless operation methods he had practiced.

When this internal force was operating with the mutated inner strength and mental method, the speed at which the yellow energy ocean eroded and dissolved this internal force suddenly slowed down.

Even, under the operation of this purple internal force, a trace of yellow energy was also engulfed.

Is this the rhythm that I want to gather the energy of the six infinite gems and then summon the dragon?

Li Daniu just had a word of obscenity, and found that the yellow energy ocean was eroding his purple internal force at a faster rate, so he quickly gathered his mind and began to assimilate the entrained yellow energy wholeheartedly.

When Li Daniu's purple internal force was about to be eroded, he finally successfully digested that trace of yellow energy, and then everything became quiet, and the yellow energy ocean suddenly ignored his small strand of internal force.

And when Li Daniu digested that trace of yellow energy, he suddenly felt that his spirit had become a little different. He could clearly feel that there was a looming path in this boundless ocean of yellow energy, which was exactly the way to his body.

"Could it be that when I rushed back to my body, I was already stabbed to death by Loki?"

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