King Who Will Cross

Chapter 237: Hulk - transform!

While Dr. Banner was testing the scepter, Tony secretly placed a button-like device on the main unit under the laboratory operating table.

Banner was an ordinary person when he didn't transform into the Hulk, so he didn't notice Tony's small movements at all.

And even if Li Daniu didn't enter the wonderful state endowed by the soul gem, he could still use his internal strength to endow him with a keen sense of touch and notice Tony's small movements.

However, he knew that Tony was going to invade the SHIELD system to see what the **** the SHIELD was doing, so he didn't make any noise. Anyway, no matter what Tony discovers, it will not damage Li Daniu's interests.

"I did detect fluctuations similar to space gems on this scepter." Banner said, "It's just that this fluctuation is too superficial, somewhat similar to the assimilation produced by being in a radiation environment for a long time."

Hearing this, Tony completely let go of his attention to the scepter, and said, "So, can we speed up the search for space gems through this similar fluctuation?"

"Of course there is no problem." Banner said confidently. Before turning into the Hulk, he was more like a scientist than Tony.

After Banner entered the scepter's data into the system, Tony's small movements were spotted on the device.

"You did this?"

"That's right." Tony said unabashedly, "Don't you think SHIELD is weird? Researching something as big as a space gem is actually sneaky. I think there must be something wrong with them."

Coincidentally, Captain America came to this laboratory at this time, and after hearing Tony's words, he couldn't help but say: "I see, you think they didn't ask you, a genius, to study together, and you feel unbalanced. "

Tony shrugged indifferently, and said: "So what? Don't forget, the space gem, it seems that my father found it from the sea when he was searching for your whereabouts. According to American law, I have the right to inherit the space gem." Yes, if I have to pay inheritance tax, I think my money should be enough."

Captain America is choked, Tony's father, his best friend besides the Winter Soldier.

Banner stood on Tony's side this time and said: "Captain, Ferry should have told you that they are going to use space gems to study energy, and on earth, in terms of energy, if Tony says he is the first person, Then, I don’t think anyone will directly refute it.”

"Beautiful." Tony wanted to give Banner a high-five, but Banner flamboyantly ignored him. However, he said happily, "Finally someone has recognized my importance in the energy industry, and it's still Banner. A world-renowned scientist like Doctor, of course, your other name may be more famous."

"Enough." Although Captain America felt that what Tony and Banner said made sense, he still didn't like Tony's way of invading the S.H.I.E.L.D. system, and turned and left the laboratory.

Li Daniu looked at the back of Captain America leaving, and said nothing, as long as he ensured that Loki would not escape, then why should he take care of the internal affairs of the Avengers?

"Hey, Mr. Mercenary." Tony ignored Captain America who left angrily, and said to Li Daniu: "Are you interested in sitting with me again? I heard that you gave Dr. Banner an optimization program. The effect is not bad, the three of us can have a good discussion with me."

"When I went last time, you didn't seem very enthusiastic." Li Daniu curled his lips. The last time Tony was not only unenthusiastic, he was simply hostile, and almost fired at Li Daniu.

"Oh no, we didn't know each other last time, but now, we have known each other. Please believe me, I will be very warm to my friends, especially those who understand science." After Tony finished speaking, he looked at him again. Banner, said, "What do you think?"

Banner shook his head and said, "I don't think so. Last time I went to New York, I almost demolished Manhattan. Don't you know?"

"I heard about it, but unfortunately I wasn't there at the time." Tony asked curiously: "So, why have you been here for so long and haven't transformed yet? Do you need stimulation?"

As soon as Tony finished speaking, he took a screwdriver that he didn't know where to find, and stabbed Banner's waist.

Banner let out a cry of pain, looked at Tony's innocent and curious expression, but didn't blame him, and said, "If I can't even stand this little stimulation, then this world has already been destroyed."

Regarding Banner's words, no one felt that he was bragging, including Tony, who had always been arrogant, and did not refute it, because the Hulk did have this strength.

Seeing that Banner was immersed in his work, Tony started chatting with Li Daniu. Originally, he wanted to pass the boring time, but he didn't expect that Li Daniu would know so much.

A born genius, one of the greatest inventors on earth, an acquired genius, a copycat scientist who studied in an alien empire. After the two chatted, there was a faint spark of spirit. Even Banner, who was buried in his work, was attracted by the genius of the two and joined in the unconstrained discussion.

Before they had a good discussion, Ferry walked into the laboratory angrily and shouted: "Tony, I asked you to help, not to invade our main system."

Ferry is so angry because the main system is completely different from the system Tony invaded before. The main system only exists in this aircraft carrier, and it forms a network alone, which cannot be invaded by the outside world. And just now, Ferry got a system notification that there is an intrusion source in this laboratory.

Who else does this kind of thing besides Tony?

"Please help us, why don't you tell us the truth of the matter?" Tony seemed indifferent to Ferry's anger.

"Because their truth will shock the world." Captain America is always so elusive, and this time he appeared in the laboratory again, holding a very sci-fi weapon, still in front of Ferry, and asked: "Why? I will find it in your arsenal, where is the weapon Hydra used before?"

Ferry explained embarrassingly: "Because we want to study the space gem, so we need to collect everything about him."

"Didi..." The mention sounded, Tony looked at the equipment display terminal, and after a few sneers, he showed the detailed structure and production method of the weapon on the display terminal to everyone in the laboratory. over again.

Before Ferry could Thor also ran over out of boredom, and this time, he became chaotic again.

Li Daniu knew that there would be a quarrel, so he left the laboratory with an attitude of out of sight and out of mind, and guarded the door, ready to go in after they finished their quarrel.

Before the quarrel inside stopped, the black widow hurried over, saw Li Daniu, and asked, "Where is Banner?"

Li Daniu pointed to the door of the laboratory behind him, without speaking, the black widow rushed in nervously.

"Stop arguing. Loki's target is Banner. He wants to use Banner's uncontrollable transformation to cause us civil strife."

Everyone stopped arguing and looked nervously at Dr. Banner with a blank face.


Before the Black Widow could utter Loki's original words, there was a loud noise, accompanied by the violent vibration of the aircraft carrier, causing everyone to stagger.

Screeching sirens sounded from inside the aircraft carrier.

"There is an enemy attack! The No. 3 turbine engine is malfunctioning."

Damn, everyone is yelling. In addition to Thor and Iron Man who can fly, there is also the Hulk transformed by Banner who is not afraid of falling. If other people fall from the height of 10,000 meters , There is no doubt that he will die.

Tony turned and ran towards his steel armor, while Captain America and Ferry went to deal with the intruders.

Thor reacted the fastest and rushed directly to the place where Loki was being held. Li Daniu waited for a long time, just waiting for this moment.

In the laboratory, only the Black Widow and Dr. Banner, who was hit by the experimental equipment due to the violent vibration, remained.

"Banner, control your emotions, don't transform." Black Widow looked at Dr. Banner whose body was beginning to swell, and shouted.

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