King Who Will Cross

Chapter 241: Are you kidding me?

When Li Daniu followed Captain America and Tony to the bridge position of the aircraft carrier, all the riots had stopped, and the employees of S.H.I.E.L.D. began to deal with the aftermath in an orderly manner.

Seeing Tony being carried by Captain America, Ferry, who was directing people, suddenly became nervous.

"What's up with him?"

"It's okay, it's just a little shock." Tony said ahead of Captain America: "But, shouldn't I arrange a doctor first?"

"If it's just a shock, then I think you should wait for a while." Ferry calmed down and said, "There are more seriously injured people at the moment."

"Okay." After Tony signaled Captain America to put him on the chair next to him, he happened to see Li Daniu throwing his armor directly on the ground like throwing garbage.

"Can you treat it better? It is one of the most high-tech equipment for human beings."

Li Daniu smiled disdainfully, and said: "Can you take a long-term view? Aliens have begun to invade the earth, and you still cling to the most advanced technology on the earth? Can it fly to outer space? Can it conduct Space jump? It's..."

Tony retorted: "It's just the first generation product, and it will definitely be able to do the functions you said in the future."

Li Daniu waved his hand and didn't continue to argue. After confirming with Ferry that Loki was being locked up properly, he walked to the side and sat down, closed his eyes and began to review the armor structure diagram he just wrote down.

Although I can remember every detail clearly, it will take a while to understand all of them and make the cottage come out.

Captain America asked, "What about the casualties?"

Ferry whispered, "Agent Coulson..."

Hearing what Ferry said, both Tony and Captain America's eyes widened instantly. These two people have a good relationship with Coulson. Although Tony always mocked Coulson, from the very beginning when he became Iron Man , The contact person sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. is Coulson. And Captain America was dug out from under the glacier by Coulson. For a while, Coulson even served as his life consultant to help him get used to modern life faster.

"It's my fault." Li Daniu was not in the mood to look back at the structure of the armor anymore, he opened his eyes and sighed, "If I had reacted faster then, maybe..."

In fact, Li Daniu still has a good impression of a plot character like Coulson, because Coulson is the kind of good old man in the legend, and his way of acting is also very gentle and polite. Although he knew that Coulson would be resurrected, the way of resurrection was not so pleasant. (For those who are interested, you can watch the American TV series S.H.I.E.L.D., starring Coulson. It’s not bad. It contains a story about how he was resurrected.)

"No, you did nothing wrong. Before Coulson closed his eyes, he asked me to thank you for him." Ferry thought that Li Dani was also blaming himself for Coulson's death. How about some sympathy for the pain that Ersen will endure in the future?

"It's Loki?" Tony's expression was a little calm, but anyone who knew him knew that he was really angry.

"En." After Ferry responded, he took out a few Captain America character cards from his pocket, which were still stained with blood.

"Captain, Coulson is your most loyal fan. If you don't mind, can you fulfill his last wish and sign these cards?"

When Ferui said this, he glanced at Li Daniu. He was worried that Li Daniu would deny the sensational words he had heard when he heard Coulson's last words.

Li Daniu shook his head, closed his eyes, and continued to understand the structure of Iron Man's armor.

Captain America didn't say anything, and after being silent for a while, he left directly. This was the first time he encountered the death of his teammates since he was reborn, which reminded him of those comrades in arms during World War II.

When Ferry saw Captain America leave, he didn't care. He was just here to sensationalize. It doesn't make any sense whether Captain America signs or not.

At this time, Raytheon returned to the aircraft carrier with Banner, who was only wearing a pair of underpants. Seeing that the other people were in a bad mood, after inquiring about it, they all became disappointed. Thor blamed himself more than others, because he always regarded Loki as his own brother.

The aftermath work was done quickly, and Ferry once again summoned the members of the Avengers, as well as Li Daniu, a special advisor to the S.H.I.E.L.D.

When Hawkeye also appeared in the meeting room, everyone else was stunned for a moment, and the Black Widow explained: "He has already woken up."

"How did you do it? Wasn't he controlled by Loki with that scepter?" Tony, who had just checked that there was nothing serious, asked curiously, and at the same time looked at the scepter that Li Daniu was waving.

Black Widow said: "He knocked Hawkeye unconscious, so Hawkeye woke up."

When the black widow said this, Hawkeye stared at Li Daniu with inarticulate eyes.

"What are you looking at me for?" Li Daniu completely ignored Hawkeye's gaze, and said, "If I don't knock you out, why don't I let you continue to wreak havoc."

"Of course not, but is it necessary to use so much force?" Hawkeye laughed, rubbed the back of his neck and said, "My neck is still hurting."

"Isn't the situation urgent at that time?" Li Daniu said perfunctorily.

Tony shook his head and said, "So, what about Dr. Selvig?"

Ferry replied: "Hawkeye has already told us where he is. Our people have just sent back news that they have successfully controlled him and the space gem. Moreover, our people are knocking Sylvie unconscious. After Dr. Ge, it was found that he also returned to normal."

After Li Daniu heard what Ferry said, he smiled and didn't say anything. He knew in his heart that the reason why Ferry knocked him out after controlling a person like Selvig who had no combat effectiveness was entirely because of Ferry. It is suspected that Li Daniu has a way to break Loki's magic.

"Thor, is the magic in your domain so easily cracked?" Tony asked Thor, the God of Thunder with a calm face.

Thor shook his head and said, "I don't understand magic, and the magic that Loki uses to control people's hearts is not from our God's Domain."

After the others glanced at the muscle mass on Thor's body, they also understood what Thor said about him not being able to use magic.

"Okay, the discussion is over for the time being." After clapping his hands, Ferry looked at the people present seriously, and said, "Now, Loki is under our control, and the space gem and Searle who already knows how to open the space channel Dr. Wigg has also come to his senses, so if there are no more accidents, the crisis this time has been completely resolved."

Iron Man Tony raised his hand and asked, "So, can we open a bottle of champagne to celebrate? Then we will disband and go back to our houses."

The others also looked relaxed, and no one would feel reluctant to avoid a war with aliens.

However, Ferry's next words surprised these superheroes, even Li Daniu, who had been avoiding a war with aliens and worked hard to change the plot.

"I think, let Dr. Selvig use the space gem to open the space channel leading to the Zirita."


"Did I hear wrong?"

Not to mention Iron Man Thor and others, even Ferry's subordinates, Black Widow and Hawkeye, also called out.

Captain America was the calmest. After hearing Ferry's words, he stopped the other people's noise and said to Ferry: "Tell me your purpose and reason."

After Ferry finished what he said just now, he instantly relaxed, because although he came up with this plan, even he himself couldn't believe it.

"I think that even if we control Loki, or even send the space gem away from the earth, it is impossible to avoid being invaded by aliens in the future. Moreover, the Ziritans have been preparing for so long, is it just because The space channel can’t be opened, so simply give up?”

Seeing the expression of agreement on everyone's face, Ferry continued: "Instead of doing this, why don't we just give the Chiritas a hard time, and let all the aggressive aliens in this universe know, We earthlings are not easy to mess Do you still remember what I told you at the beginning, the purpose of establishing the Avengers Alliance? When encountering such a problem, even if we cannot win, there will be You powerful superheroes, go find them for revenge."

"But now, we have all the advantages, why can't we give it a try? Are the Qiruitas invincible?"

After Ferry finished speaking, everyone became contemplative, and the first to speak was Iron Man, a pseudo-egoist.

"I think what Ferry said is very reasonable, and, I believe, with sufficient preparation, he can definitely teach the Zirita a very hard lesson."

Captain America raised his own question: "Do you know how to close the space channel after it is opened?"

Ferry smiled and said, "Of course I know, and it's very simple."

When Li Daniu saw that most of the people showed signs of agreement, and even started to think about the follow-up plan, he couldn't help but said: "Are you guys joking with me?" (To be continued.)

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