King Who Will Cross

Chapter 270: surrender

When Tuvalu began to live broadcast the migration of its own nationals, many New Zealanders chose to watch it, because it was closely related to their country, and they all knew that the government of their country wanted to renege on what they had sold to Tuva. Lou's Auckland Islands.

However, the live broadcast was a little longer, and many people chose to stop watching it due to work and life reasons.

It wasn't until New Zealand's P-3 Orion maritime patrol plane appeared next to His Majesty the King of Tuvalu's private jet that most people in New Zealand chose to watch the live broadcast again.

The plane landed smoothly, and His Majesty the King of Tuvalu began to take reporters to visit the residential areas of New Tuvalu, as well as future plans and projects under construction. Those shots are also very attractive to New Zealanders.

So the number of people watching has been increasing.

When the New Zealanders knew through the live broadcast that their country's government had already started a landing operation and was preparing to forcibly occupy the Auckland Islands and then repatriate all the foreigners on it, they began calling their friends to watch the live broadcast.

New Zealand is known as the last piece of pure land in the world because they do not develop their own military power, or even compress their previous military power. And this time, it is very likely that New Zealand has initiated a war for the first time. Can it be unobtrusive?

When His Majesty the King of Tuvalu's three-minute declaration was broadcast live to audiences all over the world. It can be said that almost everyone in New Zealand, with a population of more than four million, has temporarily stopped their work, wanting to see what His Majesty the King of Tuvalu is going to do.

Before many people stopped laughing at the arrogance of His Majesty the King of Tuvalu, the accident happened when His Majesty the King of Tuvalu pressed the enter key on his notebook.

People who watched the live broadcast through desktop computers suddenly found that the power was cut off, and those who watched the live broadcast through laptops and other devices with their own power supplies suddenly found that the network was interrupted.

At this time, no one realized that something was wrong, until they found that there was no signal on the mobile phone, and the whole city had a power outage, and they panicked.

If His Majesty the King of Tuvalu had not declared that New Zealand would suffer the consequences before the power outage, and had not pressed the enter button, they would have thought it was an ordinary power outage.

However, when they combined the news they got from watching the live broadcast before, and then looked at the situation around them, they really panicked.

Power outages are not scary, and New Zealand is not without incidents. But there has never been a time like this. After a power outage, there is no signal on the mobile phone, let alone the Internet.

Doesn't the signal base station have power? Doesn't the communication company have an emergency power generation device?

Why is there no signal?

In the 21st century, what is the most inseparable thing in human life?

Some people will answer routine things like water and food, while others will answer seemingly unnecessary things like electricity and the Internet.

But many people may have forgotten that in the era when technology is gradually replacing labor, if electricity and the Internet are gone, can water and food be adequately supplied?

There is no accurate answer to this question before, because there has never been a large-scale power outage. If it is only a small-scale, partial power outage, it will not cause turmoil in the entire society.

But now, for New Zealanders, they already have an accurate answer in their hearts, that is, human beings in the 21st century must never live without electricity or the Internet.

"Did Tuvalu bomb our power station?"

"Did Tuvalu shoot down our communications satellite?"

Everyone guessed what they could think of, the worst outcome, many people started to walk on the street, asking the people around them what happened, but no one could give an accurate answer.

And those worst results, after being passed around, became the so-called real news.

Riots happen.

Some New Zealanders who were shopping for daily necessities in supermarkets and shopping malls started looting after discovering a sudden power outage in supermarkets and shopping malls.

The police came forward to maintain law and order, but there was no way to stop the riots across the country. Although the New Zealand army did not fall into the riots, they lost contact with the outside world and did not dare to move out without orders.

The subway stopped suddenly, and many people were trapped in the subway.

The traffic lights suddenly disappeared, and in just a few minutes, thousands of car accidents occurred.

In a place like the airport, although the emergency power generation device was activated in time, they found that they had no way to communicate with the planes that were about to land. Without guidance, those planes that were about to land could only circle around hover over the plane.

In New Zealand's combat command center, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense also discovered the problem. Their normal communication channels with the outside world were suddenly disconnected, and it was even impossible to respond to the New Zealand soldiers who had landed in the Auckland Islands and those docked at the ports of the Auckland Islands. The warship takes command.

"What the **** is going on?" The Minister of Defense was furious, and he threw his mobile phone, which had no signal, to the ground.

At this time, the emergency phone rang suddenly, and the operator was dumbfounded after listening, and said: "A large-scale power outage, network and communication interruption occurred."

"Large scale?" The calm New Zealand Prime Minister asked, "How big is it?"

"The whole... country!"

"What?" There was a sudden noise in the combat command center, and everyone couldn't believe their ears.

"It is confirmed that... a nationwide power outage, network and communication interruption occurred." The operator repeated, looking at the Prime Minister of New Zealand foolishly.

After the Prime Minister of New Zealand shook violently a few times, he fell on his back. The Minister of Defense and others beside him quickly helped him up. An assistant took out a quick-acting heart-relief pill and fed it into the Prime Minister of New Zealand. After feeding him a few sips of water , he said tremblingly: "Notify the landing combat troops, let them stop all actions, and then contact the King of Tuvalu."

"Contact him?" The Minister of Defense froze for a moment.

"Let him restore New Zealand to normal." The Prime Minister of New Zealand yelled out: "Do you know that this kind of accident will cause large-scale riots, and do you know how many people will die because of this riot in a few minutes? How much loss did it cause?"

The Minister of Defense also reacted at this time, and hurriedly asked people to use emergency communication methods to contact the frontline combatants.

At this moment, the two transport planes had arrived at the designated location. When they were close to Li Daniu's location, they did evasive flight for a while. When they found that they were not under any attack, they stopped the plane in a very arrogant manner. Li Daniu sat near his seat.

Li Daniu looked at more than 40 fully armed special soldiers who came down from the two transport helicopters, laughed, and said, "It should be almost the same."

Perhaps it was affected by Li Daniu's calmness, or maybe it was because the opponent's special forces had arrived, and Castro stopped persuading Li Daniu at this time and told him to leave quickly. After hearing Li Daniu talking to himself, he asked, "What's the matter?"

"New Zealand should suffer the same consequences." Li Daniu said to the camera lens: "If the New Zealand government has not learned the lessons it deserves from the few minutes just now, then please don't blame me for being ruthless."

After finishing speaking, Li Daniu ignored the New Zealand soldiers who were approaching him in a row, and pressed his notebook again.

With Li Daniu's button, New Zealand's electricity and network began to return to normal. Many places that had just begun to riot stopped the riots when they found that the electricity, network, and communications were normal.

Although the riots in some places did not stop, after the communication was restored, the police station and the army began to suppress the riots in a targeted manner.

The subway also started to pass again, and the plane was able to land smoothly.

The few short minutes of darkness just now seemed like a nightmare, but now, they are awake.

"Hold on! Hands up!"

The New Zealand special forces who had just rushed to Li Daniu's side raised their weapons and shouted loudly.

Li Daniu stood there very uncooperatively, with his hands behind his back, and said to the New Zealand special forces pointing a gun at him: "If I were you, put down the weapon in your hand now and surrender."

"Are you **** crazy?" After the special soldier cursed, he directly smashed Li Daniu with the **** of his gun.

"Stop!" The commander of the team wanted to stop the actions of his men, not because he knew what happened in New Zealand just now, but because he knew that there were cameras broadcasting live.

It's a pity that this shout was a bit late, and the special soldier couldn't stop his movements at all.

Li Daniu raised one hand, held the **** of the gun that hit him, and then punched the special soldier in the abdomen, forcing him to let go, then lifted him up and stood in front of him.

At this time, Li Daniu was leaning against his bulletproof car, while Castro and another Tuvalu official stood on both sides of Li Daniu without hesitation, blocking possible loopholes for him with their bodies.

The New Zealand special forces who noticed the situation here gave up the target in front of them and pointed their guns at Li Daniu at the same time.

"What?" Li Daniu laughed loudly: "Are you going to shoot and kill a king and his comrades in front of 200 million viewers?"

"Put down your weapons and hostages." A commander shouted, "George, turn off the live broadcast equipment."

After hearing the order from his commander, a soldier walked towards the cameraman with a gun raised.

"If your men move again, what do you think I will do?" Li Daniu noticed that besides the soldier who was about to turn off the live broadcast equipment, there were three other soldiers who were going to circle behind him.

"Stop!" After the commander shouted, he said to Li Daniu: "We will never compromise with you. If you surrender now, we can promise not to hurt you."

Li Daniu said with a smile: "I will never compromise. If you surrender now, I think the whole New Zealand will thank you."

Just as the commander was about to give the order to force the attack, the communicator on his body rang.

"Stop all operations and meet all demands of the King of Tuvalu."

With a disbelieving expression on his face, the commander asked into the intercom: "Are you kidding me?"

"This is an order, Second Lieutenant." The Minister of Defense of the Combat Command looked at the recovered live broadcast and said into the intercom: "I order you as the Minister of New Zealand, now, put down your weapons, surrender."

Next to the Minister of Defense, a staff officer said: "Mr. Minister, I think that now is the best time to catch the King of Tuvalu. Judging from the previous live broadcast, he needs to carry out cyber attacks through that laptop. If our people If he attacks forcibly, he won't even have time to touch that notebook."

The Minister of National Defense turned his head to look at the staff officer coldly, and said, "Do you think the King of Tuvalu is an idiot? Why do you think he is still so arrogantly demanding the surrender of the more than forty special forces who pointed their guns at him? Which do you think is more important is that our country is in complete turmoil or that the king of Tuvalu is captured? Also, you are fired, come, please let him go, I don’t want to see him again.”

The Minister of Defense, who had vented some of his emotions, saw the special soldiers who were still pointing guns at Li Daniu on the live broadcast, and yelled into the communicator again.

"I **** told you to surrender, can't you hear? Are you trying to be a sinner in New Zealand?"

At this time, the commands of the command center sounded in the communicators of the New Zealand special soldiers who were confronting Li Daniu at the same time.

Although they didn't know what happened, they all chose to carry out the order and put down their weapons.

Li Daniu pushed away the soldiers in front of him and said, "Castro, go and disarm them. Remember, treat the prisoners preferentially."

Thanks to Jane Cage Boy and Bing Yuge for their monthly votes. I heard that you are all disgusted with broken chapters? Well, I worked overtime for another chapter, and it’s a 4,000-word chapter, how do you feel? Should there be some recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, tips or something?

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