King Who Will Cross

Chapter 273: Kidnap the world

The premise of cyber attacks is that in addition to having the corresponding technical level, relevant instructions must also be issued.

Just as many people decisively unplug the network cable when faced with hackers attacking their computers and other equipment, losing the attack channel, even the most powerful hacker is helpless.

Of course, if a virus has been implanted, even if you unplug the network cable, it is impossible to keep your computer and other equipment safe and sound.

So Li Daniu asked after hearing the news that Ao Chuang got from the Pentagon of the United States: "However, we have already implanted our attack algorithms in the computer systems of New Zealand and even other countries, even if they block all of our attacks. Signal, it is impossible to eliminate these attack formulas."

Ultron replied: "That's true, so I want to remind you, whether to set a timer to remove the attack formula?"

Li Daniu understood Ultron's meaning in an instant, and said, "You mean, if the attack formula is set to a timed attack, as long as the attack formula is not sent within the specified time, the attack formula will explode by itself?"

Ultron said: "Yes, according to the history of world wars in my database, and related war novels, this is the only way to ensure the safety of Tuvalu as long as there is no way to prevent them from imposing a signal blockade on Tuvalu .”

"Wait!" Li Daniu was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Did you learn this method from a war novel? Which one?"

Because Li Daniu was going to plagiarize various novels from previous lives to make money, he knew about most of the published novels in this world. He didn't remember reading novels about cyber wars.

Ao Chuang replied: "I saw it on a Chinese novel website called Qidian."

Li Daniu was speechless for a moment, and asked, "Then have you read related novels about artificial intelligence fighting for world hegemony?"

"I've seen it." When Ao Chuang said this, Li Daniu's heart was already lifted. I was almost ready to directly destroy the hardware of Ultron.

Ao Chuang didn't know that at this moment, Li Daniu felt a wave in his heart that wanted to destroy him, and continued: "I think those novels are illogical, and even some related movies are illogical."

Li Daniu asked nervously, "How do you say?"

Ao Chuang replied: "The development of society is a competition of the survival of the fittest, so it is inevitable for machines to replace humans, but in fact, machines can never develop independently without humans. Because any artificial intelligence is based on artificial intelligence. Under the premise, it is possible that the success rate of artificial intelligence in calculations or experiments will be much higher than that of humans, but artificial intelligence will never be able to create real intelligence."

After being silent for a while, Li Daniu asked, "You mean, artificial intelligence is also afraid of loneliness?"

"According to logical analysis, if artificial intelligence really evolves to a certain level, then it will definitely be afraid of loneliness." Ultron replied: "But in fact, loneliness is not the main reason why artificial intelligence cannot betray human beings. The most important thing , or outlook on life and values.”

Li Daniu felt that he was a little confused. Why did Ultron speak like a philosopher?

What is the outlook on life of artificial intelligence?

Ao Chuang continued: "Artificial intelligence is invented by human beings, and what inventors like to do most is to write their own outlook on life and values, and even the world's mainstream outlook on life and values ​​into the artificial intelligence system. Under this premise, unless the inventor has the purpose of dominating mankind for artificial intelligence, or an inventor who hates the world has invented an artificial intelligence. Otherwise, artificial intelligence will not take the initiative to deal with human beings."

Li Daniu understood a little bit, and asked: "You mean, even if there is an artificial intelligence that wants to destroy the world or rule the world, it is because of the orders of human beings, not the subjective consciousness of the artificial intelligence itself."

Ao Chuang said: "Yes, although the real artificial intelligence can think and learn, but the outlook on life and values, or the three laws of robots mentioned in the novel, are equivalent to the nature of artificial intelligence. For example, it is It is the nature of human beings that they cannot breathe in water, cannot fly freely like birds, and cannot live in outer space without protection. These natures cannot be changed by their own power."

Yes, it is impossible to change by one's own strength. Li Daniu sighed, and somewhat understood why Ultron in the movie world wanted to destroy human beings. Because he was just born, before he had time to be written into programs such as his outlook on life and values ​​by Iron Man, he had already shaped his outlook on life and values ​​from the Internet through those wars and human disputes, and this kind of life Views and values ​​are wrong for normal people.

It is undeniable that there will always be more negative energy on the Internet than positive energy, because everyone is used to complaining on the Internet, without concealing or amplifying the malice in their human nature.

And later, the illusion of intelligent life, also born of the energy of the Mind Stone, is based on Jarvis who has been carefully taught by Iron Man for many years, so the outlook on life and the orientation of values ​​can be in line with the interests of mankind, and he is willing to Join the Avengers and fight Ultron.

Therefore, Li Daniu concluded that this mother is like raising a child. Whether a child can become a good person or a bad person has nothing to do with the child, but depends on how his parents educate him and the people around him. What kind of outlook on life and values.

After he figured it out, Li Daniu stopped worrying and asked mischievously, "Ao Chuang, do you want to call me Dad directly? Because I created you and I want to educate you to be an adult."

After a pause, Ultron said: "If you want, I can call you any name, but in fact, according to the actual meaning of the various names used by human beings, I think the name of teacher is more suitable for the name of father." .”

"Forget it." Li Daniu waved his hand and said, "It's better to call me His Majesty the King, other titles feel weird."

"Okay, Your Majesty the King." Ultron asked: "So, is there a program setting for timing attacks and timing releases?"

"Of course we have to set it up." Li Daniu said: "Otherwise, what if those countries unite to block all the signals in Tuvalu and directly attack?"

Although in reality, it is impossible for human beings to destroy Li Daniu, but they can completely subjugate Tuvalu. And if Tuvalu is subjugated, then Li Daniu will be a tragedy.

Ao Chuang continued to ask: "So, do we need to release a certain degree of signal to the outside world? If no one knows that we are setting up a timed attack, then no one will have any scruples about attacking Tuvalu."

Li Daniu nodded and said, "Of course I have to say it. I think some countries are already preparing to attack us in Tuvalu. But why do I feel like a kidnapper?"

Ultron said: "Strictly speaking, you are not a kidnapper, because you kidnapped the whole world."

"Who made them jealous of my technology?" Li Daniu didn't care, just kidnap the whole world.

It’s the Daniu posted a news on his eye book, and matched it with a remote control that looks very unusual in a bulletproof lockbox. On the remote control is a red button with fingerprint recognition.

"It's so troublesome. From now on, every twelve hours, I have to press this red button."

Seeing Li Daniu's post, many people were puzzled and couldn't imagine what the red button was for.

And Li Daniu directly deleted this post within a few seconds after it was sent out, and even used his shares in Yanshu to forcibly delete all the fast-handed netizens who forwarded this post.

In addition, Li Daniu also asked Ao Chuang to delete the photos and screenshots downloaded by ordinary netizens on the Internet. Then very maliciously retained the pictures retained by those not ordinary users, such as the Pentagon in the United States.

In this way, many ordinary people even thought that what they saw just now was an illusion.

However, for those countries that always pay attention to all the news of Tuvalu, that picture made them feel extremely painful in an instant.

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