King Who Will Cross

Chapter 281: Quiet amidst the chaos——Steal 2 more nuclear submarines!

When the Pentagon of the United States learned that one of its strategic nuclear submarines had an accident, it instantly became tense.

The most important thing about a strategic-class nuclear submarine is not the submarine itself, but the intercontinental missiles and nuclear warheads equipped on it.

"Has the personnel search and rescue work been completed?" The Minister of Defense personally went into battle to command.

"Our rescue team at the Antarctic scientific research station has successfully rescued all the soldiers and crew on the 'Pacific No. 2' nuclear submarine without any casualties."

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the Minister of Defense relaxed a little, and then asked: "Can you still detect the signal of 'Pacific 2'?"

"All the signals have completely disappeared." A staff officer said: "We suspect that it has sunk into the deep sea."

The Minister of Defense frowned and asked, "Have you detected the fluctuation of the nuclear warhead explosion?"

"Not yet." The staff officer replied: "If all the nuclear warheads on the 'Pacific No. 2' explode, there is no need for any detection methods at all. All Antarctic scientific research stations can feel it. It can even cause Antarctic glaciers to explode. massive earthquake."

After the Minister of Defense relaxed a little again, he asked, "Technically speaking, is it possible for the nuclear warhead above to explode under the pressure of sea water?"

"Impossible!" A technician replied: "The detonation of nuclear bombs requires heat energy, and water pressure cannot subjectively generate this energy. Moreover, our nuclear weapons have coded locks, and water pressure cannot unlock them." password."

"That's good." The Secretary of Defense breathed a sigh of relief, because whether it is the death of the crew or the explosion of the nuclear bomb, it will have a very bad impact on the US government.

Pacific 2 is equipped with 160 soldiers and crew as standard. If so many people died suddenly, the United States would have no way to explain to society.

And if the nuclear warhead above explodes, the US government needs to explain to the whole world. A nuclear bomb is different from other weapons. Even if it explodes in the sea, it will produce a huge amount of radiation. Although there is no country or permanent population in the incident site, the radiation will spread to a very large area, and this radiation, is a long time.

Among other things, all scientific research stations set up in Antarctica by various countries have to be evacuated.

Most importantly, what do you mean by lurking a nuclear submarine in a place like this? And let the nuclear warhead on it explode?

Although there are some troubles, there is no need to worry, but the Minister of Defense does not intend to simply ignore this matter, and asked: "The person in charge of that submarine is...Johnson?"

"Yes, he and his people have been brought under control and are being transported to our secret base at Pacific No. 3."

The Secretary of Defense asked: "Did they say anything unusual?"

A staff officer said: "Johansen believes this is a mechanical accident, and his adjutant has submitted a report detailing the abnormal situation they encountered earlier?"

The Minister of Defense received the report handed over by his subordinates with a serious face. After reading it, he was puzzled.

"Sonar detected large objects falling into the sea continuously? Irregular but smooth cuts of hundreds of ice floes of different sizes? The submarine sank against common sense? So, this may be an unexpected attack without premeditation?"

These doubts seem to be very problematic, and the final conclusions are considered reliable. But there is one thing that cannot be explained, that is, when the officers and soldiers on this submarine did not have enough protection, why did no one attack them?

Regarding the question of the Minister of Defense, his staff officers were also divided into two factions.

One of the factions believes: "This is a certain country experimenting with new weapons. During the experiment, our submarine happened to discover it. Therefore, they used some attack method that we don't know to sink our nuclear submarine."

The other faction raised objections: "If it is to experiment with new weapons, then there will inevitably be warships or submarines, and no matter how bad it is, there will be armaments such as aircraft. However, the last log sent by our submarine shows that they did not encounter any Any man-made objects. Moreover, if the country really developed this mysterious weapon, which can sink our submarine when our submarine does not find any abnormalities, then what is their purpose? If you want to keep it secret , then it’s best to leave without making a sound, anyway, we didn’t find them. If there is no need to keep it secret, then after attacking the submarine, why did you let the soldiers who have no defense force go?”

The two sides insisted on their own opinions and started a heated argument.

At this time, Johansen and others had been transported to a secret base, and everyone had submitted a very complete report. The investigation unit responsible for investigating the situation at the scene of the incident also sent back a report on the scene in a timely manner.

After these reports were analyzed, the Pentagon staff once again fell into heated discussions.

The three-day discussion did not yield any results. At this moment, a search ship that rushed to the scene of the incident first reported a piece of news that shocked the Pentagon.

"Can't find the sunken nuclear submarine near the incident site?" The Minister of Defense turned pale instantly, and asked, "Is it because the detection depth is not enough, or was it taken away by the ocean current?"

"In fact, there is no trench at the incident site, and we have already detected the location of the seabed. Moreover, there is no ocean current in the sea area near the incident site, and our detection range has been expanded to a radius of three nautical miles. This has already been calculated with ocean currents." After the possibility, the possible sinking range is obtained."

"Continue to expand the search area." After the Minister of Defense issued the order, he was not calm. He had already believed that the sinking was only caused by a technical failure. However, if the sunken submarine cannot be found, there is no need for any reason, and it can be concluded that this is an attack.

After thinking for a while, he asked again: "The depth of the incident site, based on the current salvage capacity, is there any country that can salvage the sunken submarine?"

"Huaxia, Russia, and the United Kingdom... all have salvage capabilities." Someone replied: "But in fact, there is no time at all. This kind of salvage work will take at least one month of uninterrupted operations."

After taking a deep breath, the Minister of Defense asked, "So, what is the result of your analysis?"

After a staff officer stood up, he said very seriously: "At present, we think the biggest possibility is that a certain country has developed a brand-new stealth mode and a weapon that can paralyze the opponent's submarine or even the power system of a warship. The impact of this weapon is controllable. That is to say, after the enemy submarine paralyzed the power of our submarine, it dragged away our submarine on the seabed, and then sent soldiers to log in after reaching a safe area. Our submarine..."

After the Minister of Defense listened to it, although he did not believe that there is a country with military strength that can surpass the United States by so much, he also knows that apart from this explanation, there is no reason to explain how a 170-meter-long nuclear submarine sank. No body can be found, even if it was blown up, there must be wreckage, right?

"Now I announce that the United States has officially entered a red combat readiness state." After a moment of silence, the Secretary of Defense stood up and said, "Let all our strategic-level nuclear submarines be launched, and all devices that may signal signals be turned off. Hiding in irregular places. Pay close attention to the movements of China, Russia... and other countries."

When the U.S. Pentagon announced that it had entered a state of combat readiness, Li Daniu was rushing to his secret base in a strategic nuclear submarine that had just been snatched back from Russia.

"Ao Chuang, has the United States responded now?" Li Daniu asked with some expectation.

"The United States has officially entered a red state of readiness."

"Okay!" Li Daniu laughed. After two days, when Russia and China also began to look for their lost nuclear submarines, the fun would be great.

The nuclear submarines of the three countries are almost lost. Are they still in the mood to pay attention to New Tuvalu?

Ultron said: "Your Majesty, what I need to remind you is that the consequences of your actions are very likely to plunge the whole world into war."

Li Daniu waved his hand and said: "So you are an artificial intelligence, you don't understand the way of thinking of human beings at all. If this will cause a world war, then human beings will perish long ago."

Ultron was very puzzled and asked, "Why?"

Li Daniu smiled and said: "Because it is impossible for these three countries to announce to the world that their hidden strategic nuclear submarines have been stolen, and they will even keep secrets at the same time. As long as they keep secrets, then there is no There may be a reason to go to In a democratic era, there must be some identifiable reasons to start a war.”

"Moreover, the U.S. government is controlled by those capitalist plutocrats. If it is to fight Iraq, they will not have much opinion, because they can make war profits. But if they want to fight China or Russia, which is not weaker than them, Believe it or not, if the current president of the United States dares to say this, he will be deposed immediately?"

Ultron was silent for a while, and replied: "I still don't understand!"

Li Daniu rolled his eyes, of course you don't understand, if you really understand, I have to consider whether to format you.

"Don't care about them, this matter, there is no one or two years of work, and we can't calm down. And we can take advantage of one or two years of work to develop my new Tuvalu. Quiet!"

Ao Chuang said: "Are you launching new products as planned?"

"Of course." Li Daniu nodded, and said: "Prepare relevant materials, and I will hold a product launch event on New Tuvalu Carnival Day. As for money, the more the better." (To be completed continued.)

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