King Who Will Cross

Chapter 463: Warships from 3 countries besieged New Tuvalu's...

The Black Sea is an inland sea surrounded by countries such as Ukraine and Turkey. The only exit is the Turkish Strait leading to the Sea of ​​Love.

As long as you pass through the Turkish Strait, you can enter the Sea of ​​Love, and the Sea of ​​Love and the Mediterranean Sea are closely connected.

But it should be noted that the Mediterranean Sea is also an inland sea. There are only two ways to go from the Mediterranean to the boundless ocean.

One is through the Strait of Gibraltar between Spain and Morocco, into the Atlantic Ocean. The other one is relatively troublesome. It needs to pass through the Suez Canal between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, enter the Red Sea, and then enter the Gulf of Aden through Somalia.

The Gulf of Aden is connected to the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.

When the camouflaged robot Michael, with other camouflaged robots, controlled a strategic-level nuclear submarine and left the Ukrainian waters, it immediately stopped and quietly rose above the sea level.

The holographic stealth transport plane stopped smoothly five meters above the strategic nuclear submarine.

At this time, Li Daniu, who was in the villa of the new Tuvalu King, was watching this scene through the equipment on the transport plane.

"Ultron, immediately start the installation of camouflage equipment."

After receiving Li Daniu's order, Ao Chuang sent relevant signals to the camouflaged robots far away in the Black Sea through the new satellites they launched.

The rear hatch of the transport plane that was parked steadily in the air suddenly opened, and two combat robots flew out of the transport cabin holding some strange-looking equipment, and then put all the equipment into the strategic nuclear submarine .

And all the camouflaged robots carried on the transport plane also entered the strategic nuclear submarine during this time.

The 50 camouflaged robots in the Royal Guard Battalion, after receiving the various equipment sent by the combat robots, began to install them in an orderly but extremely fast manner.

After completing its mission, the transport plane took off directly into the air, and then began to **** the strategic nuclear submarine.

The submarine sank into the Black Sea again, slowly heading towards the Turkish Strait. And their target is the Strait of Gibraltar.

From a geographical point of view, their positions after passing through the Turkish Strait are relatively close to the Suez Canal. But in fact, although the Suez Canal is the most frequently used waterway in the world, it does not have the conditions for the passage of strategic nuclear submarines at all.

The Suez Canal is more than 170 kilometers long, with an average width of 135 meters and an average depth of only about 13 meters.

If Li Daniu's strategic nuclear submarine was not bought secretly, but bought openly and with relevant authorization. Then, he can naturally let his nuclear submarine go through the Suez Canal.

However, how can this nuclear submarine go through the Suez Canal when no country in the world except New Tuvalu itself will agree?

The average depth is 13 meters. If the strategic-class nuclear submarine passes through it, in good weather and good water conditions, the behemoth walking underwater can be seen almost with the naked eye.

Therefore, the Strait of Gibraltar is the only way for this strategic nuclear submarine to be completely free.

However, it is not easy to cross the Strait of Gibraltar, and it can even be said to be very difficult. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Ukrainian general to keep this strategic-class nuclear submarine in his hands for such a long time without selling it, and then he was picked up by New Tuvalu.

The speed of this strategic nuclear submarine itself is not high, because it was made in the former Soviet Union, and it is relatively backward in technology.

After the camouflaged robots completed relevant modifications to this strategic-class nuclear submarine, the Ukrainian handover person has successfully obtained 5 million US dollars in information fees.

For them, it was a black job. If it weren't for the fact that this strategic-level nuclear submarine was really difficult to sell, they would even tear up their face after paying for New Tuvalu and leave this strategic-level nuclear submarine behind. And the dozen or so new Tuvalu soldiers who came to hand over.

And now, after the money and goods are cleared, what is it worth selling a piece of news?

In their view, the payment method of New Tuvalu this time has not been concealed by any special means at all. Even if they don't sell the news, in a few days, the intelligence agencies of some countries will be able to get the confirmed news.

That being the case, why not let yourself earn an extra five million dollars?

As for that strategic-level nuclear submarine, will it be stopped by some countries, and what does it have to do with them?

In fact, the target of the Ukrainian handover is not a certain country, but an internationally renowned broker, which is equivalent to a super intermediary.

After getting the news and relevant evidence, the intermediary got excited instantly, and then began to contact several big customers they had maintained for many years. Such as the Pentagon of the United States, the British Intelligence Agency, the Russian KGB and so on.

When they received several times the intelligence fee, the Pentagon of the United States and the British Clearing House responded immediately.

Li Daniu, who was watching the strategic-level nuclear submarine he had just purchased in New Tuvalu, and was quietly moving forward in the Black Sea, also received a reminder from Ultron.

"According to satellite monitoring, the British military base in the Strait of Gibraltar has undergone a large-scale mobilization of personnel and equipment, and has entered a state of full alert. The US military base in the Rota Sea military base in Spain has also begun There has been a large-scale mobilization of warships, and the Strait of Gibraltar is being blocked."

For this situation, Li Daniu was not surprised at all, but he still couldn't help complaining: "This Spanish government is really rubbish. The Strait of Gibraltar originally belonged to them, but now they let the British build a military base on it. And let the U.S. government establish a military base nearby, is there any dignity left?"

If the Spanish government heard Li Daniu's complaints, they would definitely complain and say: "We also want to return to the Strait of Gibraltar, but if the UK doesn't return it to us, what can we do?"

Whether in terms of geographical location or historical ownership, the Strait of Gibraltar has nothing to do with the United Kingdom and the United States, which are far away from its location.

But in 1704, the British conquered the Strait of Gibraltar in Spain's ongoing war, and then established a military base. From 1704 to 2013, the British have been in control of this military base for more than three hundred years, and have even renovated and constructed it many times.

During this period, the two sides held talks many times, but they have not reached an agreement. The British did not return it, and the Spanish government could not take it back.

It can be seen from this that the so-called powerful countries play hooligans more seriously than ordinary people.

However, the Spanish government is not a vegetarian. After finding out that the hard and the soft would not return to the Strait of Gibraltar, it immediately hugged the thigh of the US government. Contributed its own territory to the United States to establish a military base.

The Luotahai military base was thus born, although on the surface, the highest officer of the Luotahai military base is a Spaniard. But in fact all the facilities at this base, and even almost all the military equipment, belong to the Americans.

Therefore, the Americans have the final say on this military base.

After the United Kingdom and the United States, which are the closest to the Strait of Gibraltar, started their actions, Ultron reported again: "Your Majesty, the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the Black Sea has also moved, and their warships are heading towards the direction of the Strait of Turkey. According to relevant satellites According to the graphic analysis, the submarines of the Black Sea Fleet have also set off and are searching in the Black Sea."

"I'm stupid!"

Li Daniu cursed, he thought of the news that he had purchased a strategic-level nuclear submarine, and it would come out soon, which was originally in his plan. But he did not expect that the reaction of these world-class powers would be so fast.

The British military fortress is in the Strait of Gibraltar, so it's okay to react quickly. The U.S. military base is close to the Strait of Gibraltar, so it is not surprising that there is such a speed of response.

But why did Russia's Black Sea Fleet come out to join in the fun?

Although the Black Sea is an inland, it is boundless to humans and even warships. Can you still **** intercept my strategic nuclear submarine in the Black Sea?

Do you know what it means to find a needle in a haystack?

"Ultra, how long will it take for our nuclear submarine to pass through the Turkish Strait?"

Ultron replied: "After installing our engine, the speed of this strategic nuclear submarine has been greatly improved. It is estimated that it will pass through the Turkish Strait in 25 minutes."

Li Daniu asked again: "Based on the current military strength dispatched by the Black Sea Fleet, what is the probability that they will find our nuclear submarine before we pass through the Turkish Strait?"

Ao Chuang replied: "The probability is infinitely close to zero. But if our nuclear submarine is discovered by the United Kingdom or the United States, it is very likely that we will face a joint attack by the three countries. Because the Black Sea Fleet passes through the Turkish Strait without restrictions."

Li Daniu sneered and said: "Then let us perform once, what is real deception!"

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