King Who Will Cross

Chapter 501: Beauty, do you want to fly with me?

The head of the FBI in New York, USA, felt that this matter was completely out of his control when he just received the news from the White House. "EΩ┡Small" said WwnW. 1XIAOSHUO. com

But he had no reason to refuse to go to the scene. According to the order passed down several levels, he must hold the man in the Apocalypse armor and wait for the Pentagon to arrive at the scene.

Sitting in his special car, the person in charge was contacting his subordinates who were going to the scene to perform the task.

Now, he no longer expects to get any benefits from Lee Company, and he doesn't want the shares of the new company promised by a certain Mr. Congressman before.

"Now you still want to monopolize Lee's technology? Then start your own company? Haha... In front of this kind of technology, what are a few members of Congress? God bless, my subordinates must not go too far."

Before the person in charge got on the phone, he saw the scene on the car TV that made him shudder. When the content of his call with a certain congressman came out from the loudspeaker of the Apocalypse Armor, he collapsed on the seat in an instant.

The driver slammed the direction, slammed on the brakes to stop the car on the side of the road, and then looked at him with an extremely pale face.

"Boss, shall we... still go?"

"Not going? Where can I go if I don't go?" The person in charge smiled wryly, and said, "Notify Zoll and ask him to help me find a scapegoat."

In front of Lee's unfinished headquarters building, the police and FBI who were pulling the cordon faced the disdainful eyes of the onlookers. Some of the more courageous onlookers even spat at them.

Fortunately, their support force finally arrived. Dozens of police cars and the large black off-road vehicle that the FBI equipped as standard directly blocked the entire three streets near where Lee's company was located. However, the onlookers in the area were forcibly expelled, and a cordon was pulled up.

"We have the right to know!"

"The United States is a society ruled by law, you have no right to ask us to leave!"

The clamor of the onlookers could not stop these government workers who had already received mandatory orders.

While clearing the field, a team of FBI agents put away their weapons and walked to Li Daniu and the others with serious faces.

"According to relevant laws and regulations, we have the right to ask you to immediately stop the news broadcast and leave the alert area. Please cooperate with our work."

The tens of millions of American viewers who were watching this scene immediately cursed.

Of course, it was impossible for Susan to leave here at this time, so she immediately asked, "Excuse me, which decree is the relevant decree you are talking about?"

The leading FBI agent's face darkened, hesitating whether to step forward and force Susan and the others to leave. They were very concerned about the man wearing the Apocalypse armor next to Susan and the others.

Sure enough, Li Daniu said: "I also really want to know, according to which law did you say what you just said?"

Susan seemed to have a backer, and said: "I refuse to leave, and I refuse to stop the live broadcast of this press conference. All legal citizens of the United States should have the right to know, which is the power bestowed on us by the Supreme Constitution."

The tens of millions of viewers who saw this scene began to applaud Susan's words at the same time, and with these words, Susan will become the most expensive reporter in the United States and even the world in the near future.

The FBI who took the lead held down his earphone, then glanced at Susan and the others, but didn't talk to Li Daniu at all, and led his own people back.

At this moment, Li Daniu heard Friday's reminder: "Master, there is a jamming device. According to the analysis, the function is to cut off the communication signals of all non-special channels in your area."

Soft can't come hard?

Li Daniu smiled, activated the face armor, and said: "Interfering with their interference equipment, if they block the live TV screen in other ways, they can directly hack into the relevant satellites and forcefully spread the screen here to The whole world. Until... when I say stop!"

After saying this, Li Daniu opened the face armor again.

Because of the sound insulation of the armor, even Susan, who was very close to him, couldn't hear what he said, let alone the audience in front of the TV.

However, everyone was once again shocked by the coolness of the opening and closing of his facial armor.

Susan didn't know that she was almost unable to continue the interview in front of more than 7000 people, so she asked, "When did you develop this high-tech armor? Did you choose to announce it today? What about the unfair treatment of

Li Daniu said to the camera with a serious expression: "In fact, it is a recent thing to complete the research thoroughly. However, you are right. The reason why I chose to announce it today is because my company and I have received extreme dissatisfaction." Fair treatment. I would like to ask the US government here, is it possible that when someone develops a high-tech product, they will be treated unfairly? Isn’t it written in the Constitution that private property is inviolable? "

Li Daniu's righteous questioning voice, through the microphone held in Susan's hand, turned into a digital signal and spread to the ears of more than 70 million viewers.

Of course, it also spread to the White House.

The President of the United States frowned and said, "Why haven't you cut off the live broadcast signal yet?"

His assistant replied in a low voice: "There is a technical problem over there."

The President of the United States suddenly raised his voice and said, "Then let the TV station stop this program."

The assistant ran out with a bitter face and continued to communicate. According to the laws of the United States, the government is not allowed to interfere with the freedom of the press by any means. Similarly, the establishment of a TV station belonging to the government is not allowed.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to ask aBc TV station to shut down the live broadcast when more than 7000 people watched it.

At the scene, the person in charge of the FBI in New York finally arrived. After learning about the situation, he went directly to Li Daniu.

"Hello, I am Rui Sen, the person in charge who came to communicate with you on behalf of the US government." Rui Sen concealed his true identity, hoping not to arouse Li Daniu's disgust. But what he didn't expect was that his identity was very confidential, and the information had already been obtained by Friday and given to Li Daniu.

"Mr. Ruisen, why do I hear your voice, which is very similar to a certain voice in the call just now?"

Rui Sen said without changing his face: "That is probably your illusion. The purpose of my coming is to reach a certain level of consensus with you. Look, should we find a more suitable place first?" What about communicating?"

Li Daniu laughed and said, "I think this place is quite suitable. I'm sorry, but I don't like doing secret deals."

Ruisen didn't feel embarrassed at all. In this kind of public place, the thick skin he had honed over the years came into play.

"We can understand your request, but we can find a place to sit. Can you bear to let reporter Susan stand here all the time? She can wear eight centimeters high heels."

Susan was very embarrassed at this time, according to relevant regulations On-site reporters like her should not wear high heels. But a woman's beauty-loving nature made her ignore this rule, and she never thought that today it would become a reason for others to achieve a certain special purpose.

Li Daniu glanced at Susan, and before Susan could explain that he would have no problem standing there for a few more hours, he said directly: "No problem, but I hope my company's headquarters can continue to start construction."

Ruisen didn't expect Li Daniu to agree so simply, nor did he expect Li Daniu to make such a request. After being stunned for a moment, he said, "There is no problem. Whether your company is going to be seized requires further argumentation. So, let's change the place now?"

Li Daniu nodded and said, "No problem, just tell me the address, and I'll go there now."

In the earphone that Ruisen was wearing, someone said an address, and Ruisen directly relayed it.

Friday completed the analysis of this address in an instant, and Li Daniu understood what Ruisen and the others were thinking as soon as he heard it. However, when the strength reaches a certain level, some conspiracies and tricks will be completely ineffective.

Li Daniu looked at Susan and said, "Ma'am, do you want to fly with me?"

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