King Who Will Cross

Chapter 544: reject the united nations investigation team

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, Mr. Castro!" After the assistant came in, Hui reported: "Currently, no country has organized the evacuation of foreign tourists currently in our country."

This is obviously very good news. The mainstream is the era of world peace. If a war is to be waged, citizens of their own country in the target country will definitely be evacuated first.

At present, the foreign population in New Tuvalu exceeds 500,000, of which American citizens account for about 15%. Even if the U.S. government does not consider these U.S. citizens, it still has to worry about tourists from other countries in New Tuvalu.

Burns finally had a smile on his face. He turned his head and said to His Majesty the King, "Your Majesty, it seems that no country is currently planning to launch a war against us, New Tuvalu."

Li Daniu was not surprised by this news, and only Burns and Castro were always worried about the coming of war. After all, although these two people have high positions in New Tuvalu, their political level is still a little low.

"War? How can it be so easy to start?"

When Li Daniu said this, he sighed. In the eyes of Burns and Castro, this tone is a sigh for the complex situation that the new Tuvalu is about to face. In fact, Li Daniu sighed because the war did not come.

If it is now during World War II, will New Tuvalu have become the dominant country on earth?

In other words, do you want to find a way to start World War III? At that time, whether it is population or territory, it will no longer be a problem that restricts the development of New Tuvalu.

Just when Li Daniu was thinking about it, the assistant reported again: "The content of the press conference has been spread all over the world. However, the situation that we were worried about affecting the entry application did not appear. The new entry application every hour The number has not decreased, but has increased by 20%. Moreover, almost no people in our country who have become legal citizens through immigration have submitted applications for departure or re-immigration. At present, the social order is very stable.”

Burns and Castro frowned simultaneously.

Burns said: "It is not surprising that the increase in entry applications is likely to be some people with special purposes. But no one left voluntarily?"

When New Tuvalu was still Tuvalu, there was a serious diplomatic incident with Japan, and many Tuvalu aborigines chose to apply to leave the country.

Now, although the national strength of New Tuvalu is much stronger than before, the living standards of its citizens have long been among the highest in the world. But of the two million new Tuvalu citizens, more than 99 percent are foreign immigrants, how is it possible that no one chooses to leave?

The assistant said in a low voice: "Actually, some people have applied to leave the country, and the reasons are completely inconsistent with the real situation of these people. However, there are only a few dozen people."

Burns really wanted to say that it was wrong to have dozens of people, no matter what, tens of thousands of people would have to apply to leave. But when he thought that His Majesty the King was beside him, he didn't dare to say these words.

Li Daniu is well aware of the reasons for this situation, and at the same time decided to increase the number of subconscious influence devices in New Tuvalu. Of course, it is impossible to achieve this effect if only the subconscious influences the equipment, and a large part of the reason is the living environment and citizen welfare policies of New Tuvalu, which make these immigrants reluctant to leave New Tuvalu.

"This shows that our citizens are very loyal, and we have great trust in your government and my royal family's ability to deal with problems." Li Daniu laughed and said, "So, in order not to disappoint their trust , we should take advantage of this opportunity to allow our country to gain more voice in the international community and provide them with a better living environment."

When Li Daniu's words just fell, Burns and others stood up straight at the same time, folded their arms with one hand and shouted with their heads held high: "Long live Your Majesty the King!"

(I really can't figure out what foreigners usually shout slogans to the king. Brothers, don't spray, you can take this sentence as a free translation. Haha...)

After shouting the slogan, the assistant reported again: "The United Nations sent an official letter again, and they requested to contact and communicate directly with His Majesty the King. Their reason is that they hope to confirm whether His Majesty the King has really mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology."

"It seems that there are still some people who don't believe it." Li Daniu laughed. This is what he expected. No matter what black technology he invented before, it cannot be denied that controllable nuclear fusion technology has always been an unknown No one dares to assert that it can break through the technology.

Even if it is the new Tuvalu robot that no one can crack at present, many organizations claim that a robot with the same parameters can be manufactured within five years.

But controlled nuclear fusion?

Before the launch of New Tuvalu, it would be a joke if someone said it would be broken within 50 years.

"How are they going to verify?"

The assistant said: "Because of your speech at the press conference, the United Nations investigation team has no reason to investigate our country. However, they hope that the investigation team can inspect your tc new energy technology company to verify that it can Whether controlled nuclear fusion technology has been developed."

"What a sad investigation team. It has lost its target before it started." Li Daniu asked with a smile: "Does the United Nations have the right to investigate such incidents against private companies?"

Burns replied: "Strictly speaking, any decision of the United Nations can only be directed at its member states, and there is no reason for it to be directed at a private enterprise. However, since you are the king of our new Tuvalu , so, your private business..."

Li Daniu said indifferently: "I know this. The reason why I insist that the Ark Reactor is my own research and development and belongs to the product of tc New Energy Technology Company under my name is to let them shift the blame on me in name. Rather than targeting New Tuvalu all the time."

Burns and others still couldn't understand their majesty the king, why did he have such an idea, and Li Daniu couldn't explain it to them, because this was his biggest secret and weakness.

He will never let anyone know about it except the system that knows it.

The assistant asked cautiously: "Then, how should we reply to the United Nations?"

After thinking for a while, Li Daniu asked, "Did they say that they will continue to investigate whether New Tuvalu uses controllable nuclear fusion technology in nuclear weapons?"

This cannot but be guarded against. Li Daniu can talk in plain language, so can the United Nations. If they use this excuse or falsify relevant evidence, they can still target New Tuvalu.

The assistant said: "There is no at present. It should be to confirm whether the controllable nuclear fusion technology exists."

Li Daniu nodded and said: "Castro, you will reply to them in a while, because it involves commercial secrets, so I refuse their investigation team's investigation of tc New Energy Technology Company. However, I will report to the whole company in the near future The world showcases the product of the Ark Reactor."

Burns hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, if our attitude is too tough at this time, will it cause conflicts?"

Li Daniu shook his head and said: "It will definitely be, but in many cases, it must be tough. Otherwise, weakness can only be exchanged for others to make progress. And, I want to see how far their bottom line is."

Burns and others understood that what Li Daniu was talking about was not referring to the United Nations at all, but some countries that manipulated the United Nations.

Castro asked: "Your Majesty, when are you going to show the Ark reactor? What preparations do we need to make in advance?"

It's no wonder Castro asked this question, because the Ark Reactor, unlike other products, can easily demonstrate its functions. In history, apart from nuclear bombs, no country has ever publicly displayed nuclear energy products. At most, that is to announce the relevant parameters of nuclear power plants.

Li Daniu laughed and said, "When to show it depends on what those countries will do."

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