King Who Will Cross

Chapter 567: Abuse Hulk!

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous.

It is extremely appropriate to use this sentence to describe Iron Man and Ultron. Two people hit directly from the inside of the cabin to the outside of the cabin.

Because Ultron's body was just rushed out, Iron Man finally broke the flight system and fell to the ground.

Ao Chuang stared at Iron Man with red eyes, and said, "Zhenjin has been transported away."

Iron Man aimed at Ultron with the weapon in his hand, and said, "But you will be left behind by me! Moreover, I will take Zhenjin back soon."

Ultron laughed and said, "Me? No one can keep me, I have already left. By the way, I would like to remind you that you should find a way to stop that monster before going to get back the Zhenjin."

Iron Man instantly thought of the ability of the Scarlet Witch and Dr. Banner who stayed behind in the Quinjet fighter.

"Friday, help me search for instant messages about the Hulk."

Friday is Iron Man's backup intelligence system. Although its capabilities are vastly different from Jarvis's, there is no problem at all in searching for such online information.

"Sorry, couldn't find any instant messages about Hulk."


Iron Man was stunned, and then hurriedly called through the intercom: "Guys, has any of you seen Dr. Banner?"

The voice of Captain America came from the intercom: "Tony, where are you? Banner was controlled by that girl and turned into a transformation. Lee entangled him. Come and help!"

Iron Man immediately asked Friday to search for the location of Captain America, and then asked in the intercom: "Where is Thor?"

In Iron Man's view, Thor is the only one in the Avengers that can temporarily limit the power of the Hulk. As for Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, they have no ability to resist in front of the Hulk, who is disowned by their relatives.

Hawkeye's voice sounded, and said, "Thor and Black Widow have also been recruited, and I'm watching them now."

Iron Man cursed and said, "Friday, call Veronica for me, I need backup!"


When Iron Man flew to the position where the Hulk was, a satellite launched by Stark Industries suddenly dropped a huge metal warehouse. With the help of the acceleration of gravity and the power brought by the metal bin's own energy injection system, the metal bin rushed to the position of the Hulk at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Li Daniu just sent the Hulk flying upside down by a dozen meters with one palm. Captain America, who just arrived next to him, looked at the Hulk who was blown away in shock, then looked at Li Daniu, and said into the intercom: "Tony, I don't have to run so fast."

Iron Man asked puzzledly, "Why?"

When Captain America was about to say that the Hulk was completely abused by Li Daniu, he saw the Hulk who had smashed a dozen tree trunks, roared and got up again, and then rushed to Li Daniu.

"There's no reason, you'd better come here!"

Iron Man, who was on his way, had the urge to vomit blood. Although he couldn't see what Captain America saw, he could hear the roar of the Hulk from the intercom, and couldn't help but ask, "How do you ran that far?"

Captain America is nervously watching the battle between Li Daniu and the Hulk, and it is actually not appropriate to describe it as a battle. In fact, the insane Hulk keeps jumping up from the ground, trying to hit Li Daniu who is floating about ten meters above the ground with his fist, while Li Daniu is very leisurely in the air and keeps moving towards the jumping body. The Hulk blasted out purple energy palms one after another, blasting the Hulk back to the ground.

"After controlling Thor and the Black Widow, the girl escaped, and then induced Dr. Banner to transform. Li and I chased out and saw the Hulk preparing to rush to the nearest city, and then Li gave the Hulk A few times, luring the Hulk to chase him away from the city. If I didn't fly a Quinjet fighter jet, I wouldn't be able to catch up."

When Iron Man heard what Captain America said, he couldn't understand it at all. Hulk runs and jumps so fast that he can even keep up with his steel armor for short distances. But why is Li Daniu's speed so fast?

If Li Daniu knew Iron Man's question, he would definitely explain: "Using mana to drive lightness skills, the speed simply surpasses the stopwatch."

After luring the Hulk away from the city, Li Daniu was ready to face the Hulk head-on.

This isn't the first time he's had a fight with the Hulk. When he traveled through the "Avengers 1" movie world before, he had a head-to-head encounter with the Hulk. It's just that, at that time, it was on the space carrier. Although the Hulk was knocked down by him, he himself was also hit by the impact force generated by the head-on force, and knocked down the space carrier.

If he hadn't been wearing Xingjue's short-distance flight equipment at that time, he would have fallen into a mess long ago.

Even, if he hadn't opened the protective cover at that time, he would definitely be so shocked by the powerful impact that he vomited blood.

For Li Daniu, this is a shame on his road to the strong!

Now, his strength has been greatly improved, how could he not take this opportunity to take revenge?

Driven by heaven-level mana, the power of Tathagata God's Palm has already surpassed the peak of this palm technique.

But what makes Li Daniu a little unbelievable is that the palm he just blasted the Hulk away had already used 10% of the total mana in his body. And the power of this palm is at least 20 times higher than that of Ah Xing's last palm in the "Kung Fu" movie world.

However, the Hulk, who was blasted to a depth of ten feet underground, shook his head, roared again and jumped to the ground.

"Fuck, are you finished?" Li Daniu shouted at the Hulk who was roaring at him on the ground, "Do you believe it or not, I will slap you to death with all my strength?"

After using all his strength, it is not sure whether he can slap the Hulk Li Daniu to death with a single palm, but the destruction he caused with all his strength will definitely shock the world.

Although it can't reach the level of Youquan Gorefiend destroying a mountain with one blow in "The Legend of Shushan", it is not too far behind.

Captain America also heard Li Daniu's roar, and hurriedly shouted into the intercom: "Li, don't hurt Dr. Banner, just knock him out."

Li Daniu also had a communicator in his ear, and when he heard Captain America's words, he said angrily: "It's so easy for you to say, why don't you call?"

It is difficult for pure palm strength to hurt the extremely powerful Hulk, because palm strength is also equivalent to energy attacks, and the Hulk is immune to a large part of energy attacks.

Li Daniu looked at the hulk who was looking for objects on the ground and was about to throw him in the air, and felt an urge to call out the Tiandun sword.

At this moment, Iron Man finally flew over, and at the same time, the huge metal body dropped by the satellite flew over.

Boom, boom, boom!

The metal body disintegrated directly in the air, and part of it turned into six thick metal pillars, surrounding the Hulk. Each pillar then extended a metal deck, forming an airtight conical cage that trapped the Hulk.

And the remaining metal body decomposed again, turned into dozens of parts and rushed towards Iron Man, and then formed a robot that looked bigger than the Hulk!

Iron Man completed his and was about to taunt a few words, but suddenly saw a dozen palm-shaped craters of different sizes on the ground, the largest palm-shaped crater, with an area of ​​more than 40 square meters Meter.

Iron Man looked at Li Daniu floating in the air in shock, and said, "Li, you did all of this?"

Li Daniu nodded helplessly, and said, "The Hulk seems to be somewhat immune to energy attacks, so although I can blast him into the air, I can't stun him!"

Captain America spent a long time playing soy sauce next to him, and when he saw Iron Man appearing, he trapped the Hulk, and couldn't help but want to come over.

But before he had walked three steps away, he saw a strange arch on the ground next to the metal cage.

"He ran out, Tony, don't you guard the bottom with this thing?"

Seeing the Hulk coming out of the hole, Iron Man rushed up and punched the Hulk in the head.


With a loud noise, the Hulk shook his head, and then punched Iron Man who was unable to react in time.

Seeing that the Hulk was about to chase Iron Man, Li Daniu slapped the Hulk back in the air again.

"Tony, you find the right opportunity to smash his head, I will restrict his movements!"

Iron Man responded, then flew towards the fallen Hulk, aimed at his head, and punched him again.

When the Hulk attacked, Iron Man stepped back, and Li Daniu slapped the Hulk again.

After intentionally controlling the strength, this palm only caused the Hulk to roll over on the ground.


Iron Man's huge metal fist hit the Hulk's head again.

Captain America was dumbfounded, and muttered to himself: "I really shouldn't wake up, what happened to this world? Why are there so many monsters all of a sudden!"

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