King Who Will Cross

Chapter 677: If you dare to come, I dare to fight!

Is everything really peaceful in an era of peace?

Aside from those world-famous chaotic areas, how many secret armed conflicts between countries are there that are unknown to the public?

An uninhabited island located 273 nautical miles west of the southern coastline of New Tuvalu has attracted the attention of the most powerful countries in the world in just half an hour.

All because Castro, the chief assistant of the new King of Tuvalu, appeared on this island.

This uninhabited island looks no different from other uninhabited islands in the endless ocean. Because there is no sign of human beings involved, the plants and animals on the island can grow as much as they want!

When Castro arrived on this uninhabited island on New Tuvalu's world-famous all-stealth transport plane, he was instantly shaken!

In a dense jungle, a land with a radius of 100 meters, together with the towering trees on the land, slowly rose amidst the violent roar!

Castro sat on the transport plane and looked at the movement below, and couldn't help feeling: "Our Majesty the King is really generous. It is obviously a fake secret base, and he invested so much?"

Colonel Ryan, who was sitting next to Castro, looked at the movement below with incredible eyes and said, "His Majesty's technology is simply like a miracle. How did this underground secret base be built?"

From a high altitude, the island below looks like a piece of land with forests grabbed by giants. When that piece of land stopped firmly in the air fifteen meters above the ground, it was like a sky garden in a fairy tale.

The fully-stealth transport plane began to descend, and Castro and Colonel Ryan could clearly see through the portholes that the thickness of the soil layer in this hanging garden with a radius of 100 meters exceeded 10 meters. The soil layer is surrounded by a special alloy that cannot be detected by metal detectors.

Below the hanging garden, there are six giant special alloy pillars in a circle!

"Stop marveling, we should go in!"

Castro patted Colonel Ryan, who was still in a daze, and walked into a small helicopter in the belly of the transport plane.

Colonel Ryan, who was woken up by the photo, didn't care about being amazed, and quickly got into the helicopter.

Although the entrance below has a radius of 100 meters, with six giant support pillars, it is obviously impossible for a fully stealth transport aircraft with a wingspan of 67.89 meters to fly in.

When Castro and Colonel Ryan got into the helicopter, the soldiers of the New Tuvalu Royal Guard Battalion who were in charge of driving the helicopter started the helicopter directly when Castro and Colonel Ryan were very nervous.

After the propeller started spinning rapidly in the belly of the transport plane, Castro couldn't help but grabbed Colonel Ryan's hand.

"I still think this way of landing is dangerous!" Castro shouted at Colonel Ryan wearing noise-canceling headphones.

Although Colonel Ryan is also very nervous, but as the head of the new Tuvalu military, how can he show it in front of His Majesty's chief assistant?

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Castro, please trust the soldiers of our Royal Guard Battalion. Moreover, this helicopter is modified, and we have used this way of taking off from the cabin many times before!"

During the conversation, the small helicopter that had already taken off stopped firmly at a distance of 50 centimeters from the metal floor of the cabin, and then began to fly out slowly towards the opened rear hatch.

It wasn't until the small helicopter completely left the transport plane that Castro let go of Colonel Ryan's hand, and smiled awkwardly.

At this moment, Colonel Ryan pointed to a tablet-like device in his hand and said loudly: "Mr. Castro, the locator on your body has just sent a position signal!"

Castro immediately took out a special satellite communicator and sent a message to His Majesty the King through the new satellite unique to New Tuvalu.

Just when this small helicopter flew into the entrance with a radius of 100 meters on the uninhabited island, the US intelligence agency CIA immediately received Castro's strange location information.

"Castro, the chief assistant of the King of New Tuvalu, appeared in a sea area, 273 nautical miles away from the mainland of New Tuvalu. We just compared the map information, and the location... has an uninhabited island!"

"Contact the Pentagon immediately and pass this information on!"

The Pentagon, which got the news, called out the military satellite surveillance information immediately. At this time, the locator on Castro completely lost the signal because he had entered the secret base on the uninhabited island.

However, the location information sent back earlier allowed the Pentagon to determine the location of the uninhabited island in the first place. They even saw the abnormal situation on that uninhabited island through the local area playback function.

"Inform the search team to go to the uninhabited island immediately! Inform us at the Darwin Lane military base in Australia, and let them enter combat readiness immediately."

The benefits of the United States building large-scale military bases around the world are fully demonstrated at this moment.

After the order was issued, the freighter of the search team immediately started heading to the target island. The maximum speed of this freighter is 28 knots.

The Pentagon received a reply: "After four hours and twenty minutes, our search team's freighter was able to reach the target uninhabited island!"

An emergency military intelligence meeting immediately began inside the Pentagon.

"More than four hours is too long. During such a long time, our movements and goals are likely to be analyzed by countries such as Russia and China."

For these big countries, many news that ordinary people will never have access to are no longer secrets.

"If our Darwin Lane military base sends out an unmanned reconnaissance plane, we can reach the target island in an hour and a half!"

"No, we have confirmed before that New Tuvalu has the technology to detect our Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. It even has the ability to shoot down our Global Hawk unmanned reconnaissance aircraft."

"It's just a secret industrial base, we don't need to be so afraid!"

"What if they have relevant armaments in that secret base?"

"They dare not!"

"Why didn't they dare?"

Discussions in the Pentagon are still going on. Since the White House decided to change its attitude towards the new Tuvalu, the Pentagon has started to shy away from the issue of the new Tuvalu!

Castro, who is located on the base of the uninhabited island, has already contacted his majesty the king.

"Your Majesty, have the Americans begun to act?"

Li Daniu, who was staying in his king's said in a very firm tone: "Yes, the locator they placed on you finally sent back the information they wanted. Don't act at this time , are they still waiting for us to start evacuating?"

Colonel Ryan stood behind Castro and asked, "Your Majesty, our warships and nuclear submarines are ready. If they come, can we directly fire?"

Li Daniu sneered, and said: "Of course! The freighter they searched for is heading towards where you are. If they appear in the warning area, warn them immediately. If they don't retreat, they will open fire!"

Colonel Ryan asked very surprised: "Your Majesty, there is only one freighter?"

Li Daniu said: "Yes, because they are afraid that their unmanned reconnaissance aircraft will be shot down by us, so now they are still in the process of discussing whether to send unmanned reconnaissance aircraft!"

Castro asked with some concern: "Your Majesty, if the other side really sends out unmanned reconnaissance planes, even fighter jets, bombers... then us?"

Li Daniu replied without the slightest hesitation: "Fight directly, don't hesitate. Colonel Ryan, do you think you can't beat them with the armaments I'm entrusting to your command?"

Colonel Ryan stood still a little excitedly, saluted, and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, even if an aircraft carrier formation comes, I have the confidence to destroy them directly!"

Castro looked at the excited Colonel Ryan and felt very strange in his heart. This man was a middle-level and high-level military officer in the U.S. military. Why is he so... happy about the fight against the U.S. now?

How did Castro know that Colonel Ryan suffered from subconscious influence equipment, which can be called the most in New Tuvalu!

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