King Who Will Cross

Chapter 732: Lee, what are you hiding?

An ordinary day, not a holiday, nor a day of mourning. ewwㄟwん1xiaoshuo

But from today onwards, this day will be remembered in the history of mankind!

"I have a compatriot who smuggled to your earth with one of the most important items of our race. Now, I ask you to hand him over."

At the same time, a human-like figure appeared on all the TVs turned on on the entire earth, but this "human" was standing in the command module of a very sci-fi spaceship.

"I am General Zod, the supreme military commander of Krypton. From now on, after 24 hours, if you don't hand over that person, I will launch an attack on the earth!"

Many people think this is a joke, because the aliens on the screen don't look fundamentally different from the people on Earth, they are almost exactly the same. And those extremely sci-fi background images are also considered to be things like movie props and scenery.

But, for governments, this really isn't a joke.

"The signal cannot be cut off. We have never seen this kind of hijacking method. It is not at all like the signal transmission method we normally use."

"I found the trace of the other party. They are in the near-Earth space. The No. 3 satellite can clearly capture their pictures. It is a spaceship that is bigger than an aircraft carrier."

The military satellite urgently mobilized by the Pentagon of the United States put the spaceship that people on earth dreamed of on the big screen in their command center.

Strange, this is the first reaction of the American generals.

"Do we have the ability to attack them?"

The officers at the command center noticed that their general was using it, not him. No one thought the general was referring to the ship.

"Our only attack method at present is to use the launch vehicle to send the nuclear warhead over after setting the orbit. However, we don't know what speed and evasion capabilities their spacecraft have. Moreover, we don't know , What kind of interception methods do they have."

After the Pentagon command center was silent for a while, the general asked: "Have you contacted China and Russia? Do they have an attack method?"

Someone replied: "The White House is in contact and has not yet received an accurate reply. However, according to the information we have, they should not have a more effective attack method than us."

The general asked again: "Has the Kryptonian been found? An alien, who has lived on our planet for such a long time, has not been discovered by us?"

"We haven't found it yet. We have mobilized all military satellites to search for places where spacecraft may exist. However, as of now, we have not found any possible signs."

Just when the Pentagon was at a loss, a colonel hurried in and said, "The Kryptonian is here. He came with Bruce Wayne from the Wayne Group."

"Bruce Wayne?"

No one does not know Bruce Wayne. As the richest person in the world and the largest shareholder of the largest private company in the United States, Bruce Wayne's popularity is not much lower than that of the President of the United States.

"How did they get together?"

With such doubts in mind, the generals of the Pentagon entered a secret meeting room in the Pentagon.

"Is he a Kryptonian?"

After entering the meeting room, a general asked: "It seems that there is no difference from us on Earth?"

Bruce Wayne's business has been involved in many military products in the past year, so he and these generals are considered familiar.

"Yes, his name is Clark, the Kryptonian."

After Bruce Wayne made a brief introduction, he said, "Leave the specific situation to Li, the technical director of our company, and introduce it to the generals."

Li Daniu smiled and said, "Clark is an employee of our Wayne Enterprises. After Zod's global threat, he found us."

"First of all, generals, you don't need to worry about the large-scale invasion of Krypton. Because Krypton has already perished, except for Clark, only Zod and the others are left. According to Clark's news, there are only 12 Kryptonians."

Hearing this news, these generals breathed a sigh of relief, no matter whether there were still doubts. Facing one race and facing twelve Kryptonians are completely two concepts.

Li Daniu continued: "Secondly, their spaceship is an escape spaceship, the same as when Clark first came to Earth. That is to say, their spaceship does not have the ability to attack on a mass scale."

Watching the American generals gradually relax, Li Daniu dropped a blockbuster.

"Finally, I must remind everyone that they have a planetary reformer that can transform the environment of the entire earth and make the earth suitable for the survival of Kryptonians. And that kind of environment will allow earthlings to die directly without protection." .”

The American generals who had just breathed a sigh of relief sat up straight in an instant.

"How can we be sure that what you said is true?"

Hearing the generals' questions, Li Daniu gave Clark a wink, and Clark nodded and said, "Generals, although I am a Kryptonian, when I was a baby more than 20 years ago, I I have come to the earth. So, I have a strong sense of identity with the earth and the country where I live in the United States."

"And Zod is not an ordinary Kryptonian. Before the destruction of Krypton, he was imprisoned in the ghost area because he tried to change the army on Krypton. Later, he was released because of the explosion of Krypton. This , is the history of Krypton recorded on the spaceship I was on.”

Noticing the bright eyes of the generals, Clark remembered Li Daniu's instructions, and said: "I can hand over my spaceship to you, of course, the pilot can only be me, because you don't know how to use it. "

A general asked excitedly, "Can your spaceship allow us to fly into space?"

"Of course!" Clark said, "Although it cannot do interstellar travel due to damage to the space engine, there is no problem at all flying into space."

While much remains unclear, Zod's 24-hour limit is getting closer and closer, and the Pentagon has a very brutal battle plan.

"We will place several high-yield nuclear warheads on your spaceship." A general looked at Clark, who was like an ordinary person, and said, "However, we cannot guarantee that you will return safely."

Clark didn't have any complaints, because he had already tried to fly into space without any problems. And those death squads temporarily selected by the Pentagon are used to guard Clark, whether he will really use the nuclear warhead in the spacecraft to attack General Zod's spacecraft as in the battle plan.

But when they were about to leave, Li Daniu asked to go together.

Batman firmly disagrees with this, but Li Daniu's explanation is: "Only I can keep an eye on Clark. Do you think those daredevils can really bring obstacles to Clark?"

Batman said: "Our strength is about the same. I have a bat suit, so I am stronger than you. I think I should let me watch him."

Li Daniu shook his head and said, "You don't understand the environment modifier I built, and the strength of the two of us is completely worthless to Clark. Without the environment modifier, we are no match for him."

Batman is not a person who loves his sons and daughters. After persuading him to no avail, he could only look at Clark who was about to board the ship with worried eyes.

But Li Daniu waved his hands chicly, and boarded the spaceship with Clark, who had very strange eyes.

When the spacecraft flew into the sky, the soldiers of the Death Squad began to do the final inspection for the nuclear warheads. But Clark in the cab asked in a very strange tone: "Li, I always thought you were strong, but your bones and muscles were not as strong as I said. Can you tell me, you Have you been hiding something?"

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