Galaxy Shattering Blade

Galaxy Shattering Blade Chapter 39: What a joke!

   Ancient Warrior Alliance.

   is located in the center of the sunset city, this is a very loose alliance, but it is the most authoritative existence of the ancient martial arts.

  It protects the rights and interests of ancient warriors.

  It guarantees the status of ancient martial artists.

   It is the only fair place to judge the rank of ancient martial arts.

   "Whoever acts against the ancient martial arts in the restricted area will be punished with imprisonment!"

   "In major cities, deliberately kill the ancient martial arts killers, one life to one life!"

   "Private grievances must not involve family members, if there is an offender, the lesser will pay for their lives, and the heaviest will be the Nine!"

   Lin Feng looked at the three iron laws, his eyes flashing.

  Although there are many loopholes in this, let's take the simplest analogy, an ancient Wu Zun can completely kill an ancient warrior silently, what can he do without evidence? But I have to say that the existence of these three iron laws resembles the three big mountains to a certain extent, standing in the Alliance of Ancient Martial Artists, which calms the hearts of all ancient martial artists.

   including myself.

   "Brother Guan, congratulations, and finally crossed the critical line."

   "Yeah, it took me four full months! Or brother you are so powerful, more than a month to break away the spirit and become an ancient warrior."

"Hey, what am I, the elite disciples of the four major Wumen can cross the critical line in less than a month, and the top qualifications only need more than ten days. The blood sword gate was not out of the past few days. "Super genius'Yu Gui'? In twelve days, it took only twelve days to complete the rush, so that the other three martial arts were jealous."

   "No, twelve days? What monster is this!"


   Lin Feng walked into the ancient warrior alliance hall, and there were three or five groups of ancient warriors everywhere.

  The ancient martial arts in the sunset city are mostly Wumen martial arts halls, especially the leafy martial arts halls, which have branches in major cities. Even if the total number of the four martial arts halls is less than half of the sunset martial arts hall. But in terms of strength and qualifications of the ancient martial arts, the sunset martial arts hall can't even match the barbarian gate of the four major martial arts.

   "First floor, ancient warrior certification."

   "Second floor, ancient military general certification."

   Lin Feng glanced across the left and right sides of the hall, each with a clear regional sign.

  Countless ancient warriors gathered, and next to the regional mark, it was simple and straightforward to mark the certification process of the ancient warrior.

   "Register first."

   "Then measure the width of the brain."

   "Finally, complete the fitness index test."

   Lin Feng wrote down his mind, and looked down to the center of the hall.

  Ten recording tables are busy recording information about ancient warriors. Lin Feng smiled indifferently, he randomly found a line up. Although it would take a little time to authenticate the ancient warrior, the benefits are also beyond doubt.

  At least, I will have a big backer in the future.

  Backstage that weighs more than the war college.


   "Name?" The staff at the record desk did not look up.

   "Lin Feng."



   raised his head, the staff looked slightly surprised, and the eyes of the ancient warriors around him also looked.

   18-year-old ancient warriors who can cross the critical line are not many in number. They are basically the elite disciples of the four martial arts, but Lin Feng has a military uniform, and there is no sign of the four martial arts.

   "Affiliated?" The staff member's complexion was slightly dignified.

   "Freedom Warrior." Lin Feng said in a word, and suddenly caused a voice of discussion around the staff. The staff frowned, looked at Lin Feng, took notes, and said in a deep voice, "Cultivation is determined?"

   "Liu Yun Jue."

   cough! The staff choked.

Jiu Liu Gu Wu determined that "Liu Yun Jue" is widely circulated in the market. He has also encountered the practice of Liu Yun Jue crossing the critical line, but that was only for longevity and longevity. No ancient martial arts age is Below thirty.

  By practicing Jiu Liu ancient martial arts determination, at the age of 18, he broke through the critical line...

Is it possible?

   "Are you kidding me?" The staff was sullen.

   "No." Lin Feng shook his head indifferently.

   The four eyes face each other. Although the staff didn't believe it, they still pointed to the front left, "According to the palm print."

   "Ding ~" palm print is pressed, the identity is confirmed.

   "Measure the width of the brain area first, and then measure the physical fitness index." The staff pushed a circular wafer to the front of Lin Feng, and no longer spoke. In his opinion, the young man in front of him did not say anything true. The 18-year-old free martial arts maneuvered the Liuyun tactic to break the threshold?

  What a joke!

  Pull an ancient warrior casually and be laughed at.


   easily passed the brain width test, Lin Feng went to the final physical fitness test.

The identification of the ancient warrior is actually to enter the information into the information chip and register it into the superbrain of the ancient warrior alliance. To a certain extent, it is similar to the "war crystal" of the war college. After the authentication is completed, the information chip can be embedded in the element On the suit, different chips represent different identities.

   "It's not electric eye scanning." Lin Feng's heart was light.

   Ancient Wushu's fitness index test is very different from that of Gene Warrior.

   itself, there is a big gap between the two. The physique of the genetic warrior comes from itself, and the genetic energy is integrated with the body, so the scanning of the electric eye is clear and direct. But the ancient martial arts are different. The energy of heaven and earth belongs to an invisible power, and it needs the determination of the heart to run to exert its true power.

   Just like the muscle itself, the relaxed state and the tense state?

  The electric eye can scan, but it is not fine enough.

   The physical fitness index of Gene Warrior and Ancient Warrior are very different. Compared with Gene Warrior, Ancient Warrior's body is stronger.

   Different power systems have different judgment standards.


   Ancient Warrior Alliance, second floor.

  Compared with the liveliness of the first floor, the second floor is much quieter. After all, there are many ancient martial arts who crossed the critical line, but the width of the brain area exceeds 20%, and the proportion is small. The long stone slab corridor reflects the luster of elemental gravel, as beautiful as crystal jade.

   "Haha, Mr. Hu, what kind of wind is blowing your old man today?" The man speaking was a white shirt man, who was bold and said like standing in the wind.

"Are you... the little wind devil of Luoyun Gate in Jiuxiao Cloud'Luo Chengfeng'?" Hu Lao narrowed his eyes, squinted at the corners of his mouth, and glanced over his side. "Little Guo Guoli, just opened the second martial arts not long ago , This is not, take him to authenticate the ancient military general."

   "I have seen Senior Luo, and I have been admired for a long time." Guo Li, a young man in blue, stepped forward and arched his hand.

   "Oh, the War College?" Luo Chengfeng's eyes flashed, and he glanced at the war crystal logo on Guo Li. Then Zaire asked, "How old are you?"

   "The juniors are twenty this year." Guo Lizun said, looking up at Luo Chengfeng with no humble or overbearing eyes, and his eyes were glorious: "The juniors have always been the goal of the seniors, hoping to step into the ranks of ancient Wu Zun before the age of twenty-four, just like the seniors."

   "Ambition!" Luo Chengfeng smiled, "I said Mr. Hu, your apprentice seems to be blue is better than blue."

   "Young people are a little arrogant and not bad." Hu Laoxiao looked at Luo Chengfeng, "It's you, Xiaofeng Mo, is there no class at Jiuxiao Cloud Gate today, so free?"

"Lao Hu made a joke." Luo Chengfeng smiled happily, with a slight arc across the corner of his mouth. "A few days ago, did the Blood Sword Gate have a'Yu Gui'? My Jiuxiao Yunmen is also the four major martial arts anyway. In the first place, how can we make Blood Sword Gate special?"

   "Oh?" Hu Lao's dim eyes lighted up, "I don't know what kind of jade it is?"

"A perfect piece of jade, Chen Ruotian." Luo Chengfeng crossed his index fingers with both hands, and his sperm shined: "Just ten hours, precisely nine hours and fifty-nine minutes, crossing the critical line!" The words fell, Hu Lao and Guo Lipton's face changed dramatically. The ancient warrior who crossed the critical line within ten hours was unheard of.

   "Not only that." Luo Chengfeng's smile was proud, "Chen Ruotian's physical quality is equally amazing."

   "He, a junior ancient warrior, has a physical fitness index that has reached the rank of an intermediate ancient warrior. It should be his turn to test now. I wonder if Hu Lao is interested in taking a look?"

  Hu Lao narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Naturally there is."

   "Here please, Mr. Hu."


  General control There are fluorescent screens all over.

   But compared to the control room in the world of war, the general control room here is undoubtedly more ordinary, and the staff is only a few, more like a monitoring room.

   "Switch to the physical fitness test room 3 for me." Luo Chengfeng said indifferently, with a calm tone and no doubt.

"Yes, senior." The staff dared to neglect and hurriedly switched the fluorescent screen, glancing at the rear is even more startled. Compared with Xiao Feng Mo Luo riding the wind, the reputation of the seemingly ordinary old man beside him was even more famous. It’s nothing short of that, the director of the sunset martial arts——

   Old hip flask, Hu Jiu!

   At this time, the light on the defense tester is just a great work.

   "Ding!" The test was completed, a young man in a military uniform walked out indifferently, the ancient warrior in charge next to the test was shocked.

   "Body strength, intermediate ancient warrior is good?" Hu Jiu took a light breath, his eyes flooded. Despite the psychological preparations, I was really surprised to see the test results. As the supervisor of the sunset martial arts hall, seeing a good seedling naturally leads to love.

   "It should be the central martial spirit." Hu Jiu glanced, turning his head to look at Luo Chengfeng, "I said Xiaofeng Demon, what you hid in Jiuxiao Yunmen is really deep."

   "Chen Ruotian... what a perfect piece of jade!" Hu Jiu sighed, but he saw Luo Chengfeng's eyes widened, his face dumbfounded. Hu Jiudun was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

  Luo Chengfeng shook his head: "He, not Chen Ruotian."

   "What!" Hu Jiu shocked.


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