Knight Kings : 1st Encounter

Chapter 22 - New Comers (5)

In this world there were many kind of energy. Dark energy, light energy, cold energy and warm energy. Basic elements like wind, water, fire and earth were included in warm energy.

Cold energy had some more powerful elements like ice, thunder and weather. While dark and light energy were very rare and unique.

Amongst the four type, the dark and light were the ones who most powerful. Only the Zeeds or the descendant of them had the two types.

Since the first time Sir Fiery met Edward, he knew that his disciple had a light energy in his body. That means Edward was one of the descendant of the Zeeds.

Then the new comer who were focusing on his flying target made him lift an eyebrow. That kid.. Richard had a dark energy inside his body, but how come he could control fire elements?

"Hm.. I don't understand. The flow of his energy kinda similar with yours."


Both Edward and Scarlet looked each other with confusion look. It was not because of the new comer had similar flowing energy with Scarlet but rather, it was similar with Edward's.

"I think my energy is average to other fire elementers. What do you mean by that?" asked he.

Scarlet tugged his sleeves made him realize that his energy were indeed unique. His own energy already mixed with Scarlet's when the girl making him to be her partner.

They were lucky as the new comer called for Sir Fred before the convo continued anymore. They decided to take a leave secretly.

"I never knew that my energy flows different." said he.

"Same here."

Edward chuckled. "And here I thought you can sense other's energy."

"Of course not. Only Sir Fred and my father who have that ability. While I only can sense other KK like me. That's all."

"And I can sure you, Richard is definitely not a KK nor a partner of one."

"Well, Sir Fred did say his energy flowing was similar with mine. Why is that?"

"..." she, herself did not know the answer either.

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