Knight Kings : 1st Encounter

Chapter 34 - Time Controller (1)

"How many time I have to tell you!? It wasn't her!"

Niken woke up by a loud voice near her. She never expected she would truly fall asleep in the middle of class.

But she did and only woke up by the voice of her friend. She looked at all classmates confused, they were everywhere surround her desk.

She tried to find Sir Hak who did not in the class anymore. What had happen while she was asleep?

Figuring the answer, she felt cold and her body shivered on its own. She noticed her hair was wet and a tracing water went down from her head to shoulder.

Not only that, she saw her classmates looked at her with scary eyes. What did she do that all eyes blamed her?

She became scared and her body trembled vigorously. Her eyes filled with horror when she saw more people were coming with a bucket full of water.

"What are you doing? I told you it wasn't her doing." she heard Karyn almost scream when said it.

"If it wasn't her then who did? Her brother was an A rank elementer, how could she is in D rank? She just pretended to be weak to bully us."

"Yeah, that's true. No one here could produce that big amount of water out of nowhere... until she came."


"No more but. We don't wanna get trouble with any wolf clan so she has to move. NOW!"

"Yeah!" everyone else followed her exclaimed.

"Only because you're afraid of Tora doesn't mean you can hide here forever."

"Go back to your own class."

Karyn tried hard to defend her yet her voice not loud enough to silence them. When she saw some water elementer worked together to control water inside the bucket, her eyes were wide opened.

She reacted on her will to cover Niken with her own body. Slowly the water were pulled out of the bucket and flew above both girls.

At that very moment, when the water dropped above them, the time stopped moving. There was no noise, water stopped in the air, no movement at all.

When Niken realized she used her power to stop time, she let out a tear. A second later, she cried out loud calling her brother for help.


Kazuto used his agility to reach the class a lot faster. He was the first who arrived in front of the room. Both Scarlet and Shin Ha join him not long after and were shocked all of the people in the building had stop moving.

"What happen?" Shin Ha was the first who asked. "Why don't you go inside?"

"I can't."

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