Everything that is carefully fabricated or tried to be hidden, whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, will eventually be revealed

, while all the behaviors of nature will remain mysterious.





27. The lower curtain of the deep courtyard


A mosquito was flying around in the study in broad daylight, humming lawlessly. After hovering around for a while, it landed on my arm blatantly. The mosquito flaps its wings a few times, spreads its limbs, and lifts its hind legs to reduce the risk of disturbing the sensitive nerve endings of the epidermis. The mosquito cannot sense it, so it is not easily noticed, and then moves gently to find the most suitable place. Then open those blood-sucking 'needles', there are six in total. First, use the two needles on the upper jaw to cut the outermost layer of the skin, and then use the two jagged needles on the lower jaw to completely cut the epidermis. After finding the most suitable capillary, Then use the middle needle to spit out some secretions for anesthesia, and finally use the other middle needle to insert the blood vessel without knowing it. At the same time, support the body with the hard lower lip, and squeeze the muscles of the head repeatedly, like Like a water pump, blood is sucked into the stomach. In order to replenish as much blood as possible, the mosquito will excrete the food residues in the digestive organs while sucking blood. The whole process can be described as step-by-step, accurate and efficient, smooth and smooth, and completed in one go.

At first, because of the anesthetic, people generally cannot feel it. The anesthesia gradually loses its effectiveness, and the mosquito becomes bloated after sucking blood and moves slowly. Therefore, it is necessary to find the right point between sucking the most blood and successfully escaping. To put it simply, we need to have a good sense of proportion and find the optimal balance between greed and fear.

Greed and fear are two extreme manifestations of emotions in the psychology. They are like a pendulum clock. Greed is ambition, and fear comes from risk. When the two forces confront each other, they will cancel each other out. To obtain the most, you must avoid risks as much as possible. Excellent people Hunters can find the center point of balance between greed and fear, while most people will only continuously oscillate between the two, either feeling regretful or struggling in danger.

Mosquitoes actually only need to drink blood to reproduce, and they can survive by drinking nectar or sugar water.

The buzzing sound couldn't make Dao Zhi concentrate. He looked for the sound, watched it flying around the room, watched it humming, watched it fall on his arm, watched it suck blood, watched it drink up its blood. , and then watched it take off, with a slap at the last moment. Daozhi threw the mosquito body into the ash pile, dust to dust, dust to dust, leaving a bright red bloodstain on his arm. No matter how powerful it is, there are always more powerful characters in the shadows

"Bang... Bang... Bang Bang... Bang Bang……"There was a knock on the door.

The young woman next door opened the door first and stuck her head out:"Are you looking for Daozhi?"

"Is he there?"

"Well, yes."The young woman walked out in her pajamas and slippers. As she approached, she unconsciously took a step back. Her body seemed to feel a strong repulsive magnetic field.

"Why doesn't anyone open the door?"

The young woman looked at the old man. He had gray hair and kind eyes. Although he was old, she saw his eyes and took off his guard:"You are Zhou Meichen's father, right?"


"No one has come to see Daozhi for a long time, and school hasn't started yet. He might be sleeping at this time."The young woman came closer, and after speaking, she knocked hard a few times and then went back.

Dao Zhi was trying to concentrate in the study, but his thoughts were interrupted again by a faint knock on the door. Who could it be? When he opened the door, he saw that it was Zhou's father who came first. Startled, Daozhi immediately understood that something had happened to Zhou Meichen:"Uncle! Is it Zhou Meichen?"

Father Zhou nodded.

"Uncle, please come in."Before closing the door, Dao Zhi habitually looked at the other end of the corridor, and then at the door of the young woman's house. Their eyes seemed to meet through the door mirror. Then the young woman entered the room and looked at the glass container. The ants were always busy. Busy as they were, the young woman picked up the food out of boredom. They had a clear division of labor and cooperated, dragging the food into the nest in a short while. No matter what the environment was, they never lost their goal, and the young woman couldn't help but feel a little envious.

The way to Zhou The father poured a glass of water:"What happened?"

Zhou's father told Daozhi what he had learned from his young colleagues.

"school, school……"Dao Zhi thought twice. He had been to that place before and probably knew what kind of place it was. He didn't like that kind of place.

Zhou's father introduced:"The school only grew in the hands of Tan Da. He was born in a deep school and studied in a school for special children. He is considered my junior. He has the status of a law enforcement officer and entered the school under the arrangement of his family when he became an adult." System, he naturally became a law enforcer. A few years later, he left the Shenzhen Academy and entered the shopping mall, where he thrived like a fish in water. You must have heard of him?"

"I've heard of him before, and he's a very influential businessman. Why hasn't there been any news about him in recent years?"Daozhi

/Wei ZhenWillNox

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