35.Night Lamb


The young woman went to the bathroom to take a shower, looked around the room with a bath towel, stopped in the study, sat in front of the desk, a desk lamp, a stack of books, a computer placed on the book, a coffee cup, an ashtray... This is his daily routine. The young woman stood up and looked at the bookshelf behind her. She flipped through it casually and found an old photo album among the books. The young woman looked at Daozhi and his grandfather when she was a teenager. She stroked the photo and her eyes couldn't help but get moist.

The young woman came to the window. Under the light, she could feel the feeling of Tao Zhi standing here facing loneliness. A lonely person is not because he likes to be alone, but because he can't find similar people around him. The young woman walked into Daozhi's bedroom and opened his wardrobe. It was black, full of black T-shirts and shirts. Maybe he was destined to take this path. Finally, the young woman lay on Daozhi's bed and fell asleep.


The pink girl and her classmates watched the report until late at night. At some point, the classmate fell asleep holding the pink girl in her arms. The pink girl woke up the next day and gently removed her classmate's arm. The classmate woke up and it was already noon. Alang knew that they were tired and kept waiting quietly in the car. After the two of them dressed up, the three of them found a place nearby to eat something. The town was very new to pink girls, so they took advantage of the good weather to wander around the town. After waiting for a while, we got on the highway in the afternoon and the pink girl sat in the back row.

The road goes deep into the mountains, and the sun hangs at the end of the road. Along the way, the pink girl and her classmates were reading the latest reports about them and comments from netizens. The discussion was also mixed with the excitement of last night. Alang listened intently or unintentionally, without making any comments, and his eyes never left the road ahead. He seems to be not interested in these, or he no longer cares about other people's evaluations. Who in the world can stop everyone.

After driving for a few more hours, the sun sank in the mountains, and the rays of rays stained the sky, like the skirt of a fairy swaying when she walked quickly, filled with subtlety and depth, and the heartstrings were stirred by sadness and beauty. It was a rare scene in the city. Absolutely not visible, Alang looked at the rear mirror, the two of them were asleep in the back.

Alang was admiring the beautiful scenery when a black Lexus suddenly passed by and got very close. Alang had already noticed the car behind it. Alang accelerated, and Lexus also accelerated. After the two cars ran for a while, Lexus followed closely and kept flashing its lights. Alang ignored it and found the right opportunity to suddenly turn off the highway. Lexus had no time to miss the intersection. When Alang passed the toll booth, he glanced sideways and thought he had gotten rid of them. Unexpectedly, they fell back. After passing the toll station, Alang stepped on the accelerator, and the Lexus caught up with him. It seemed that the Lexus was determined to stop. Alang stopped slowly in a relatively quiet place.

Hearing the Lexus door open, Alang looked over and saw a middle-aged man with a fleshy face, wearing a gray tight-fitting shirt, a round belly, and a golden chain around his thick and short neck.

Jin Lianzi came over and was about to knock on the car window. A Lang opened the door and came out. Jin Lianzi pointed at his car and said angrily:"The pebbles rolled up by your car broke my glass. You have to pay compensation."

A Lang did it calmly. With a quiet gesture, he signaled him to step aside, and then said:"Where did the gravel on the highway come from?"

Another man got out of the Lexus, squatted on the back wheel of the Mini to take a look, came to Alang and said:"Your There are still stones stuck in the tires. If you don’t believe me, you can see for yourself."

Also wearing tight-fitting shirts with half a wolf head tattoo exposed on their arms, the three of them came to the side of the Mini. The tattooed man pointed at the tires and said,"Look, this is how stones break. It broke my windshield."

There were indeed two pebbles stuck on the tires. They came to the Lexus again. There was a crack on the windshield, but Alang still didn't believe it. The car had not walked on the gravel road and looked at the two of them. ask:

"What do you want?"

Jin Lianzi touched the windshield and looked very distressed:"This car 4S shop will cost at least 6,000 yuan to repair. Let's pay 7,000 yuan privately.""

The last rays of light brought down the curtain of stars, and the sky gradually darkened. Alang looked helplessly at the road home, which was winding and bumpy, and then asked tentatively:"How about this? We'll call the police and deal with it. Your car There should also be a driving recorder on the car. You can tell if it’s a stone."

"This is outside the city, in the wilderness. We have called the police and we don’t know when they will arrive. We have to be on our way. We have an important business meeting tomorrow and we can’t afford to delay it. I’m not blackmailing you for 7,000 yuan."The tattooed man explained.

He used the usual rhetoric and had no new ideas at all. Now Alang was sure what to do. He walked around the Lexus and leaned over the dark glass to see another person inside. There was a snail on the license plate. The cap fell off and the license plate screws were not original. I looked at the license plate carefully and said:

"Or call the police and let the insurance company compensate you."

"It's your full responsibility to take out the insurance. Even if the traffic police comes, it will be of no use and it will waste time."The tattooed man said in a tough tone.

"Forget it, just give me 6,000. I'm in trouble."Gold chain.

The pink girl woke up and found that the car was parked. She opened the front seat and opened the door and was about to get out. When Alang saw it, he said to the gold chain:"Wait a moment, I will get the phone. Alang walked over, took out his mobile phone and said:"There is a small town ahead. You guys go there first and wait for me. I met a few friends and will come over right away.""

The pink girl glanced back at those people. She didn't look like a good person. After experiencing so many things together, she believed in A Lang. The pink girl sat in the driver's seat and pulled up the handbrake, kicked the accelerator and left with her classmates.

Wait. After the car was out of sight, Alang looked around and changed his tone before asking:"What if I don't give it?"

The man in the back seat of the Lexus finally got out, holding two baseball bats, and threw one to the tattooed man.

"If you don't give it, don't blame us for being rude."The tattooed man raised a baseball bat and threatened.

People who think they are strong have a kind of exclusivity. They are unwilling to share with others and cannot face things squarely. At first they were successful, but they could not distinguish whether it was due to strength or luck. Strength can be improved, and strong people will maintain a humble and cautious attitude towards everything, while luck will only be consumed, and no one knows at what moment luck will be exhausted, when they realize that they are not truly strong. , the tragic ending is inevitable.

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