Chapter 0113: World Tree’s Reaction!!

When the two saw Yuya eat that fruit and directly turn into an alien, Katsura and Gao Si Mai finally couldn’t bear it, and tears flowed down their eyes.

“Anyone who eats the fruit of Heim’s underworld will have a mutation in his body, become an alien, and at the same time lose his consciousness as a human being, so the moment he eats the fruit, he is already dead.”

“Brother Yuya is really dead…”

Ge Ye Hongtai knelt on the ground with dull eyes, and kept repeating this sentence.

When Zhuang Wu saw Ge Ye’s appearance, he kept muttering in his heart, this guy should not be able to survive this level and go completely crazy.

In the original plot, Ge Ye finally learned the truth, but by then he was already strong after fighting, and after a period of depression, he perked up again.

If after this incident, Kamen Rider Armor Warrior disappeared directly, then the fun would be great.

Just when Zhuang Wu wanted to say something more, Ge Yexian stood up abruptly, and without saying a word, he was about to rush into the crack.

But he was quickly stopped by Zhuang Wu’s eyes, and Ge Ye roared, “I want to destroy this place, and I want to avenge Brother Yuya.” ”

“If you think that destroying a few fruits or a few aliens is revenge, then I have nothing to say.”

Shogo’s calm voice awakened Katsura from his state of madness.

“Zhuangwu, you must know something about this crack, please tell me.”

“These things need to be found by yourself, what I told you, you will not necessarily believe, when you transform into Kamen Rider, you are already in the center of this whirlpool, you can’t escape, this is your life.”

“I can only tell you that what you see with your eyes is not necessarily the truth, you have to discover the secrets hidden behind this world.”

“The secret behind the world?”

Ge Ye muttered, his eyes gradually becoming firm.

Glancing at the remains of the foreigner behind him, the pain in his eyes flashed, Brother Yuya, rest assured, I will definitely find out the truth here, and then avenge you.

On the other side, the leadership of the World Tree Consortium is in chaos at the moment.

The head of the Japanese branch of the World Tree Foundation, Takatora Kurishima, was looking at Zhuangwu and Fuzi who appeared in the video with a grim face.

“Have you found out the identities of these two people?”


A subordinate reported,

“We checked all the surveillance and identity information, and neither of these two people matched: out,”

“Continue to check, you can’t let go of the slightest clue.”


“By the way, what is Dr. Ling Ma doing?”

As if remembering something, Wu Dao Guihu asked.

“Dr. Zhan Ji seems to be very interested in that woman’s drive and is ready to send someone to communicate.”


Wu Dao Guihu sneered, “I’m afraid I want to directly arrest the couple of men and women.” ”

As a friend of Zhan Ji Lingma, Wu Dao Guihu knows very well that his friend is completely a mad scientist, and he is absolutely second to none in terms of creation and invention, but the only thing is that his moral bottom line is terrible, otherwise he would not use that group of young people to test Zhan Ji Drive.

“You told Ling Ma…”

Wu Dao Guihu pondered for a while, and changed his mouth,

“Forget it, I’ll go and see it myself.”


Then the subordinate turned and left.

In the spacious office, only Wudao Guihu was left standing by the window overlooking Nha Ze City,

“What does Kamen ride…”

The whisper had died down before it could disperse.

After Zhuang Wuwan declined Ge Ye’s invitation, the two separated.

As he left, Katsura solemnly told Shogo that he would be Kamen Rider Armor in the future, in order to inherit Yuya’s will and the glory of the Armor Team.

At this time, Ge Ye seems to have matured in an instant, and has already had some mature and stable appearance in the middle and late stages of the original plot.

“I feel that it is better for him to call Kamen Rider Orange Head, clear and clear.”

It seemed that he thought the name was ridiculous, and Fuzi couldn’t help but laugh at first.

Zhuang Wu ignored Fuzi, but lowered his head and pondered, he seemed to ignore something to recall the original plot, Zhuang Wu was suddenly shocked.

What about the daughter of the beginning?

The daughter of the beginning did not appear from beginning to end, and Shogo did not think that she could hide from his perception under his nose.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Zhuang Wu decisively put this matter behind him, and the plot was completely useless the moment he appeared.

Even without the Beginning Man and the Beginning Girl, the impact on him was minimal…

Even without these two, he would have more power to gain from the Demon Harvest.

“Na, Zhuangwu, where are we going next, are we going to find the person you are looking for?”

Fuzi asked.

“No, the person I’m waiting for has already arrived.”

Within a minute, a group of people wearing special uniforms, masks, and guns surrounded Shogo and the two.

“You two have affected the public security of the city because of unknown origins, please give up resistance and tie up.”

Sure enough, there must be an excuse wherever you want to do anything.

Zhuang Wu glanced coldly, and a faint golden glow flickered under his eyes.

All of a sudden, all of them fell to the ground at the same time, not even a single one who could move.

“Come out.”

Zhuang Wu looked in one direction and his gaze was sharp.

“Don’t get me wrong, don’t get me wrong, I’ll come out right away, I’m not with them.”

A figure came out from behind the corner and saw that Zhuang Wu really had no intention of attacking, so he was a little more bold.

“My name is West Germany, and I’m just an ordinary merchant selling lock seeds.”

Sid smiled on his face, raised his hands, and dressed in a brand-name black coat on his body, but there was something unusual, like a street gangster wearing mink to swagger through the market.

Zhuang Wu ignored West Germany and instead looked behind West Germany.

It goes without saying that there is another person behind that.

Knowing that he couldn’t hide it, Sid immediately gave a 1.0 look behind him, and a figure walked out again.

With crisp and neat short and medium hair, some tough cheeks, sharp eyes and no lack of gentleness, this is the goal of Zhuang Wu’s trip, Minako Yaoko.

After coming out, Minato Yaoko directly crossed West Germany and looked directly at Zhuangwu.

At this moment, the two looked at each other.

Looking at Zhuang Wu’s dark eyes, Minato Yaoko had a strange feeling, as if the other party was coming at him.

However, it is a pity that although this teenager is definitely the most handsome he has ever seen, he is too young to be my sister’s dish.

Such thoughts were almost fleeting, and Minato Yaoko looked at Zhuang Wu again and said.

“We are the managers of the World Tree Foundation, and because of your extraordinary ability just now, I hope you will cooperate.”

“What if we say no.”

“Then I’m sorry, you will have nowhere to be together in the whole of Nha Ze City.”

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