“Then you tell me first, you and Ryoma have progressed to this point!” Izumi asked rhetorically.

“Want to know?” When Ah Li heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“I can tell you!”

“Then you tell me!” Izumi laughed.

“First of all, tell me what is going on between you and Uchiha Itachi!” Ah Li said with a smile.

“What is there to say, the longing of my childhood, when I grew up, I gradually let go!” Izumi said with a faint smile.

“Looking forward to it?”

Ah Li nodded.

“I didn’t expect you to really put it down!”

“Then thank Moonlight Ryoma that bastard, if he hadn’t kicked me three times and made me hate him for two years.”

I worked hard for two years.

I really don’t have that time to recognize myself. Izumi glanced at Ryoma behind him.

The corners of Ryoma’s mouth twitched slightly.

“It’s clear that you’re careful yourself, how can you blame my head!”

“Yes!” Ari also glanced at Ryoma thoughtfully.

However, it did not continue to dwell on this issue.

“Is that away from you and Ryoma…”

“Keep it secret!!” Ah Li smiled gently.

“That’s not what you said just now!” Izumi instantly realized that he had been tricked.

“Hehe, Izumi, you’re still too naïve!” Ah Li smiled gently.

“Well, you are a li, you actually play this game with me, don’t think that your strength is strong, I dare not make a move with you!”

Saying that, Izumi is about to fight Ah Li.

Ah Li naturally ran while dodging.

The two fought and walked towards the school.

Ryoma watched the beautiful scenery from behind.

Very good mood.

It wasn’t long after the three returned to school.

Those teachers who led the class came one after another.

Take their students away.

Not long after, Red also came.

“First shift, follow me!” The red gaze swept over the three of Ryoma, Ah Li, and Izumi.

“Unexpectedly, our teacher turned out to be a woman!” Izumi looked at the figure of Hong turning to leave, and said with some surprise.

You know, although there are many female ninjas in Konoha, there are few who can be promoted to upper ninja.

The one in front of them is qualified to teach them, and obviously has some ability.

Ari glanced at Ryoma thoughtfully.

“You arranged this too?”

“Teacher Hong is a good person, I believe you can get along very well!” Ryoma smiled lightly.

Although it was not acknowledged, it was acquiesced.

“Are you going to make the first shift your harem regiment??” Ari wants to bite Ryoma.

“This class has a man to bring, I am not happy!” Ryoma Road.

“You two, what are you still talking about, let’s go.”

Before Ah Li could say anything, Izumi was already shouting at the door.

“Okay, let’s go!”

Saying that, Long pulled up Ah Li’s jade hand and walked towards the outside of the classroom.

Seeing this, Ah Li didn’t say more.

In fact, if you change to the original Ah Li, you will still be a little tempered.

However, after sharing Ryoma’s magical powers, her good impression of Ryoma was directly full.

It has even affected her normal judgment.

Although I think Ryoma is a bit excessive.

But, what can she do?

Forgive him, of course.


“Next, I may become your class teacher, my name is Xi Rihong, you all introduce yourselves!” Red sat on the stairs, looked at the three Ryoma below, and spoke.

“My name is Uchiha Izumi, I love three-color balls and azuki bean soup, I hate bitter melons, and I want to become a great female ninja like Tsunade-sama in the future.

There is also an ambition, I want to surpass that Ryoma guy and avenge that three-legged revenge! Izumi heard Hong’s words and spoke first.

“Three-legged feud?” Red looked at Izumi a little surprised, and then at Ryoma.

“Yes, Teacher Hong, two years ago, this guy Ryoma kicked me three times without talking about martial virtue, and I always remember it!” Izumi said with a serious face.

“Then you have to work hard!!” The corner of the red mouth twitched.

It’s really a real girl.

“Hey, I’ll work on it!” Izumi glanced at Ryoma with high spirits.

“Give up, Izumi, unless Ryoma volunteers, you will not be able to take revenge in this life!” Ari kindly reminded Izumi.

As a result, in exchange for a cold snort from Izumi;

“I don’t want it!”

For this, how much she has suffered in the past two years.

Only she herself knows.

This has almost become her obsession.

How could she give up so easily.

“Or, find a place where there is no one and I’ll kick it back for you so you don’t have to worry about it all the time!” Ryoma said with a faint smile.

“No, I don’t need you to let me, I want to defeat you dignifiedly, and then, kick your ass again!” Izumi glanced at Ryoma and said proudly.

“Okay, in that case, then I’ll wait for you to defeat me!” Ryoma said with a faint smile.

“Don’t talk about this, continue to introduce yourself!” At this time, Hong couldn’t help but fight for the three of you.

“My name is Hinata, and I like to go to the food court with Ryoma every day after school.

Then, I hope to surpass Tsunade-sama in the future and become a female ninja even stronger than her! Ah Li said with a gentle smile.

Dry rice is said to be a shop visit, quite elegant.

“Kind of interesting!” When Hong heard Ah Li’s words, she couldn’t help but feel a burst of surprise.

She didn’t expect this gentle-looking Hinata to have such ambitions.

“It’s not that easy to surpass Tsunade-sama, you have to work hard!”

Red didn’t say anything impossible.

If people don’t have dreams, what’s the difference with salted fish.

It doesn’t matter if the dream is outrageous, in case it comes true.

Even if it can’t be achieved.

In the future, who will make fun of others with this.


“My name is Moonlight Ryoma! I like a lot, and I hate a lot! I won’t say anything about dreams, I’m afraid to scare you! ”

Ryoma said with a faint smile.

“In the end, only hearing your name is true, and the rest is useless!” Izumi couldn’t help but spit out.

“Because, everything else doesn’t matter!” Ryoma said with a faint smile.

“I haven’t seen it for a while, I didn’t expect you little guy to grow so tall and big!” Hong couldn’t help but say at this time.

“It’s really been a long time, Sister Hong is as beautiful and moving as she was back then!” Ryoma said with a faint smile.

“In the future, I have to call the teacher, hear no, little ghost!” When Hong heard Ryoma’s words, she couldn’t help but recall Ryoma’s performance at that time.

Back then, I was so dishonest when I was so young.

Nowadays, he is so tall and handsome, he can already do bad things!!

Be vigilant!!

“Hey, hi, hi!!”


(Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluations, ask for everything!!) )

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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