Lucy was confused. When did she become so powerful? How come she didn’t know it at all?

"etc! All the ghost ruler's guilds were destroyed?!"

"yes! Didn't you do it? He also killed all the hundreds of people in their guild."

"Then he destroyed all their branches, which was really satisfying!!"

"No! Not me!!!"

Lucy quickly denied how she could do such a thing. Even if she wanted to, she didn't have the ability.

"I was in the guild all the time yesterday. How could I kill so many branches of the Ghost Ruler? Besides, I am a Celestial Mage, so I don’t know how to use a sword!"

It's over. Now she is famous. She is even more famous than before when Natsu left the Mercenary Guild. But this kind of fame is not what she wants. This fame is really too scary. Everyone heard that

Lu Xi's words also came to mind. Yes, Lucy has been in the guild since she came back yesterday.

Even if Lucy returned home by herself yesterday evening, it doesn't match the time of the crime.-

"Then who did this?!"

"Is it Mira?!"

Mira can use transformation magic, so she can look like Lucy.

Mira quickly waved her hand:"I was also in the guild at that time! Also, I’m not a knife user."

Mira read the news carefully. The newspaper said that this person used many kinds of swordsmanship, including thunder and lightning, fire, wind, water, and rock.……

She also had a guess as to who did it, but she wasn't sure because that person also had an alibi.

"J? This time I finally relieved myself. If the ghost destroyed one of our Fairy Tail guilds, then we will destroy dozens of their branch guilds!"

"And this is not a sneak attack, it is an honest attack!!"

Makarov also had a guess about who did it. Uchiha Xuanyan, a brat, always carries a knife with him. Although he has never seen it before, he will definitely use it with his ability.

But yesterday The brat has been learning magic from himself.

However, he was very relieved at this time. Compared to these children, he had deeper feelings for the guild. The destruction of the guild made him very angry.

If he had been young, he would have He went to the door. Now that he is older, he has more things to protect.

If he fights with the ghost ruler, the Magic Council will definitely not ignore it, and the children of the guild may be injured or even sacrificed. This is his last He didn't want to see it, so he chose to endure it.

At this time, the Ghost Dominator Guild headquarters.


The president of the Ghost Dominator Guild, Joseph, angrily threw the wine glass on the ground.

"Damn Fairy Tail! How dare you attack my ghost ruler!! And who is that guy who calls himself Lucy?"

"It’s unclear. Judging from the time of the attack, there were dozens of Lucy’s appearing at the same time. It seemed to be magic like a clone. However, although we don’t know if she is the Lucy we are looking for, she must be the same as Fairy Tail. related."

As soon as Joseph asked Gajeel to attack Fairy Tail, the one named Lucy retaliated. It must have something to do with Fairy Tail.

"President Joseph, what should we do?"

"What do you mean? So many of my branch guilds and members have all been defeated, and everyone has known about it. If we don't take revenge, how can we ghost rulers have the face to stand in the Kingdom of Fiore?"

"Now there is only one survivor of Fairy Tail and Ghost Ruler. Notify the Magic Council and ask the people of the Magic Council to take away Makarov and Lucy. I will take this opportunity to let that annoying fairy go. The tail disappears completely from this world!!"

Fairy Tail Guild

Suddenly! Loki ran down the stairs:"It's not good!!"

"People from the Magic Council surrounded this place!!"


Everyone immediately ran out from the underground level and saw that a large number of people from the Magic Council had surrounded the Fairy Tail Guild.

"I am Fairy Tail Lucy from the Ancient Knights of the Magic Council. You are suspected of attacking the Ghost Ruler Guild. You are now being arrested for intending to provoke a guild war."

"What did you say?!!"

"It was obviously the Ghost Ruler Guild that destroyed our Fairy Tail guild first, but the guild has become like this, don't you see?"

"If the guild is destroyed, you can report it to the council, and the council will punish the ghost ruler, but you cannot privately provoke a war between guilds."

"No...not me! I was in the guild yesterday, and I didn’t attack the Ghost Ruler Guild at all! And I don’t have the strength to kill so many ghost rulers!"

"You don't have to say whether it's you or not, and I don't have to say it either. It can only be determined after the Magic Council investigates. We are going to arrest you now for investigation."

"Our guild was destroyed by the Ghost's guys. You didn't arrest the Ghost Ruler's guys, but instead you came to arrest our Fairy Tail guys."

"We will never let you take Lucy away."

"President Makarov, you are also suspected of instigating guild members to attack the Ghost Ruler. You also need to return to the Magic Council with me to cooperate with the investigation."


"Even our Fairy Tail Guild Leader wants to capture him!"

"The president has never allowed us to take revenge, otherwise we would have killed those bastards of Ghost Ghost long ago!!"

"We will never let you take away the president and Lucy!"


Everyone in the Ancient Knights of the Magic Council pointed their magic wands at Fairy Tail, intending to kill everyone if they disagreed with each other.

"Stop it all!!!"

Makarov shouted loudly.

Everyone in Fairy Tail stopped when they heard Makarov's voice. The Ancient Knights of the Magic Council did not dare to move. President Makarov is the Saint of Ishgar. One of the top ten wizards, if he really wants to resist, they are not someone they can handle...

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