Nourish and moisturize!!!

Accompanied by countless birdsong-like sounds,

The entire sky of Konoha seemed to be reflected in daylight

“Wow! It’s so dazzling! ”

“Worthy of being a fourth-generation me-sama!”

“This ninjutsu is also too terrifying!”

“Oh my God, I can’t even open my eyes!”

The onlookers closed their eyes one after another

I’m afraid that it will explode if I look at it more.

As the thunder gradually dissipated,

The scene that appeared in front of everyone’s eyes made everyone present stunned in place

I saw it as far as the eye could see

The originally prosperous Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan land

At this moment, there are still shadows of two ethnic lands

Even the clansmen of the two races were nowhere to be seen

Right now,

Only the earth that has turned into scorched earth remains

The clan land, the houses, and the clan people were all under the blow just now

Turned into fly ash,

“Damn it!!! Day chopping!!! ”

Look at the family that disappeared directly,

Tuan Zang, who was still being beaten, was even more torn apart at this moment

He stared at Bai Ye with a hideous face

“It’s impossible for the sun to die!”

“Say! You got the Sun Chopper there?! ”

I saw that Tuan Zang at this time was like a crazy demon

His eyes were red and stared at Bai Ye and he began to question non-stop

Look at this look of Tuan Zang,

Shirano almost thought that Sarutobi was his wife

Although the two people are not quite right.

However, in the face of Tuan Zang’s inquiry,

Bai Ye still pointed very generously to the open space in front of him.

“Naw, it’s all over the place~”

Hear this answer,

Tuan Zang seemed to have been drained of all his strength

Completely abandoned resistance,

Weakly fell to the ground

In fact, Tuan Zang understood in his heart that under the terrifying ninjutsu just now

It is impossible for an ape flying sun chop to have a chance to live

Even if it is myself, I am afraid that ten more Sharingan eyes will not be enough.

Now the sun chop is dead

The family is gone

The Hokage dream was completely shattered

Tuan Zang naturally has nothing to resist

The whole person sat on the ground with a lost soul, not speaking for a long time.

Seeing this, Bai Ye naturally didn’t say much

After giving Shuomao a look

The latter instantly swung his sword and sent away the man known as the Shadow of Konoha.

With the regiment hiding to die,

Bai Ye also breathed a long sigh of relief

Solve the Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan,

There is no crisis inside Konoha

“Watergate, send someone to clean it up~”

“Resume construction here as soon as possible!”

After dealing with the affairs of the two races,

After Shirano arranged the follow-up work, he returned to the Hokage Building

At this time, Shirano was obviously much more relaxed

Not long after Shirano returned to the Hokage Building

Tsunade and Orochimaru, who were still drinking in the tavern, came directly to him.

Looking at the two,

Without waiting for Shirano to speak,

The head was instantly pressed between the two mountains


“Out of breath, Master!!!”

With Shirono’s struggle

Tsunade also blushed instantly

But thinking of the great revenge of the Thousand Hands clan, it will be rewarded

The two old things were solved by their own good apprentices

Tsunade naturally had nothing to care about

Continue to hold Shirono’s head without letting go.

Seeing this, Shirano simply did not struggle

Enjoy being in a sea of clouds.

“Baiye Hakuno, you were too handsome just now!”

“You…! What are you doing?!! ”

Just when Shirano was about to immerse himself in it

A fiery red silhouette rushed into the office

Looking at the scene in front of you,

The man’s hair instantly fluttered like a flame.

Shirano who heard the voice hurriedly got up from Tsunade’s arms

Seeing that Jiu Xina was already on the verge of running away

Bai Ye hurriedly spoke: “Hahaha, Jiu Xingnai, Master is here to thank me~”

“I was so excited for a while!”

Listen to Shirono’s explanation

Jiu Xingna suddenly scanned the two of them with a suspicious gaze

But I thought about what happened to the Thousand Hands family

Tsunade seemed to be so excited

Plus their own experiences are similar

Tsunade-hime is still considered his own relative.

Vortex Jiu Xuna had to give up

At this moment, Tsunade saw this, but leaked a mysterious smile

After saying hello to Jiu Yukina, he turned to leave

But when Tsunade walked behind Kuyukina

Shirano saw that Tsunade gestured to him in a tavern

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye couldn’t help but tremble slightly in his heart.

Seeing this, the big snake pill on the side also had a smile on his face

But seeing that Tsunade was gone, though

The big snake pill naturally will not be boring to himself

Immediately left the office

As for the matter of staying in Konoha,

Let’s talk about it next time.

Soon Shirano relied on his three-inch uncorrupted tongue

Coaxed Jiu Xingnai well.

Looking at the well-behaved Jiu Xuna in front of him

Shirano also took a long breath of relief

Good suspension almost didn’t turn into an Asura field.

As for Tsunade, as a traverser,

If you have the opportunity, will you let it go?

Let it go, that is sorry for the identity of the crosser,

That’s why Shirano worshiped Tsunade and occupied Tsunade’s atrium little by


There was even a broken one, and before he could get close to Tsunade, he was destroyed by Shirano.

But then,

It is necessary to integrate the power of the entire Konoha

Otherwise, wait three months for the second meeting

The world leaderboard function is enabled

If you can’t get the first place, it will be too humiliating for the crosser’s face.

The next day,

“Watergate, send someone to inform Uchiha Fugaku~”

“Let him come to the Hokage Building!”


Soon, Watergate informed the Uchiha clan of the news according to Shirono’s orders.

At this time, the patriarch was in his house

A dark ministry has already arrived in front of Uchiha Fugaku.

“Shidaimei please, I see!”

“I’ll rush over right away~”

Got Uchiha Fugaku’s answer

The dark part also nodded and signaled, and quickly dodged away from the Uchiha clan

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Mikoto, who had just come out on the side, couldn’t help but ask: “Fugaku, Naruto-sama is looking for you, did you say that it was because of something?” ”

In this regard, Fugaku also shook his head helplessly.

“It would be nice to know what the reason is~”

“I won’t worry about it here!”

Saying that, Uchiha Fugaku also shook his head and put all his distractions behind him.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, no matter what, today is still going to meet the Hokage first.

“For the future of the Uchiha clan, it depends on today!”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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