[3rd place: Fantasy World 6th generation Hokage Uchiha Obito World]

【Optional reward: choose one of the two】

【Reward 1: Navy Six Style】

【Reward 2: One can of fairy beans】

Looking at the rewards given by the chat group,

Everyone was instantly stunned in place,

This reward is too different from the top two, right?

And Shirano looked at the immortal beans that appeared again in the third place,

I also vaguely guessed some rules of the chat group.

Immediately spoke: “The first generation of the first generation of the king was rewarded with the immortal bean last time, so this time the chat group did not continue to give the first generation of immortal beans the option~”

“In other words, no matter which time the reward appears, it may appear in the second and third place options!”

“But as long as you have obtained the rewards, you will not get them repeatedly in the future~”

Hearing Shirono’s explanation,

Everyone also suddenly realized,

And Obito also set his sights on two rewards at the moment,

Looking at the Navy Rokushi and Sendou,

For both rewards,

Obito but more inclined to fairy beans,

A jar of fairy beans, as long as there is a breath, you can recover instantly after eating,

This kind of fetish, compared to the naval six style, is the most exciting for Obito,

After all, no matter how good the move is,

Where life is precious,

And he still has Kamui,

It is even less necessary to use the Navy Six.

Immediately, Obito also made his choice

“I choose Sendou!”

【Selection successful! 】

【Congratulations on obtaining: a can of fairy beans】

【Rewards will be distributed after the meeting!】 】

Seeing that Obito chose fairy beans,

Even Shirano was a little surprised,

I didn’t expect Obito to give up the Navy Six and choose a can of fairy beans,

But Shirano thought of the ability to bring a kaleidoscope of soil,

I also understood why Obito chose 19 to ask for fairy beans.

Can be blurred, what kind of physical skills.

After all, it does not rely on physical skills to eat.

With the third place with soil selection,

Other people’s rewards were also listed instantly.

[Fourth place: The second generation Hokage Senjukuma World gets a guaranteed reward]

【Reward: Navy Six Style】

[5th place: Ninja Path 5th generation Naruto Tsunade received a guaranteed reward]

【Reward: Navy Six Style】

[Sixth place: Five generations of Hokage Tsunade World won the guaranteed reward]

【Reward: Navy Six Style】

[Seventh place: The fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen won the bottom reward]

【Reward: Navy Six Style】

This time the guaranteed reward,

It turned into a physical cultivation method from another world,

Although I don’t know exactly how this Navy Six is,

But to be able to appear in the first place reward,

That shows that there is still something magical about this naval six.

“Okay! Everyone has also been rewarded~”

“So, do you have any questions?”

After everyone else’s guaranteed reward has appeared,

After Bai Ye’s gaze looked around everyone, he also slowly spoke,

At this time, everyone was still immersed in the magic of the chat group,

Even the same is true of the first generation who have already gone through two meetings,

No matter how you look at it,

It’s magical.

But after hearing Shirono’s words,

Everyone couldn’t help but look at each other,

Then he shook his head,

Seeing this, Bai Ye didn’t say much,

And then ready to end this meeting,

Before closing,

Shirano looked towards Tsunade, the ninja path again,

“There will soon be a huge crisis in your world~”

“So, don’t forget the function of the Hokage chat group, press the help button in time!”

“We’ll come over and help you!”


Ninja Way Tsunade also nodded seriously,

Being able to have the help of so many other worlds of Hokage,

Compared to any crisis is enough to solve.

After finishing the order, Bai Ye also looked at everyone and smiled: “Then everyone, this meeting is over here~”

“See you at our next meeting~”

“If you encounter an unsolvable crisis, press the mutual aid button in time~”

Let’s just say it,

Shirano chose to end this Hokage meeting,

At the moment when Shirano chooses to end,

In the chat group space,

The colorful light appeared again and covered everyone,

When everyone opens their eyes again,

Consciousness has returned to its respective worlds.

The original Hokage World,

Just opened my eyes between the columns,

Looking at everything familiar in front of you,

The pillars also know that they have returned,

When you think of the rewards you get in chat groups,

Zhujian suddenly shouted impatiently into the chat group in his mind: “Accept the reward!” ”

The thought of having the same abilities as Madara,

The columns became more and more excited.

【Ding! Rewards have been distributed~】

【Please pay attention to check~】

Listen to the familiar system tone,

The pillars suddenly felt a tingling in his eyes,

But soon that feeling disappeared.


It’s a clearer world.

Thinking that I already have chakra eyes and white eyes,

The pillar hurried to the mirror,

Looking at the eyes that have completely changed at this moment,

The left eye is exactly the same chakra eye as the spot,

The right eye is the white eye of the Hyuga family.

The two eyes are perfectly conceded in the body between the pillars,

And at this time the chakra eye,

Under the action of the immortal body between the pillars, it began to rotate wildly,

The original one-hook jade has begun to evolve towards the two-hook jade,

“This is Madara’s ability~”

Feel the power of the chakra eye,

The columns are not only full of thoughts,

Once a best friend, but now it is separated by yin and yang, (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

If the spot is still there,

I must tell him everything that happened these days. (Today’s pillars don’t know that Madara is not dead at all)

And in a hidden valley in the first world,

Listen to the report,

Uchiha who came here with a strange look,

Especially after hearing that the pillars also lied to death, and cleaned up all the major ninja villages,

The expression on Madara’s face was even richer.

“Hey, are you sure you’re not kidding?!”

“These are all made between the columns?”

In the face of Uchiha’s doubts,

At this time, he was also helpless,

Even he didn’t think of it,

The change of this time between the thousand hand columns,

It’s like two people.

For a while, both fell silent,

One begins to consider whether to go back and take a look,

The other is to start thinking about whether to fool Uchiha and then go to fight with the pillars,

Otherwise, his plan is likely to be stopped by the thousand hand pillars,

At this time, the two are also pregnant with ghosts,

The two fell silent, and no one spoke their minds.

The other side of the second generation world,

After returning from the chat group space,

The second generation hurriedly walked out of his research base,

This time the Hokage Conference,

The second generation thought that because of the research, they wasted a year in vain,

Led to a direct change from the second to the fourth,

Next time, there may be a few more Hokage worlds,

Who knows what level the extra few Hokage worlds have,

I have to develop Konoha as soon as possible.

As for the naval six-style that the system rewards,

The second generation quickly took it down,

After reading the Navy Six in my mind,

His eyes suddenly lit up,

Whether it is moon step or Arashi foot is a very good ability,

As for shaving and instantaneous surgery, it is still slightly inferior,

But it’s not much different.

If you learn all these six styles, you can definitely be called physically forbearing,

After all, the Navy Six can be said to be very comprehensive.

“In this way, you may be able to use the Six Styles to cultivate a group of ninjas!”

At this time, the second generation also instantly linked the Navy Six and the ninja school,

With this reward,

I can definitely quickly increase the number of ninjas in Konoha,

Physical ninjas are also ninjas.

“Go and inform Uchiha Kagami and the others”

“Be fast!”

Soon by order of the second generation,

One after another figures quickly left in all directions,

It is the dark part that has always been hidden around the second generation.

And the second generation also quickly went to the Hokage building,

Konoha’s new development plan began to come up in my mind!

Four generations of Watergate World,

After returning from the chat group,

Watergate directly received the training method of the Navy Six,

After reading the training methods of the Navy Six,

Watergate also instantly had the same idea as the second-generation Hokage Senju in his mind,

That is to combine the Navy Six Style and the Ninja School,

It can definitely greatly improve the strength of Konoha ninjas,

This Navy Six Type 847 is definitely no less than the level of B-grade ninjutsu,

But it’s just physical skills.

A physical skill that can be practiced as long as the requirements are met.

“Kakashi, go call Kailai Hokage Building!”

“There’s a task to give him!”

Hear Watergate’s words,

Kakashi also quickly left to find Kai,

In Watergate’s view,

Kai is the most suitable person for this naval six,

After Kai learns it, it can be implemented in the ninja school.

The World of Five Generations Tsunade,

Thinking that I was in the bottom position again,

This made Tsunade a little difficult to accept for a while,

He is obviously already so capable of developing Konoha,

The result is still on the bottom,

As for the naval six-style that the system rewards,

Tsunade naturally accepted it,

Among the moves, Tsunade is also eye-catching,

Moreover, it turned out to be unusually suitable for himself,

Then began to study the six types of the navy,

When you become proficient, you can teach it to others in the village.

Fantasy World Six Generations Uchiha Obito World,

“Is this fairy bean?”

Looking at the jar of fairy beans in front of you,

Obito also looked up and down with a suspicious face,

This is something that resembles a broad bean.

Is it really that amazing?

If it weren’t for the fact that everything that happened in chat groups was so real,

And this fairy bean that appeared out of thin air,

Obito really doesn’t want to believe it,

This jar of broad beans in front of you will have such a magical function,

In order to verify your ideas,

Obito directly picked up one and threw it into his mouth,

Just ate the fairy beans,

An unparalleled vitality instantly spread in the body of the soil,

This feeling,

Let the soil be even more shocked,

Without waiting for the soil to react,

This power instantly spread to Obito’s face,

As long as there is a problem with the body, Xian Dou can be repaired 100%,

Let the whole body perform at its best.

Soon under the action of fairy beans,

Obito suddenly felt that his injured face and lost left eye were a little itchy,


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