
“What sound?!”

This sudden tone,

Let Tuan Zang’s face change instantly,

The eyes looked around the room~,

I searched around and couldn’t find a place.

This made Tuan Zang frown.

“What the hell is it?”

Just as Tuan Zang pondered,

The sudden prompt sounded in Tuan-Zang’s mind again.

【Ding! The group leader Shirano has already launched the Hokage Conference! Please join us now! 】

At this moment,

The regiment hid and couldn’t sit still,

I finally became a Hokage,

I don’t want to be killed so quickly.

“Coming !!!”

Just listen to a boom,

Hidden in the shadows, Yamanaka Wind and Oil Lady Root quickly rushed into the office,

One left and one right protected Tuanzo in the middle.

“Danzo-sama! What’s the situation? ”

“Are there enemies?”

At this time, the two of them also looked at the office with a confused look,

There was no movement at all,

At this moment, the two were also a little confused,

Looking at the office there is no movement,

Tuan Zang was also a little puzzled,

Isn’t this voice coming from around?

Could it be that what the voice said was true?

Come to think of it,

Tuan Zang also hurriedly took out the mountain wind duo on the side.

Then he focused on the tone again.

After taking a closer look,

Tuan Zang suddenly felt a burst of ecstasy.

“Hahahaha!!! Day chop! ”

“See! Teacher, he really chose the wrong person! ”

“You have been a Hokage for so many years, have you ever encountered such a magical thing?!”

“Have you ever been invited by the Hokage chat group?!”

“It would be a mistake to choose you as Hokage!”

“Only my Shimura Danzo is the destiny of heaven!!!”

After studying the Hokage chat group,

Tuan Zang also became more and more proud,

In Tuan Zang’s opinion, Sarutobi Richo must not have been invited by this Hokage chat group,

But now,

He has just become a Hokage,

was successfully invited by the Hokage chat group,


You can go and meet other Hokage in various worlds!

“Hmph! If you can meet the teacher! ”

“I must prove to the teacher that choosing the ape flying sun slash is a mistake!”

“Chat group! I join the meeting!! ”

At this time, Tuan Zang couldn’t wait any longer,

It was as if he had met his former teacher, the second-generation Hokage Senjuma.

As Tuan Zang’s voice fell,

The colorful light instantly enveloped Tuan Zang,

Six generations of Hokage Kakashi world,

Today’s Konoha is entering a period of rapid development,

It’s not just Konoha,

The same goes for the other four countries.

And not so long ago,

But there are constant changes on the moon,

More and more meteorites are falling from the sky,

Let the five major powers hold the Five Shadows talks more than once,

For meteorites falling on the moon,

The five major powers even made a timer for the destruction of the moon,

Keep an eye on the moon every day.

“This day, every day, it’s really getting more and more headaches!”

“I always feel that something is wrong~”

“I don’t know if it’s my own delusion”

Looking at the moon outside the window that is getting closer and closer to the earth,

Kakashi also had a sad face,

Now the five major powers are worried about the moon.

【Ding! You have joined the Konoha Hokage chat group】

[Group leader Shirano is holding a Hokage meeting, please join now! ] 】


“What sound?!”

A voice suddenly came to my head,

It made Kakashi tense instantly,

After all, the Ninja World War has only ended for less than two years,

At this time,

It’s not good if there are still some enemies.

Without the earthy Sharingan,

Today’s Kakashi doesn’t have to open some chakra eyes every day to overconsume,

Now it can be regarded as a real shadow level.

However, compared with the original double god Kaisusa, the strength is still much weaker.

Even so,

Kakashi, who is a sixth-generation Hokage, is not that easy to deal with.

Just as Kakashi tensed up,

The secretary on the side looked at Kakashi with a puzzled expression.

“Naruto-sama, what’s wrong with you?”

“Is there any emergency?”

Hearing the secretary’s questioning question,

Kakashi couldn’t help but be stunned,

Puzzled, he returned: “Can’t you hear this voice?” ”

“What sound? Nope! ”

Get this answer,

Kakashi couldn’t help but look deeply at the secretary,

Seeing the other party’s serious look,

At this time, Kakashi couldn’t help but wonder in his heart,

Could it be that only you can hear this voice?

【Ding! The group leader Shirano has already launched the Hokage Conference! Please join us now! 】

At this very moment,

The voice in my head sounded again,

Kakashi looked at the secretary who was still unresponsive on the side,

At this time, I also put my mind down,

It seems that this voice can really only be heard by himself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Looking at the words of the Hokage chat group,

Kakashi couldn’t help but freeze his eyes,

“Hokage’s chat group~”

“That is, is it okay to chat with Hokage here?”

“It should be understood that way, right?”

Just under Kakashi’s subconscious inquiry,

The Hokage chat group quickly answered,

And gave Kakashi everything in his mind to explain everything in the chat group,

After understanding it,

Kakashi’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Now the problem of the moon has not been solved.

If you can talk to the Hokage of other worlds,

Perhaps a solution to this problem can be obtained.

“Then, I join!”

As Kakashi said,

Countless colorful rays of light gushed out in front of you,

In an instant, Kakashi was enveloped,

After the upgrade of today’s Hokage chat group,

Every time the Hokage meeting is held,

The world of people participating in the chat group goes to a standstill.

Wait until the meeting is over and you return.

So you no longer have to worry about what will happen to your world.

As Kakashi also entered the chat space,

What comes into view,

It is a figure that has been hoisted.

That familiar figure,

Let Kakashi’s eyes freeze,

It turned out to be Tuan Zang.

But at this time, Tuanzang looks a little miserable,

There is no good place in the whole person,

And the others between the pillars were carrying a thorny whip in their hands at this moment.

I also didn’t listen to Tuan Zang’s explanation,

A whip and a whip was whipped at Tuan Zang fiercely.

But even so,

The crowd has not yet relieved.

Seeing this, Bai Ye also came to everyone,

At this time, the newly joined Kakashi was also pulled over by Kakashi who took the earth and the three generations of the world.

Explain the ins and outs of everything,

Let Kakashi, who came in later, suddenly realize,

“Okay, guys, before the fifth Hokage meeting begins!”

“Let’s first introduce the new functions of chat groups~”

“Presumably, everyone should have known in advance, right?”

Hearing Shirono’s words,

The pillars and others who were still pumping and hiding also temporarily stopped their movements,

Everyone nodded towards Bai Ye.

In this regard,

Bai Ye also quickly gave up a position, revealing the light gate that suddenly appeared behind him,

“So, let’s try out the new features of chat groups first!”

“Next, there’s the duel arena feature!”

“How can you enjoy just smoking him, go to the duel arena and fight well!”

As soon as I heard Shirono’s words,

The eyes of the pillars and others suddenly lit up,

One by one, they said that they would be the first to enter and have a trick with the group.

As several people discussed it,

In the end, the first one to fight,

It still fell on the body of the original Hokage Signature Thousand Hand Pillar.

And Tuan Zang was also put down at this time,

The injuries on his body were also recovered as soon as possible by the chat group.

“Tuan Zang, don’t say we don’t give you a chance!”

“As long as you can win any of us Hokage in the duel arena!”

“Then, you can stay in the chat group!”

“On the contrary, you should be able to imagine the result!”

At this time, the group was hiding when he heard Shirono’s words,

There’s so much to manage there.

Quickly agreed.

Since entering the chat group,

Originally, Danzo also wanted to find his teacher, the second generation Hokage, to prove it well,

He is the most suitable Hokage.

The result exaggeration did not wait,

At the moment when I saw Tuan Zang join the chat group,

The second generation directly beat Tuan Zang violently,

After the fight, I was even more relieved,

Directly let the original pillars on the side do it,

Hung it up,

All the people took up the thorn whip given between the pillars,

Pumped Tuan Zang’s body,

This can torture Tuanzo.

Now it’s hard to put it down,

Tuanzo didn’t want to be hung up anymore.

Seeing that Tuanzo agreed,

The original most gentle personality of the first generation has completely changed in the chat group at this moment,

With a smile on his face, he walked into the light gate of the duel arena first,

And Tuanzang,

Under the gaze of everyone,

Run and can’t run away,

I could only bite the bullet and follow the original pillar into the duel arena.

With the moment the two entered the duel arena,

The entire chat group space changes in an instant,

Everyone was already sitting in the stands on both sides of the duel arena at this time.

And inside the duel arena,

It was the first generation and Tuanzang.

“It’s about to start, do you want to bet?”

“There are still points to bet on ~ five”.

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