Tomoki, who is still immersed in the honor plan, is gradually perfecting the layout of the joint ninja exam.

The moment he appeared in the Thousand Hands, he raised his head.

Then Tomoki was stunned.

Isn't it stopping the water

? What is he doing here?

There was only a momentary pause in his thoughts, and then Tomoki took action and shouted.

"There's an assassin!" In

fact, before Tomoki could shout, the guards hiding in the shadows had already begun to act.

In Tomoki's office, one by one, the sealing talisman arrays began to light up, and at the same time, various ninja devices shot towards the Thousand Hands at a rapid pace.

Some helpless thousand hands did not dodge, allowing the forbearance to stab its body.

Anyway, it won't hurt, it won't bleed, and it won't die!

" "Godaimei, I'm a thousand hands..."

, who was about to identify himself, was interrupted by Yuki shouting before he could finish speaking.

"The traitorous ape flying to the sun, I've been waiting for a long time, let me die!" "

The Thousand Hands are worthless to Tomoki today, and he wants to go around Konoha even if he wants to, what is this going to do now?

No matter what he wants to do, Tomoki doesn't want to know, let alone let him reveal his identity.

After the resurrection, the Thousand Hands are extremely tricky in themselves, not because of their strength, but because of their identity and their Flying Thunder God technique.

Tomoki felt that the Thousand Hands would not be unfavorable to Konoha in the first place, and secondly, the combat power was mediocre, and he couldn't make any big deals, so he let it go as he pleased.

However, at this time, a thousand hands are so good that they will not die, and they will trespass into their office without permission!

Thousand Hands is indeed a masterpiece of a generation, and the security department he created is the reason why Tomoki can be so comfortable today.

If there was no security department, how could Tomoki be so comfortable at this time, either he was still fighting with Sarutobi and Shimura Tuanzang, or he was driven to a corner to fight from scratch.

For Senju's generosity towards the Uchiha at the beginning, Tomoki is grateful.

Gratitude is gratitude.,Just stay in your heart.,There's no conflict between Yuki and Yushu who wants to kill a thousand hands.。

Dead people should stay in the Pure Land honestly, and don't just go out to make waves.

Although I want to kill you, it is also for your own good, and I don't ask you to be grateful for it between your thousand hands, just die obediently.

Before the sealing talisman array could be completely lit up, another figure appeared, and the Uchiha stopped the water.

Knowing that the tricky water stop of the Flying Thunder God's technique, he postponed part of the work and also kept his attention.

When there was a fluctuation in Tomoki's office, Zhishui didn't think about it and came along.

After hearing Tomoki's words, Senju also understood.

Do you dislike yourself and get in the way?

A slight wry smile appeared on his face, big brother, after all, he is not as thorough as you!

He glanced at Tomoki deeply, and the water stop that had just appeared, which was seven or eight points similar to the mirror in his memory.

This should be the descendant of the mirror, the Flying Thunder God technique is so proficient, and he is a little relieved.

Don't you welcome me?

Then I'll go!

A thousand hands who wanted to leave suddenly found that they had lost their sense of the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God.

This is to get rid of me, an old man who is in the way

, so decisively!

Senju was not angry, but was a little relieved, and looked at Tomoki with appreciation.

That is the elders' heartfelt appreciation for the outstanding juniors.

Immediately afterward, the entire office was filled with flames, but all the furnishings in it were not ignited in the slightest.

The beautiful fire escape!

Thousand Hands admired it again, but still reminded him.

"Five generations, the only way to reincarnate in the filthy earth is to seal it, otherwise even if you kill me, I will be resurrected again. "

A thousand hands with a rigid and serious face, want to teach Yushu a lesson and help him quit the bad habit of arrogance.

However, when the hellfire burned on the body of the Thousand Hands, the face of the Thousand Hands suddenly changed.

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