Konoha Village.


A sigh rang out from the Hokage's office, and Fugaku was smoothing the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes with his two index fingers.

"What's the matter, Lord Fugaku, is it because the front line is not going well?" asked

an Uchiha ninja who appeared and turned to Fugaku.

It's not the first time that Yuki has left the village alone and gone out to surf alone.

once didn't let Fu Yue pretend to be himself, and relied on some henchmen to help cover up.

This time, Tomoki didn't hide it from them.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm old and a little sentimental!" Fu

Yue replied to the clansman after smoothing the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

Just after Fugaku contacted the headquarters of the front, Iwakure's resistance caused a little trouble to the coalition forces, but it was not a big problem.

There is no need for Fugaku to do anything, and Tomoki has already arranged everything before he leaves.

All Fugaku has to do is listen to the report every day, in the name of Tomoki.

Following the principles that Tomoki had told him before leaving, Fugaku listened to the report with a smile on his face.

The reason why I sigh is just that I feel old, and life is not easy.

Not long after she played the role, after returning home at night, Mai Trin asked herself what she was doing every day and why there were more and more folds on her face.

Naturally, Fugaku wouldn't tell Mikoto about coming to the Hokage's office on duty every day.

This also made Mai Tamin suspicious recently, and last night she was kicked out of the bedroom by Mai Tamin and slept alone in the guest room.

"How are you guys doing over there, have you contacted Hokage-sama?"


the clansman replied, shaking his head.

Before Tomoki and Orochimaru went to the moon, they had already informed Konoha that they would lose contact for a while, and if it wasn't a particularly important matter, don't take the initiative to contact him.

In addition to communicating through the 'Sky Eye', spiritism can also get in touch with Yushu.

Fu Yue thought about his situation, it shouldn't be an important matter, so he had to sigh again.


Five days ago, after learning that Tomoki had something to do and needed to disconnect, Fugaku also asked what the situation was, which was particularly important.

Tomoki answered only two ways at the time.

One, Konoha is about to be destroyed.

Second, the project codenamed [Yuan] of the experimental building has achieved final results.

First of all, Fugaku felt that it was completely impossible for him to happen in his lifetime.

And the second thing, what the project codenamed [Yuan] is, what it does specifically, and what the purpose is, Fuyue doesn't know anything.

Tomoki didn't explain, and Fugaku wouldn't ask.

All the unlocked and unsealed documents in the office, Tomoki told Fuyue that he could browse them at will.

A few days ago, when he was bored, Fu Yue flipped through a document with clues of the [Yuan] project.

It was a financial report with a payment to the party, which was [yuan], without the slightest other record, and there was no recipient.

Fuyue, who piqued his curiosity a little, flipped through the previous financial reports and found that the project had started a few years ago.

Originally, it was the accounts of the Ministry of Security instead of Konoha, which can be traced back several years.

Fugaku didn't think that a project from a few years ago would come to fruition just in the time of Tomoki's absence.

Fugaku, who feels that there is little hope, hopes that Tomoki can finish things quickly and return to Konoha as soon as possible.

Konoha can't lose you for a day, Tomoki-kun!At

the same time, inside the experimental building.

Orochimaru's originally spacious laboratory was a little crowded at this time, and researchers in coats were shuttling non-stop, busy with their own affairs.

"Two team leaders, the results are out!"

a researcher, respectfully holding a screen, handed it to Orochimaru and Dou.

Dou didn't move at all, looked at Orochimaru and said.

"Senior, this is your project, you please first.

Orochimaru didn't hesitate, he took the screen directly, and after glancing at it, a smile appeared on his face.

"Tou-kun, you see, that's exactly what happened. As

he spoke, Orochimaru flipped it over and turned it into his pocket.

Seeing the results above, Dou's face was full of disbelief, and his mouth was still muttering.

"How could it be, how could it be!"

But in an instant, Dou regained his composure, and a hint of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

Orochimaru clearly caught this and spoke.

"Dou-kun, use the sealing technique, like you said, this is my project

!" "But it's not safe!" Dou

didn't give in at all, and at the same time, his body began to tense, ready to do it at any time.

Looking at Dou looking ready to kill at any time, Orochimaru spoke.

"Do you remember what Tomoki-kun said before leaving, Toku-kun?"

Orochimaru's hint reminded Tomoki's instructions to him, and his body finally eased up.

"So that's true for the time being, but it's up to Tomoki-sama to decide. After

saying that, Dou called a researcher who was second only to him and Orochimaru.

"All researchers, including you, leave the lab, accept the highest level of seal, and execute it immediately

!" "Yes, Pharmacist Team Leader!"

After the researcher began to act, Dou walked out of the lab and hurried towards the Hokage Building.

Ten minutes later, when Fu Yue listened to Dou's story, his eyes lit up.

"Quick, contact Hokage-sama immediately!".

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