Konoha: Uchiha’s Counterattack

Chapter 455 Sorry Kakashi

"Kakashi, do you want to hear my story?" Obito Uchiha said calmly

Kakashi recovered and nodded.

"I didn't actually die that day. I was saved by a person who claimed to be Uchiha Madara. I don't know what method he used. Anyway, my body is just like what you see.

He used special means to complete it, but because I was seriously injured, I couldn't move all the time, so I couldn't go back to Konoha. We have been in a cave for an unknown amount of time.

One day a creature named Bai Jue came to me and told me that you and Lin were in danger. I was so excited that I fell off the bed, thinking that I would save you even if I climbed.

At this time, Bai Jue said that he could help me, so I became one with him and became a walking alien. I went from learning to walk to walking like a ninja.

No matter how much pain I endure, I don't care, because I'm going to save you, and I won't allow Lin to be hurt. When I stumbled all the way to reach you.

I saw a scene that I couldn't accept, Kakashi, you killed Lin yourself, right? I couldn't accept everything in front of me at the time, and I wanted to destroy everything, so I opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

I, who has already gone berserk, will directly kill all the fog ninjas who are chasing you, leaving no one behind. I also took Lin's body away, and Bai Jue persuaded me to get my eyes back, but I didn't do that.

Because the gift I gave my best brother at that time, since I gave it, there is no reason to take it back. I took Lin's body back to the crypt, knelt on the ground and begged Uchiha Madara, hoping that he could save Lin's life like he saved me.

But all he got was a sigh, it was too late. It was too late, Lin died. My world seems to have lost its color since then, just when my heart fluctuates the most.

Uchiha Madara told me a plan. He said that his plan can create a world where there is no war, no hatred, and everyone can dream come true. This world is the Moon Eye Project.

And after the realization of the Eye of the Moon project, I can live with Lin again in the dream until the end of my life. For a moment, I felt hopeful that I had found a solution to my problem.

I don't care what I do or what plans I make. When I lost Lin, I wished I could die for her. There can be an opportunity now, whether it is real or an unreal dream.

I want Lin to live! So I agreed to the other party's request and became his spokesperson in this world. Instead of him who was already dying, he became the executor to complete the plan.

The most important step in this plan is to collect the nine tailed beasts and recombine the nine tailed beasts to form ten tails. And this step, the biggest obstacle is my hometown Konoha.

No one knows the strength of him and his wife Uzumaki Kushina better than me, the disciple of Namikaze Minato. It can be said that the teacher and the teacher's wife are the biggest obstacles to resurrecting Lin.

I didn't make up my mind at that time, and I didn't know how to solve this matter. I hesitated and came to Konoha's comfort monument. It was Lin's death day, and I saw you there.

Remember what you said to Lin, you said, 'The teacher is going to be a father. ’ You take this secret as good news and share it with Lin. I take this as a revelation from God.

You should have guessed what happened next. That's right, I was the culprit who colluded with Shimura Danzo, released Kyuubi, and indirectly killed my master and teacher's wife.

The masked man who attacked Konoha was me! I'm sorry, Kakashi, I must have disappointed you as a sinner. Obito Uchiha said in pain, covering his face with tears

Hatake Kakashi was a little dazed by the shocking news. Obito, he is actually the masked man who attacked Konoha? ! He actually did such an outrageous thing, is this still the Obito I know?

Obito Uchiha wiped away tears from both wounds, and continued, "I am excited about my plan, because I am one step closer to success, and I can meet Lin again in that void world sooner. .

But what I didn't expect was that there was a person who tracked down everything step by step. This person is our Fifth Hokage, I don't know how he did it.

But he did find me, and he used a very rational analysis to expose Uchiha Madara's trick of lying. You know what, he told me, you, me and Lynn.

All our tragic experiences were actually written by others. We were trapped one by one and became what we are now. All of this is because the other party wants me to replace him to complete the Eye of the Moon project.

At that moment, I still felt lucky in my heart. I felt that even if it was the other party's trap, so what? I've been here all these years, and I've thought about it myself, but as long as I can meet Lin again, all of this is nothing.

Uchiha Yang, he is like a monster, a devil. He always seemed to be able to see through people's minds, so he told me a plan, a plan that I could not refuse no matter what.

He can revive Lin! ! ! He said he could revive Lin! I thought he lied to me with the photo frame at that time, but he asked me to get back a ninjutsu, and I went to get it back in person.

I asked other people to experiment with this ninjutsu myself, and guess what? I succeeded, I succeeded in bringing someone who had just died, at the cost of another person's life, back to life. "Uchiha Obito said a little crazy

Hatake Kakashi's eyes were wide open at the moment, he couldn't believe what Obito Uchiha said, there is really ninjutsu in this world, can a person who has just died be resurrected? !

In the past two hours, the amount of information was a bit too much for him, and he was already a little numb from the shock of news one after another.

Uchiha Obito looked at the surprised Kakashi, satisfied with his dumbfounded, so he continued, "So I continued to experiment to see if I could revive those who had been dead for a long time.

The result was a failure. This ninjutsu can only save people who died not long ago. So I took this, the ninjutsu that the Fifth Hokage told me, and came to Konoha again.

Because I know that for the Fifth Hokage who knows the art well, there must be a way to revive Lin. For this reason, our hospital will be smashed to pieces, and we will not hesitate.

I don't know what her next plan is for you, and I don't know what the future holds. But his medicinal wine to me was very simple, to make up for my mistakes, and let me spend the rest of my life to repent and atone for my sins.

Knowing that Konoha can accept a sinner like me. I don't really care about this, I only care about whether I can revive Lin. So sorry, Kakashi.

For you Obito Uchiha, life is better than death. I'm such a disappointment to you. kakashi"

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