Konoha’s Love Master

Chapter 316 Let's Get Married

It took a full three months to pacify the various battlefields.

It is not difficult to win the war, but what is difficult is to deal with the complicated relations between major powers after the war and the various psychological traumas of the ninjas.

In order to maximize the political capital brought to him by the Three World Wars, Hinata Wuye traveled all over the frontiers of the border in the past three months, pushing his medical ninjutsu and chicken soup levels to the limit.

At the same time, it is also telling everyone who led them to come back against the wind and win this war!

"Wu Ye, something happened in the village."

On this day, Namikaze Minato suddenly teleported in front of him.

"What's happening?"

Higashiya came out of the ward.

"You haven't returned to the village yet, the third generation has already declared the victory of the war, and the celebrations have begun!" Namakaze Minato frowned.

Wuye was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Is he crazy? To celebrate without waiting for the desperate ninjas to return to the village? This is going to lose people's hearts."

A look of helplessness flashed between Minato's brows: "Because the village has basically reached a peace agreement with the other four major ninja villages, we only need to send a mission to sign the final document."


Wu Ye finally reacted: "The third generation took the opportunity of reaching a peace agreement to declare victory in the war?"

"Yes, the whole village is promoting Hokage's merits," Minato said helplessly, "It seems that the real credit belongs to the higher-ups."


He gritted his teeth, and said awkwardly: "It's not that the village didn't publicize the achievements of the ninjas on the battlefield, but they ignored you, the commander-in-chief, and mainly focused on me."

"That's it..."

Hyuga Wuye sneered: "It's really a good method!"

"It's not good for foreign wars, but it's a good player for domestic power!"

He folded his arms and said: "While I was on the front line, I negotiated and reached a peace agreement with the major ninja villages in the name of Hokage, giving everyone the illusion that the war is the end of the third generation, and at the same time improving your prestige and weakening us in all directions. influence."

"Wu Ye, what are you going to do?"

Namikaze Minato looked at him with some concern: "After the war, the village needs to be rebuilt and restored, and it can't stand bigger twists and turns..."

"Then it depends on whether they know each other or not. Do I really think I'm the same Hinata Wuye I used to control?"

Wu Ye lowered his arms: "And I'm really curious, how did the third generation manage to negotiate the most difficult truce agreement in three months?"

"Maybe," Minato speculated, "Hokage-sama is better at this?"

"No," Wuye sneered, "I think it's more likely that he has transferred a huge benefit, because it is too important for him to reach an agreement first."


Minato's head was buzzing: "The ninjas are fighting on the front line, but Hokage..."

"Don't worry, he will give you a reason..."

Hinata Wuya imitated the kind and gentle appearance of the third generation and said: "Everything is for Konoha, for peace, for everyone's safety, the necessary concessions are worth it."

Namikaze Minato: "..."

"Minato, help me go around the four major war zones, this time I'll leave the key to you."

Wu Ye handed him the commander's warrant: "This is the last order."

Minato nodded solemnly: "Okay."

Afterwards, Wuye asked Slug to reverse channel him back to Konoha.

According to his previous notice, the ninja troops on the border of the country of water have not withdrawn for the time being.

So Kaguya and Uchiha Mikoto are still there.

In the room, there was still the figure of Kushinaike.

"Do you wait in your room every day?"

Wu Ye hugged her and gently stroked the soft red hair.

"There's nothing to do anyway..."

Kushina pouted her lips delicately.

Hyuga Wuye blocked it back with his own.

After a while, the two separated.

"You have something to do soon, and I need your help."

Wuye pressed his forehead to hers, quietly feeling each other's warmth.

"Okay, okay! I want to help you!" Kushina jumped up happily.

Wuye smiled and let go of her: "Then wait a moment, I'll go to the Hokage Building."


Jiuxinna finally kissed him on the cheek hard, then let him go obediently, and sat back in front of the window in boredom.

Hyuga Wuye took one last look at her before turning around.

In the bright spring, the beautiful silhouette seems to be shining.

Unknowingly, that six or seven-year-old childhood sweetheart has completely grown up...

Like a delicate and charming rose, it exudes an intoxicating fragrance.


He suddenly spoke uncontrollably.


Kushina turned her head, her red hair flying like a hot flame.

"after a while…"

Wu Ye's eyes were tightly entangled in her cool eyes.

"Let's get married."


As if a depth bomb had been dropped in the depths of the soul, Kushina was blown dizzy all of a sudden.

"You... what did you say..."

Her slender lips trembled slightly: "Can... can you say... say it again..."

"I said…"

Wu Ye's voice was calm but firm: "Let's get married."

This is not his impulse, it is something he has decided long ago.

He'll give everyone the wedding they want, but Kushina will be the first.

Because she was the first love and the one who endured the most.


Without saying a word, tears rolled down his face.

Jiu Xinnai wiped it off in a hurry, but the more she wiped, the more flowers became more blurry.

"I...I'm so happy..."

On her pear-blossoming face, she was crying and laughing, so touching.

"Me too."

Wuye walked out the door, leaving Kushina alone to calm down the turbulent emotions.

He looked towards the sky, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

The cool air made him feel slightly calm.

Afterwards, he strode towards the Hokage Building.

At this moment, no one can stop his way to the top!

"Master Wuye!"

"Master Wuye!"


Along the way, many people saluted him respectfully, with reverence and admiration.

After the third Ninja World War, many things have changed, and they can never go back to the past, and the third generation thought everything was under control...

In the Hokage Building, Hyuga Wuya walked up step by step, without any ninja blocking him.

"Please come in."

As soon as he walked to the door of Hokage's office on the top floor, Sandai's calm voice came out.

The Chunin outside the door took the initiative to open the door for him, and after he entered, he closed it silently.

"Three generations, I want to see the four agreements you agreed to sign."

Before the door closed, Chunin heard this extremely rude opening remark.

His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly closed the door tightly.

"You're back."

The third generation seemed to be smoking a big cigarette indifferently, without even putting down the pipe, just holding it like that: "Don't worry, the war is over, and the village will not forget your contribution."

Hiyuki Wuye stepped forward and knocked on his desk.

"I said…"

"Show me the draft agreement."

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